Chapter 105: Chitra's Repent & Padmaja's Shock

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Story Unfolds :

Same Evening: At Royal Palace of Manipur:

That evening One woman was seeing at the window. She was truly sad and crying constantly God knew why?!! Her heart was melting down. It had stopped to beat. She heard One loud and clear whisper in her ears. She had heard her name

C. H. I. T. R. A.

She jumped out of her bed where she was lying due to weakness and ran to the windowpane from where the voice had came. She could not believe that she identified it even after so long times. How could he recall her?!! Did not he forgot her name?!! Did not he cruelly abandoned her 25 yrs ago?!! He was remembering her!!! Why?!! She clutched her weak bandaged head in both of her hands and then cried aloud while uttering this -

"Kyun?!! Kyun mujhe smaran kar rahe ho aj?!! Tab smaran nahin tha jab ki chor ke gaye the?!! Asahay!!! Ek stri ko garvavati abastha Main tyag karne se purv kyun nahin smaran kiya, Hey sarba Srestha dhanurdhar Arjuna?!!"

(Why?!! Why you are remembering me now?!!! Why did not you recall me when you abandoned me 25 yrs ago?!! That's also in helpless state!! Before leaving your pregnant wife all alone why did not you remember her, hey Arjuna, O best Archer of India?!!!)

Then she clunged to the windowpane and laughed aloud. In the next second her merry laughter tranfromed into a heartfelt cry. She was behaving this fanatic way since she heard his voice. She was none but the estranged third wife of Arjuna, Devi Chitrangada. The dearest mother of Babrubahan. She did not know that she heard his last whisper. She heard him to call her name at the exact time when he died on the battlefield. In the hands of their only son. Babrubahan. Her dear Babru.

   Chitrangada - 3rd wife of Arjuna

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Chitrangada - 3rd wife of Arjuna

All of sudden she broke up from her dreams by hearing a loud and clear declaration from the guard guarding her doorfront -

"Maharajah Babrubahan kaksha main pradhar rahe hain. (King Babrubahan is coming into the room.)"

She smiled brightly by hearing that. Her Babru was okay!!! He was alive!! She was petrified for his safety. Now she was happy. A big smile formed in her lips. That "Bhuban Mohini" (smile that can win over entire world) smile that was called as his 'Sunshine' by her husband Arjuna and 'breataking' by her son Babrubahan. She closed her eyes tightly. Then she sensed Her son Babrubahan was hugging her from behind. Like he always loved to do since his own childhood.

"Mate (mother)" He had even softly whispered in her right ear.

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Karna-Nandini Padmaja: Her Journey Through Mahabharata (Karna Series 5)Where stories live. Discover now