Chapter 90: Vrish accompanied Bheem-Arjuna to Manipur

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Story Unfolds :

At Hasrinapur:

"Jana jaruri hain?!! (Is it really too necessary for going?!!)" His wife made a cute pouting face. She wanted him not to go.

       Princess Yuvnakshi (Yuvi)

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Princess Yuvnakshi (Yuvi)

She ran her hand through her hair and tugged her locks behind her ears. She looked very cute while blushing like this. His heart fluttered everytime when she seemed like this.

He turned his head and uttered this word painfully - "Haan. (Yes.)"

In realty the boy of 19 was very much excited to join his uncles in the India tour. The horse of Aswamedha had to roam all over Indian subcontinents. From Chedi to Madra. From Shibi to Panchal. From Bidharva to Dwarka. From Pukeya to Manipur. He wanted to join them when they started their joinery towards Madra. But both of them declined. Bheem and Arjuna gave him some quality time to spend with his newly married wife. Yuvi. Even his geandmother Kunti and his eldest uncle Yudhhisthir were truly reluctant to permit him to go with them. But he wanted to see new lands by his own eyes. It was his dream of childhood that he would go and see new states. Till birth he saw only few Rajyas like Anga, Hastinapur, Dwarka, Mathura and Utkal. But he was a born traveller and explorer of the world. In his introduction portion you would get a glimpse of his this nature.

But today was an exception. He was so ready to go. And today he had been permitted to join his uncles at the last part of their journey. He was going to join them in Manipur. He must be so happy. But unfortunately he was not. His heart ached for her. His wife. He would miss her so much. Her sweet voice. Her batting of eyelashes. Her innocent pranks. Her beautiful face. Her cute dimply smile. Her seduction. Her anger. Her pouting of lips. Her defeating him in archery competition. Everything. He was now madly in love with her.

He lowered his head in frustration. He did not want her to see his face. Then she would never let him go. But he really wanted to. He bit his lowe lip on indecision. What to say to her?!! He did not know. He made pranks with his siblings. He nagged his dear uncles. He made a vow to his mother and grandmother to be a good boy all along the journey. But to her?!! He was unsure.

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Karna-Nandini Padmaja: Her Journey Through Mahabharata (Karna Series 5)Where stories live. Discover now