Chapter 31: Arjuna saved Vrishaketu from Rebels

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Story Unfolds :

"Sarb Pratham hame yeh Bidroh daman karna hoga!!! (At first of all we have to control the rebellion!!)" A man of stout figure and handsome face was telling this to his dear elder sibling. He was none but Arjuna himself.

        Madhyam Pandava Arjuna

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        Madhyam Pandava Arjuna

His brother Yudhhisthir was sitting in poker face. His emotions could not be seen through his face. Sometimes he looked just like his eldest sibling Karna. His emotions would be some time reciprocated through his eyes. Only. It was this time when his worry and stress was reflected in his eyes, but not in his face. He had got a bad news and a good news both from his spies. The good news was that his cousin nephew Pradumna was now at Manipur Royal Palace but the bad part was that he was not safe and sound. A bit. He was diagnosed with poison in his body. There was another reason of Yuddhisthir's worry. Before disappearance Pradumna was last seen with his niece Padmaja at the Lord Shiva Temple at the outskart of Anga Pradesh where what happened between them still remained in them. But the Pujari of the Lord Shiva Temple had witnessed some special kind of marriage. But between whom and why so secrecy?!! He failed to comprehend that.

     His elder brother Yudhhisthir

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     His elder brother Yudhhisthir

So Yudhhisthir had decided to go to Manipur. His chariot was being ready. But in his heart he was slightly scared too. He knew the situation in Anga was not a bit in their favor. Anytime the rebels could once more attack on the royal family. He promised his dear sister-in-law to keep her family safe. It was his responsibility to keep up with the promise. But he was bound to go to Manipur to fetch Pradumna back to Dwarka too. Lord Krishna expressed his helplessness for the first time in his life. So he had to help him. That was the ultimate reason of his current dilemma.

Arjuna turned around and by lifting his lotus shaped eyes to his brother looked at his face intently. He knew that his brother was in deep thought. It was the nature of his brother to be engrossed in thought every time. But this time the situation was truly critical. He could not blame his elder sibling a bit. He came to his brother and put his right hand on the left shoulder of Yudhhisrhir.

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