Chapter 73: Vrish Mesmerized by Yuvi's Beauty

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Story Unfolds :

"Hmm. Kanya nahin phuljhuri hain!! (OK. This girl is nothing less than a firework herself.)" A teenage boy was winking at his friend in joy. He knew that his friend was in love with her.

His friend was thinking deep. He was in awe with the beauty of the Princess Yuvi but her arrogance made him too much dubious. He at this nick of the moment wanted to approach her. But he did not know where to start. Now. He was sighing every single second while recalling their first meeting. He was smitten by her.

       Vrishaketu as Purandhar

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Vrishaketu as Purandhar

He shaved his mustache and small beard so that none could identify him as the Anga King Vrishaketu. He put on simpleton merchant attire. He was now looking different. Now you will understand why Yuvi could not a bit recognize him from the portrait.

His friend was staring hard at his face intently. Till he met with Princess Yuvi he did not seem to be attentive to him. Even he forgot to eat or drink anything in one whole day. He looked genuinely mesmerized by her beauty and charm. He sighed softly. God!! His friend even fell in love at first sight!!!

He made a sound with his tongue "Tsk. Tsk. Yeah bhi gaya kam se. (He is also gone now!!)"

                Prince Megh Varna

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Prince Megh Varna

That naughty boy with a mischievous grin on his handsome face started to hum some sweet tune. He learnt it from his grandmother, Devi Hidimba, in the jungle.

Astonishing fact, if you look deeply then you will discover enormous similarity between the face structure of these two friends. Megh Varna due to some unavoidable reasons looked exactly like Vrishaketu's dead eldest sibling Vrishasen. And both those two siblings Vrishasen and Vrishaketu had similarities in jawline, blue-black doe-shaped eyes, longest eyelashes, oval face and muscular body with toned chiseled torso and long sturdy limbs. That was the main reason why Lord Krishna suggested Vrish also to accommopany Megh and to shave his face. Clean shaven Vrish somewhat looked exactly alike Megh. It would help us in the next episodes of our story too.

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