Liam's Sick Day

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Mitch is cleaning the house while Scott runs errands. Hudson is in his pack 'n play playing with his toys and babbling loudly. Liam is upstairs playing with his dollhouse in his bedroom. Liam feels a huge wave of nausea and throws up on the floor.

Liam begins to cry because his throat burns horribly and his stomach hurts. He heads downstairs with his teddy bear, crying.

"Daddy, Daddy!" Liam cries loudly.

Mitch runs to the bottom of the steps and sees Liam upset, sitting on the last step.

"What's wrong, buddy?" Mitch heads over to Liam, feeling his forehead softly.

"You are warm, bud. You feel sick?" Mitch quietly asks Liam.

Liam nods as he looks up at Mitch. Mitch picks Liam up and takes him to the couch. Mitch checks on Hudson, who is still playing with his toys.

"What hurts, Liam?" Mitch asks Liam as he sits on the couch next to Liam.

"My throat burns Daddy, and my tummy hurts too. I threw up in my room on the floor Daddy, I'm sorry." Liam says to Mitch.

Liam's bright blue eyes begin to shed a tear. Mitch feels awful that his eldest so  isn't feeling well.

"It is okay, buddy. You aren't feeling well. How about you lay on the couch, okay? Let your tummy rest for awhile." Mitch says to Liam as Mitch rubs Liam's cheek.

Mitch kisses Liam's forehead softly. Mitch heads to the kitchen and gets Liam a bucket and a sippy cup of ice cold water.

Liam takes a sip of water and lays down. Mitch hands Liam his iPad and let's him watch My Little Pony on YouTube.

Mitch moves the pack 'n play near Liam so Liam could see his brother. Mitch turns the baby monitor on so he could watch the boys, when he heads upstairs to clean Liam's vomit off of his bedroom floor.

Mitch comes back downstairs thirty minutes later, after cleaning Liam's bedroom floor. Mitch grabs a thermometer from the medicine cabinet in the bathroom and checks Liam's temperature.

"No!" Liam says crossing his arms.

The face Liam is making makes him look identical to Scott, the only difference is that Liam has Mitch's hair color.

"Liam, I know you don't feel well, but I need to know your temperature, so I know what kind of medicine to give you to help you feel better." Mitch softly says to Liam.

Liam complies and Mitch takes his temperature. Liam has a low grade fever of one hundred degrees.

"Let me get you some medicine, okay?" Mitch says as he kisses Liam's head and Mitch gets Liam medicine from the bathroom medicine cabinet.

Mitch also makes Hudson a bottle, because it is time to feed him.

Mitch pours a cup of medicine and gives it to Liam.

"That's yucky, Daddy." Liam says with a disgusted look on his face.

"I know it does, buddy. But it will help your tummy feel a lot better. How about you stay on the couch?" Mitch says as he rubs Liam's head.

Mitch picks up Hudson and feeds him his bottle.

"Good boy, Huddy. You must have been hungry." Mitch says.

Mitch sets Hudson back into his pack 'n play after he finishes burping him.

Liam begins to throw up into his bucket.

"Aw buddy. It's okay." Mitch says.

"I'm sorry, Daddy." Liam says sadly.

"Liam, it's okay baby boy. Don't worry about it, I know your tummy hurts. Let's lay down and rest." Mitch says as he tucks Liam in.

Liam curls up in a ball with his teddy bear, which he named Teddy.

Three hours later, Mitch is sitting on the couch with a sleeping Hudson and Liam on each side of him. Scott comes homes with Chiptole for him and Mitch for dinner.

"Hey baby, I got you a burrito bowl!" Scott says loudly.

Mitch shooshes him to be quiet.

"Oh, I'm sorry love. Are the boys okay?" Scott asks in a whisper. Scott and Mitch kiss twice.

"Liam has been sick all day. Throwing up and he has an upset stomach. Hudson is fine, hopefully he doesn't get sick." Mitch says in a whisper.

"Did you get all the band stuff done?" Mitch asks Scott.

"Yes, everything is all good, baby." Scott says with a smile and kisses Mitch again.

Liam wakes up at the sound of his Papa's voice.

"Hi, Papa." Liam says as he yawns and begins to throw up once again.

"Aw, hi buddy. It's okay. I know you don't feel well." Scott says as he picks Liam up after Liam finishes throwing up.

Scott begins to rub his back, giving him lots of kisses. Scott takes Liam to the bathroom to wash his face, while Mitch cleans up the bucket.

"I don't feel good, Papa." Liam says with a frown.

"I know you don't, bud. You want to go to bed?" Scott asks Liam.

Liam nods and he yawns again. Mitch walks into the bathroom, with a sleepy Hudson in his arms. Scott kisses Hudson's head gently.

"Sleepy Huddy." Scott says in a whisper.

"Baby, let me put the boys in bed, so you can rest." Scott says as he kisses Mitch's cheek and Mitch smiles.

"Thank you, honey. I'll be up in a few minutes." Mitch says as he straightens up the living room.

Scott takes Liam and Hudson upstairs. Scott helps Liam brush his teeth and put a fresh pair of pajamas on him. Mitch comes up the steps a few minutes later and joins Scott and Liam in Liam's bedroom.

"If you feel sick during the night, come get me or Daddy, okay?" Scott says to Liam as he gives Liam another dose of medicine.

"Bud, there will be a bucket on this side of your bed just in case you need to throw up again. Do you need anything else, Liam?" Mitch asks Liam.

"Where's Teddy!" Liam says in a panic.

"Here he is, bud. There you go." Scott says handing Liam his beloved teddy bear.

Liam is happy he is reunited with his teddy bear. Scott and Mitch kiss their oldest son's forehead softly.

"Goodnight Liam. Sweet dreams, baby boy." Mitch says.

"Goodnight Liam. Remember, if you feel sick, come get me or Daddy." Scott says.

"Goodnight, Daddy. Goodnight, Papa." Liam says as he lays down and falls asleep.

Scott and Mitch get Hudson ready to bed and lay him down in his co-sleeper and tell him goodnight with kisses. Mitch grabs the baby monitor and heads downstairs with Scott and they eat their dinner.

After a few days Liam feels back to his old self. :)

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