Chapter 47: Pradumna worried for Padmaja

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Pradumna's Side of Story :

            Pradumna (the hero)

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            Pradumna (the hero)

Nobody asked about his emotions or his feelings. Everything happened so soon. Before a blinking of eyelashes. He was not ready for that mishap. He was cursing himself silently at that time for scolding her. What was her fault?!! She was a merely girl of 17 who did not even know the meaning of marriage. She was a happy going bubbly and charmingly innocent cheerful girl who was so happy in her life. He snatched away her days of innocence from her. That marriage was sudden and bestowed upon her forcefully. Her mind, body and soul were not even ready for that. He was not a bit inconsiderate man but he was forced by his love. He had fallen for her at the first sight when he had brought back her dearest brother Vrishaketu unconscious. He stared at her face. The feeling was completely new. He was then seeing big hazel doe-shaped scared eyed 9 yrs girl's picture imprinted in his heart.

9 yrs Padmaja (love of Pradumna)

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9 yrs Padmaja (love of Pradumna)

He was not paying attention to her own reaction. He did not think about her reputation then. Perhaps it was his big mistake!! She might felt very much uncomfortable. But he got a hard slap in its response. His ego did not get hurt as he did not have a great male ego. But he became ashamed of his own foolishness. It was true that he had fallen for her. But it was not a bit customary for her to fall for him. She might like anyone else. He had till his teenage days had loved her truly and wholeheartedly. But not she.

So he restricted his feelings for her. He put a boundary on them. He never after that tried to respond to her. Or even looking at her face. Whenever he looked at her direction his eyes got so soft. He wanted to hide his emotions for her. He did not tell in love for anyone else in his life. Nor he had ever dreamt of. She was the one and only girl for him. First and last. Even if she hated him most. His parents had tried hard to convince him for the second marriage but he was not a bit ready. He did not want to be indulged with any girl in his entire life. Her hateful eyes were imprinted in his heart when she was crying her heart out on the stair of the temple where there secret marriage had ever occurred. He was not afraid of girls as Shamb and Jayant predicted. He was just afraid of breaking his heart once more.

Karna-Nandini Padmaja: Her Journey Through Mahabharata (Karna Series 5)Where stories live. Discover now