Chapter 62: Pradumna learnt about upcoming Fatherhood

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Story Unfolds :

Far end of Aryavart, two brothers were now roaming door to door. For food and shelter. They both were too much hungry and exhausted. But did not stop themselves from walking. Their feet were now swollen and bruised up. Their knees were hurt and injured. Their ankles were now badly sprained too. But the younger one did not pay any attention to his own injuries. He was happy to serve his brother. His right foot was full of blood because his toe nail of big finger was hurt by a stone. But he was seen to fetch water for his eldest sibling merrily as his brother had requested him. To bring water for himself. He was thirsty. Since two days they did not get any food to eat.

The young man looked directly at the direction of the big oak tree under whose shadow his brother was seen resting now. He was worried not for himself, but for his own brother. He knew that his brother needed ample amount of rest as his body was too weak for this journey. Now let us introduce him to you. He was Shalwa. Anushalwa. Dearest devoted sibling of Pradumna.

Prince Anushalwa

Shalwa dripped his fists into the pond whose clear and fresh water seemed tasty to him. He quenched his own thrust first. He wanted to be sure that this water was worthy to be given to his brother. Then he wanted to take it in his large palm when by chance he noticed a young girl was coming to this direction while humming some melodious tune. She seemed happy for no reason. She wore a yellow lehenga with pink Chunri, blouse and pink kati bashtra. She was smiling big. He looked at her direction and a small sigh escaped his mouth. She was so similar to his Bhabishree Padmaja. In her simpleness and naivety.

The girl suddenly noticed a strong bodied man was trying to fetch water in his palms and water was dropping off from his fingers. She took it as a funny incident and giggled happily.

He looked at her direction in awe. He failed to comprehend the reason of her happiness. She silently signalled to his mistake. He understood that immediately and lowered his head in embarrassment. He should not try to look foolish. To her. A strange girl.

"Pathik, apko jal patra chahihe?!! (O guest, do you need a bucket?!!)" She asked him in cheerful voice. Her tone was sweet and confident. But her own manner was childish.

Karna-Nandini Padmaja: Her Journey Through Mahabharata (Karna Series 5)Where stories live. Discover now