Chapter 52: Padmaja Angry of Pradumna

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Story Unfolds :

Padmaja's Side of Story :

Since that day something had changed drastically between them. He never had called for her at nights. The fist night she was awake till 3 pm then she fell asleep. He never played flute from that day. She was waiting eagerly for his music in vain. In reallty, he could not play music anymore. He was now out of breath whenever he tried to play it. Blood started to pour out of his mouth more often. But she was not known of it. Till now they did not try to live together in a same room. She loved to do that but somehow he was reluctant. God knew why?!!

In the fortnight their relationship was degrading. She was still did not know why he changed so much. She was still trying to roam around his room in the faintest hope that he would call for her. That he did not. She was so very angry of him. In Yadu Vansh no man except Lord Krishna married more than once. All of her brother-in-laws were married only once. So it was not the case that he wanted to get rid of her. Then why?!! Why he was so aloof of her once more?!!!

She hated her newly found loneliness most. She wanted his attention that he was not paying to her a bit. She loved him more than she had ever thought of. God!!! How she had to suffer in her upcoming life?!!

Pradumna's Side of Story :

He was no fool himself. He was very intelligent man. He was the Crown Prince of Dwarka. He had to be very knowledgeable person. More of that he was the son of Lord Krishna. His mother's tears and his father's helplessness told him everything. No. Nobody uttered a single word about his illness. Nobody knew except his parents. His father suppressed the truth from his family in the fear of the outburst of mourning and lamenting among the family members. He did not want to petrify Pradumna. But he did not know that his wise son had already suspected everything. All by himself. The blood with his cough had made his suspicion stronger. But as usual he maintained his silence and smiled fairly inexpensive front of all. He did not want to hurt anyone. By telling about his illness.

But his  wisdom ended in one person. Padmaja. Whenever he thought of her his heart arched. What would happen to this girl?!! She was merely 17!!Her life did not started yet!! Till today she was running merrily after butterflies and trying to catch the squirrels!! How could she bear the painful life as a widow at this age?!! Widowhood was devastating for any woman. How could she live without him?!! That question had took his sleep away. He was not a bit afraid of dying. As a true warrior he knew death could come at anytime in his life and he was ready to embrace it. But what about her?!! He did not know the answer. Only if he could make her hate him again?!! Only if she became agree to remarry after his death!! God!! What were you even thinking Pradumna?!! Did not you know that your end would end her life too!!!

Story Unfolds :

"Kya Vaidaraj se bhul nahin ho sakti hain?!! (Are you sure that the royal doctor has not made any mistake?!!)" Anirudhha asked the first valid point. He was the strongest person among all of his siblings. Not only physically but also mentally. He was handsome man too. But his nature was wise and sober. He was son-in-law of Demon King Banasur and husband of Devi Usha.

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Karna-Nandini Padmaja: Her Journey Through Mahabharata (Karna Series 5)Where stories live. Discover now