Chapter 60: News of Padmaja's Pregnancy reached Dwarka

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Story Unfolds :

Everyone around her looked at her direction with awe. Everyone known or unknown were asking for her own health conditions. Two maidens were now employed to look after her. She should be happy. On the contrary, she felt captivated inside a cage. She was not loving her situation a bit. She was in fact a girl of seventeen who was willing to run behind butterflies and to pluck white lilies from the tree. But her two maids did not allow her to go to the garden alone. God knew what happened to her that day?!! Padmaja cursed her own bad luck in mind. She till now never ever fainted in her life. She knew that her uncles had every right to be anxious for her. But this amount of overprotectiveness felt suffocating to her.

One day she was sitting alone in the garden bench of Hastinapur while swinging her legs absentmindedly. In mind she was thinking what was the reason of such sudden notice over herself, when she realized someone around 7 feet tall standing beside her. She tilted her head and discovered her middle uncle Bheem was standing there looking at her nervously. Their relationship was still now not a bit normal. Neither she felt intimidated by him nor interested in him.

She made a face and tuned away. He cleared his throat nervously.

"Kya main baith sakta hoon?!! (Can I sit here?!!)" He showed the empty seat beside her and asked very timidly. It did not seem like his normal tone a bit.

She nodded her head slowly in the agreement. Then patted the seat. He smiled big at her. Then with a thump sound sat down beside her.

Karna Nandini Padmaja

She looked at him for a second then concentrated on swinging her legs. In her own mind. She did not want to pay any attention to him. He also did not where to start. He gulped down nervously. The greatest powerful hulk like Mahabali Bheemsen looked lost in front of a 17 years old baby girl.

"Woh main yeah keh raha tha ki.. (I want to say that..)" Before he could open his mouth to finish the sentence he stopped abruptly. It seemed for no reason he was hesitant.

"Ha.. (Yes)" She encouraged him to talk without even looking in his eyes or stopping his legs swinging together. She did not like her middle uncle a bit. She liked eldest uncle Yudhhisthir as he was Father-figure to her. She began to trust uncle Arjuna too. For she understood that basically in heart her that uncle was innocent like a small child. But she did not trust Bheem, Nakul and Sahadev a bit. She knew none of them liked her father. Karna. A bit. They always mocked him for his lowly origin.

Karna-Nandini Padmaja: Her Journey Through Mahabharata (Karna Series 5)Where stories live. Discover now