Finding Out!

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*This is where Mitch finds out he is pregnant with Sawyer! Send requests/suggestions! Love you guys! Love Bree 💜

"Liam, Hudson have a good day at school!" Mitch says as he kisses Hudson and Liam's cheek.

"I will!" Liam says. "Me too!" Hudson says.

Scott walks down the steps and smiles at Mitch.

"Do you want something, babe?" Scott asks and Mitch nods no.

"No, I don't need anything. Please be careful, Scott. I love you." Mitch says as he kisses Scott.

"I will babe, and I love you! I'll be right back Soph and Issy!" Scott says as he kisses Sophia and Isabella's cheeks.

Scott heads out with the boys, and takes them to school.

Mitch feels a wave a nausea and he runs to the bathroom. Sophia runs behind and sees Mitch throwing up.

"Daddy? Are you otay?" Sophia says as she rubs Mitch's back.

"I'm fine, baby. Thank you for asking." Mitch says as he rubs Sophia's face as she runs back to the living room.

Mitch has been feeling awful for weeks! He decides to take a pregnancy test but he doesn't think he is pregnant.

Meanwhile, Scott arrives home with Starbucks.

"Papa!" Sophia says running over to Scott. Isabella is in her playpen playing.

"Hey, baby girl! What's up!" Scott says as he kisses Sophia's cheek.

"Papa, Daddy throw up!" Sophia says as she points to the bathroom door.

Mitch flips the pregnancy test over and sees two dark red lines. Mitch is pregnant! Mitch and Scott never wanted more then four children. Mitch is terrified on what Scott's reaction is going to be. Mitch begins to cry.

"Aw! Daddy doesn't feel well. He's okay. Stay here with Issy and I'll go check on Daddy." Scott says as he knocks on the bathroom door.

He puts his ear against the door and hears Mitch crying.

"Mitch? Let me in." Scott says.

Mitch opens the door and Scott walks in.

"What's wrong, babe? Are you okay?" Scott says as he begins to rub Mitch's back.

Mitch shrugs as he sniffles. "You are going to be so mad! It's all my fault!" Mitch says.

"Mitch, what's wrong? Tell me, please." Scott says as he sits on the floor work Mitch.

"Scott, I'm-I'm pregnant." Mitch says shyly.

"You're what?" Scott says softly.

"I'm pregnant." Mitch says.

Mitch grabs the pregnancy test and shows Scott the test. Mitch is in tears, he is scared that he did something wrong so far, and he doesn't know how far along he is in the pregnancy. He doesn't even remember when or where this baby was conceived.

"Mitch, take deep breaths, nice deep breaths." Scott says as he slowly calms down Mitch.

Scott is shocked himself that Mitch is actually pregnant. He is trying to figure out when this even happened. But, he realizes that doesn't matter right now. What matters is that he needs to calm Mitch down.

"Mitch, I am not mad, at all." Scott says as he rubs Mitch's cheeks with his thumbs.

"But, you didn't want anymore kids! This is all my fault!" Mitch says and Scott kisses him.

"Mitchy, I know we both said that, but God blessed us with this baby. I'm not mad at all, babe." Scott says as he kisses Mitch again.

"Are you sure, Scott? I'm so sorry." Mitch says as he cries some more.

"Mitchy, don't cry sweety. Don't cry. Come here, give me a hug." Scott says, hugging Mitch tightly.

"I am really excited, Mitchy. This is amazing." Scott says in a whisper as he kisses Mitch's cheek.

"Are you really, Scott? I'm sorry for panicking, I didn't think I would be pregnant. I just took it because I have felt like shit for weeks." Mitch says.

"Yes, sweetheart! This is such an incredible surprise! But, this is an amazing gift from God! Don't worry about anything babe, we have both boy or girl clothes. We have another bedroom! Everything is going to be fine, babe. I promise." Scott says as he softly kisses Mitch's forehead.

Scott looks at the pregnancy test and smiles at Mitch.

"You are so perfect, Mitch. Do you know that? This is such a surprise! I am so so excited!" Scott says and Mitch nods happily.

"I love you, Scott. I love you so much." Mitch says as he hugs Scott.

"I love you too. Why don't you lay down and rest, Mitch. I can watch the girls." Scott says.

"I'm fine Scott, I just don't feel good. I'm fine though." Mitch says.

"This is so exciting! I can't wait to tell everybody! They are going to be shocked!" Scott says as he hugs Mitch again.

"Me either. I need to call the doctor to make an appointment. I have no idea how far along I am. Thank God I haven't drank lately!" Mitch says and Scott nods.

"Mitchy, if you need to rest, just let me know, okay?" Scott says and Mitch nods.

"Daddy, are you otay!" Sophia asks Mitch.

"I am fine sweety, thank you." Mitch says with a smile.

"She is so cute. So worried about her Daddy." Scott says and Mitch giggles.

"She sure is, such a little sweetheart. I think I actually might try and take a nap. I'm so tired." Mitch says to Scott.

"That's fine, babe. Take the longest nap you want." Scott says and Mitch giggles.

Mitch lays down on the couch and falls asleep.

Scott watches the girls and let's Mitch rest. Baby Grassi-Hoying #5 is on the way! :)

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