Chapter 48: Pradumna-Padmaja Desired Union

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Story Unfolds :

All looked surprisingly worried now. For Padmaja. She was unconscious for 5 days. It was not the case that she did not gain senses a bit. But she lost it too almost instantly. Whether she had been developing a concusion or not even a famous royal Vaid of Dwarka was unable to determine.

"Mate, kya huwa?!! (Mother, what had happened?!!)" Vrishaketu asked to his mother Padmavati while sitting at the bed of his younger sibling.

This boy did not show his tenderness for his sister in open public but he in reality had adored her too much in heart. He knew that his sister was his ultimate responsibility. After the demise of his father Karna and his nine other siblings she had only him and he had only her. He had no other sister. Till his younger days he always wanted to have a sister to protect. He had asked her mothers to give him a sister. His both mothers Vrushali and Supriya laughed on his innocence while his younger mother Uruvi had become aloof for sometime just by hearing the demand. When he got his sister Padmaja as a boon from Devi Parvati the small boy was ecastic in joy. He cherished her. He protected her since then. Then how could he fail now?!! How could he show his own face to his father Karna and 9 other siblings?!! He had blamed himself for breaking the news of his only friend's (He meant Pradumna) illness to her so dramatically.

   Vrishaketu - Padmaja's Brother

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   Vrishaketu - Padmaja's Brother

His mother was crying constantly. Her eyes were blurred in tears. She did not know the answer. She nodded her head violently to signal her inability. She did not want to loose her too. Like her two sisters. Supriya and Uruvi at the time of Karna's death. He looked at her questioningly. Then he sighed hard. Her son also did not find out any suitable solution of the problem.

          Padmavati - Their Mother

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          Padmavati - Their Mother

Vatsyala was standing at the bedpost near unconscious Padmaja's head. It was she who noticed her sister-in-law coming back to senses and loosing it soon. She was scared too but she did not want to worry her family. Just by sharing the details. So she kept mum. Her own tears were threatening to fall down but she had managed to control them. She learnt it at the time of the unfortunate death of her husband. Her Vrishasen.

Karna-Nandini Padmaja: Her Journey Through Mahabharata (Karna Series 5)Where stories live. Discover now