Chapter 71: Meghavarna's Proposal to steal Shayamkarna

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Story Unfolds :

The messenger came with that bad news. The Utkal King refuted to give the horse to them. The Prime Minister Vidur was worried about the pressing situation.

       Dharma Raj Yudhhisthir

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       Dharma Raj Yudhhisthir

The King of Hastinapur was also very worried about the pressing situation. He was not a man who wanted to use the force or violence. But the incident was demanding to use force but his conscience was not agreed for it. He already lost his cousins, grandfather Bhism, Gurudev Dronacharya and his elder brother Karna of whom he had deep respect in his heart. He did not want to make the same mistake this time too.

At the royal court of Hastinapur, two middle sons of Lord Krishna were also present. Along with their dear father. Lord Krishna. They were Mahendra and Anubindhya. These two boys too along with his other brother Jayanta were invited to the Swayambar of the Utkal Princess Yuvi. But they were till now reluctant to attend the ceremony as Anubidhya secretly married Maya, a beautiful and petite Merchant girl from Mathura and Mahendra also had followed his trait. Mahendra married his childhood sweetheart Nimisha. It was a not a bit like they wanted to join the Swayambar. They loved their respective wives very much.

Flashback :

A fortnight before, in Dwarka, two very young boys had faced their worst nightmare. They had to reveal about their own secret marriages to their respective wives before their parents. They are not afraid of their mothers. Just it was not easy to face their own father. Lord Krishna who was known as the reincarnated form of Lord Vishnu himself. They, like any normal boys, were uncomfortable before him.

"Bhratashree.. (Elder brother)" Prince Mahendra looked expectantly to his brother Anubindhya.

         Raj Kumar Mahendra

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         Raj Kumar Mahendra

His elder brother flinched a bit. If it was a war he was indomitable. But before their father he always started to stammer uncomfortably. All of his brothers were like him. Only one of them could face their father with ease and he was the former Crown Prince Ptadumna. All of their dearly beloved eldest sibling.

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