Chapter 91: Chitra's demand to defeat Arjuna to Babru

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Story Unfolds :

She stopped dead in front of a big oak tree trunk. In front of a eye drawn in the tree trunk. It was her favorite place where she always practiced her archery skills since her teenage days.

She was a born painter too

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She was a born painter too. Just like her Patra Bandhavi (pen Friend) Uruvi. But she was a born fighter too. She always wanted to be the best Archer of India.

She lifted her hands and produced a picture from it. With a golden frame. She removed the frame and took out the portrait. Then before tearing up the portrait looked at it for the last time in her life. She was removing her only symbol of one-sided love story.

It was a portrait of a man

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It was a portrait of a man. His face was glowing like moon. His hazel eyes were beautiful and lotus shaped. He was extremely handsome. She painted the portrait. It was of her one and only love of life. Of an indifferent man for whom she had lost her 25 years. Of entire life.

Then she tore up the pictures in the pieces. She did not want to have any symbol of him. Except only one thing. Her son. Babru. Babrubahan. Their only living symbol. Of forgotten love.

She was standing tall before the tree trunk. She lost the count of time. Her life had already stopped. She was now living only for her son. Babru. She had nowhere to go. She had nothing to complain. Her only mistake of life ended her dreams of life. Her youth was gone. Her dreams were gone too. She was now a living dead person. Her eyes blurred in tears instantly. She was a good daughter and mother. But she could not get any chance to become a good wife. Her husband did not give her a chance to prove her loyalty and devotion to him. Nor she needed to. He abandoned her. She too refused to accept him. She never did inform him about the birth of their only son. Babru. Her son. Her only solace of life.

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Karna-Nandini Padmaja: Her Journey Through Mahabharata (Karna Series 5)Where stories live. Discover now