Shopping With 4 Kids!

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*Scott decides to give Mitch a break and takes all four kids grocery shopping! Hope you guys enjoy! Love ~Bree 💜

Mitch is asleep on the couch after a very long night with Isabella. Isabella is two weeks old, and she is in her swing, asleep. Sophia has just woken up from her nap, and the boys are watching TV. "Hey guys, do you want to be my little helpers and go to the grocery store with me?" Scott asks the boys. "Yes, Papa! I wanna help!" Hudson says as he smiles at Scott. "I do Papa!" Liam says.

"Okay, put your shoes on, I'm going to get Sophie and Issy ready." Scott says as he helps the boys clean Liam's bedroom. "Is Daddy coming?" Hudson asks. "No bud, Daddy is taking a nap." Scott says as he leaves Liam's bedroom. He finds Sophia and puts her sandals on. "Your feet are growing big, baby girl! We have to order you some new shoes!" Scott says as he kisses Sophia's cheek. Scott then puts Isabella in her car seat gently. Isabella opens her eyes and quickly closes them again.

Scott packs a diaper bag with diapers and bottles for Isabella, pull ups, and an extra set of clothes for Sophia. "Liam, Huddy, you guys ready?" Scott says and the boys run downstairs. "Guys, do not wake up Daddy." Scott says as he covers Mitch up with his favorite blanket and kisses his cheek. Scott writes Mitch a note saying where he is going and he plugs Mitch's iPhone in to charge.

Liam, Hudson and Sophia run to the car, while Scott picks up Isabella's car seat. Scott puts Isabella in first, then helps Sophia and Hudson buckle in their booster seats. "We need to get a few things for Daddy and couple other things." Scott says as he turns the radio on, looking for a song on his iPhone. "Play Troye, Papa! Please!" Hudson says. "Okay bud! Troye it is!" Scott says as he puts on Troye's album. Scott begins to drive to the grocery store.

Once at the grocery store, Scott puts Isabella in her carrier, and kisses her forehead. Scott holds Sophia's hand and the boys follow close behind. Scott puts Sophia in the shopping cart and buckles her in. "Boys, stay near me, okay? Hold on to the cart." Scott says. Scott firsts look at bath products for Mitch, the kids and himself. "Let's see, Daddy needs mouth wash, deodorant and a new tooth brush." Scott says pushing the shopping cart, while Sophia watches a YouTube video on Scott's iPhone.

Isabella begins to cry. "Aw, it's okay baby, it's okay." Scott says as he gives Isabella her pacifier and she calms down, falling back asleep. Scott kisses Isabella's forehead. "Papa! Is this the toothpaste Daddy likes?" Liam asks Scott as he hands the toothpaste he found. "Yes buddy, thank you!" Scott says as he finds Mitch's deodorant and mouth wash. Hudson begins to wander out of the aisle. "Hudson, stay with us, please." Scott says to Hudson and Hudson walks back to Scott.

After getting all the toiletries, Scott and the kids walks to the snack aisle. "Boys, pick a few snacks you guys would like to have." Scott says as he smiles at the boys. Liam and Hudson look for a snack. "Soph, would you like a snack?" Scott asks. "Puffs!" Sophia says. "Okay, baby girl!" Scott says with a smile. "Papa! Daddy likes these!" Hudson says holding up a box of Cheez-Its.

"Okay! Put them in the cart for me. Thank you!" Scott says as he plays with Hudson's blonde hair. Scott picks up a few other groceries and they all walk around the store, making sure they have everything they need at home.

"Do you guys want spaghetti or tacos for dinner?" Scott asks the kids. "Spaghetti!" Liam says with a big smile. "Ghetti!" Hudson says, trying to say the word spaghetti. Scott giggles and begins to find the things he needs to make spaghetti. Scott checks Isabella in her carrier and she is happily sucking on her pacifier. "Okay, we got everything I can think of that we needed, let's head to the checkout line." Scott says to the kids.

