Chapter 72: Vrishaketu went to Utkal & Met Yuvi

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Story Unfolds :

A boy of around 19 was now fuming in rage. He was reading the letter sent by the Utkal Naresh, Yuvnaswa. This letter was full of hatred and jealousy. That man appeared more arrogant to him. He was frowning deep. He had to do something. At this very moment.

         King of Anga Vrishaketu

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King of Anga Vrishaketu

Behind him in a lavish arm chair set his dear younger sister Padmaja with worried look on her beautiful face. In these days she looked more pale and more beautiful. Her round face had now appeared oval. Her pregnancy took a troll on her health. Moreover her mental condition was worsening day by day. She was dying inside. She felt dejected and lost.

          His sister Devi Padmaja

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His sister Devi Padmaja

On the other hand, her brother tossed the letter to the floor in extreme rage. He gritted his teeth in anger too. That arrogant King had to be punished!!! He did not understand why his dear father Karna was a friend of that King Yuvnaswa?!!

At that moment, Megh ran to them. Both these brother-sister duo looked at him in shock. Megh Varna was now jumping in joy. He seemed very happy and enjoying the drama.

"Kakashree, hame raahta mil gaya. (My dear uncle, we get the road.)" The Boy said to both of them. Merrily.

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Karna-Nandini Padmaja: Her Journey Through Mahabharata (Karna Series 5)Where stories live. Discover now