Chapter 70: Yuvnaswa refused to give Shyamkarna Horse

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Story Unfolds :

A man of his early 50 was sitting tall in his throne with an worried look on his face. He had tremendous power of intelligence but he could not control the political situation of Aryavart after the Mahabharata war. He was a great scholar by himself. He had ample knowledge of politics. But he disliked Yudhhisthir for killing his own clan in the war of Mahabharata. And this sudden declaration of him to be the Chakraborty Smarat of entire Aruavart made him dubious about his intentions. He did not trust the Kuru clan a bit. Neither he was a friend with the Kaurava nor the Pandava. That was the reason why he avoided to take part in the Kurukshetra war. But he was a friend of previous Anga King, Karna, who once saved his own life from a tiger. Even if they had a huge Age gap but they became friends fast. His benevolent nature attracted this man towards him. By the way, he had another ulterior motive too. Anga and Kalinga were two states nearest to his border. For keeping his own territory safe he had to be in good terms with both of these two states. As a smart politician he was not a fool to pay blond eye to the demand of the pressing situations. Of that time and of this time too.

He was a medium highted but we'll built man. His figure was fat but apt for any war. He had a rough face with long beard and eyelashes unlike any man. His eyes were small and back. He had a big cherished mustache too that he loved to churn out everytime. His eyebrows were thickest that was now frowning deep in anxiety. His lips were always twisted in a small smile. Either smirk or grin. As if he unravelled every secret of this world.
He had muscular body adorned with broad scholuders and small hips. His legs were sturdy and long. In just two words he looked like a "true fighter" himself. Now let us introduce him to all. He was none but the mighty King of Utkal, Southern state of recent time Orissa, Yuvnaswa himself. The dear and dotting father of Princess Yuvi.

          Utkal King Yuvnaswa

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          Utkal King Yuvnaswa

He married to three wives. Among them his deceased wife Mahima was his favorite. Her simplicity and charm bowled over his heart. His other two wives could not be able to produce any offspring for him. Both Maharani Raghabi and Yuvarani Bhairavi were respected by him, but not loved by him. Mahima was only one among his wives who after 20 long years of their marriage could give him a daughter. If she did not died in childbed, the was going to give him a son too. After 3 years of the birth of Princess Yuvi. But what he thought and what had happened?!! She died!! And his dream of getting a son was shattered into pieces. He never tried to marry again as he was not destined to father a son. His "Kundali" (horroscope) told him so.

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