Scott and the kids are patiently waiting in the check out line. There are screaming kids all over the place. "It is so nice to see kids that aren't screaming and crying! You have very polite children." The lady behind Scott says as she smiles at Sophia. Scott smiles at the lady. "Thank you very much! It means a lot!" Scott says. "You're welcome! How old are they?" The lady says. "Seven, four, nineteen months and two weeks." Scott says proudly.

"So sweet! That's the fun ages! Congratulations on the new little one!" The lady says as she smiles. The lady and Scott talk until it's Scott's turn to pay for his groceries. He says goodbye, and heads to the car with the kids. He puts the kids in the car and puts the groceries in the car trunk. "Thank you guys for being wonderful little helpers at the grocery store! And being on your best behavior!" Scott says to the kids as he gets in the driver's seats.

"Papa phone!" Sophia says as she gives Scott his iPhone. "Thank you, baby." Scott says and he answers the phone. "Hey Mitchy. How are you feeling?" Scott says. "I feel fine,
I just took some pain medicine. Are all the kids okay?" Mitch asks. "They are doing well! Very good helpers at the store. Isabella has been sleeping the whole time. She will probably be hungry when we get home, though. The boys wanted spaghetti tonight, so I'll make it." Scott says as he begins to drive.

"That sounds good, baby. I'll let you go Scott, so you can drive. I love you." Mitch says softly. "I love you too, baby. We will be home in ten minutes!" Scott says. Scott hangs up and drives home. Liam and Hudson help bring some of the groceries in, while Scott brings Isabella in. Scott and Mitch kiss tenderly. "Thank you for letting me rest,  Scott." Mitch says with a smile. "You're welcome! I know you had a rough night last night." Scott says to Mitch and Isabella begins to cry.

"I got her Scott, it's fine." Mitch says as he picks up a fussy Isabella and begins to make her bottle in the kitchen. Mitch begins to feed Isabella and she calms right down. Scott, Liam and Hudson bring the rest of the groceries in. "Thank you boys for helping Papa today." Mitch says as he smiles at Liam and Hudson.

"You're welcome, Daddy!" Liam says with a toothy grin. Sophia sits next to Mitch on the couch. Mitch kisses Sophia's forehead. "Daddy, Papa bought you this!" Hudson says as he hands Mitch a bag. Mitch opens the bag with all the toiletries Scott bought for him. "Scott, thank you for buying all these things for me. You didn't have to." Mitch says as he begins to burp Isabella. "You're welcome, babe! I figured you needed most of that stuff and I didn't want you going to the store, you are still recovering. Spaghetti is almost done." Scott says.

"Yay! I love ghetti!" Hudson says. Mitch chuckles. "Hudson. Spa-Get-Ti." Mitch says as he helps Hudson learn to pronounce spaghetti correctly. "Spaghetti!" Hudson says and Mitch nods. "Good job, baby." Mitch says as he kisses Hudson. Sophia sits playing a game on the iPad and Mitch helps her play.

"Dinner is done!" Scott says from the kitchen. Liam and Hudson run into the dining room, with Sophia following behind. Mitch kisses Isabella and puts her in her swing. Liam and Hudson begin to put spaghetti on their plate. "We have little Italians I see." Scott says as he smirks at Mitch. "It sure does! This looks so good! Thank you so much, Scott." Mitch says as he kisses Scott. "It's gluten free pasta just for you." Scott says with a small smile. Mitch smiles back and puts spaghetti on Sophia's plate.

"I made garlic bread too, guys. Here you go." Scott says giving the boys, Mitch and himself a piece of garlic bread. "Soph, do you want to try?" Scott asks and Sophia nods. Scott hands her a small piece and she tries it. "Yum!" Sophia says. Scott cuts the garlic bread up in small pieces for her."Fank you, Papa." Sophia says. "You're welcome, sweety!" Scott says.

The family ate dinner together and had a family game night :)

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