Hudson's First Day Of Preschool!

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*Hope you guys enjoy! If any of you wanna talk to me I'm on Twitter and tumblr! Links on profile! ~Bree 💋

Today is Hudson's first day of preschool! Hudson is a happy three year old who loves art and playing dress up. Today Hudson will begin preschool! It is only three days a week for three hours. Scott and Mitch think it will be a wonderful thing for their middle child. Liam did the same thing when he was three years old. Scott and Mitch help the boys get ready for school. Mitch helps Hudson get dressed and Scott helps Liam style his hair. Esther decided to stay at the house to watch Sophia.

"Are you excited for preschool, Hudson?" Mitch asks Hudson as he finishes Hudson's hair. Hudson shrugs his shoulders. "It's fun Huddy! You will meet friends and play!" Liam says hugging his brother. Scott helps Hudson put on his shoes. "Looking handsome baby boy!" Scott says as he kisses Hudson's cheek. Hudson and Liam begin to eat their breakfast while Esther feeds Sophia. "Have a good day at school boys and have fun!" Esther says smiling. "Thank you Auntie Esther!" Liam says smiling as he eats his cereal. "Thank you Auntie Essy!" Hudson says as he drinks his water.

Mitch begins to take pictures of Hudson and Liam. "Such handsome boys!" Mitch says smiling. "Alrighty boys, let's head out." Scott says getting the boys book bags. Hudson and Liam hug Esther and head outside. Mitch and Scott follow behind. Mitch helps Hudson buckle in his car seat and kisses his cheek. Mitch kisses Liam's cheek and Liam smiles. Mitch and Scott get in their seats and Scott begins to drive to the school.

First, Mitch and Scott drop Liam off at his classroom. They walk Liam into his 1st grade classroom and Liam smiles seeing all his friends in his class. "Hi! You must be Liam! I'm Mrs. Carson!" Mrs. Carson says smiling at Liam. "Hi!" Liam says smiling at Mrs. Carson. Mitch, Scott and Hudson walk over to Liam's desk. "Have an awesome day Li Li." Mitch says kissing and hugging Liam.

"Have fun! And remember, listen to your teacher, Mrs. Carson." Scott says kissing and hugging Liam. "I will Daddy and Papa. Have fun Huddy!" Liam says hugging Hudson. "Have fun Liam!" Hudson says smiling at his older brother. Mitch, Hudson and Scott walk out of Liam's classroom and they walk down the hall to Hudson's classroom.

The room is colorful with small desks and a lot of toys. A lady with brown hair smiles and gets down to Hudson's level. Hudson hides behind Mitch's leg. "Hello. I'm Mrs. Green, your teacher. What's your name?" Mrs. Green asks. "Don't be shy, she's very nice. This is Hudson. He usually isn't this shy." Mitch says rubbing Hudson's back.

"Aw, that is very normal. Hi Hudson! Welcome to preschool! You are going to have a lot of fun here! How old are you Hudson?" Mrs. Green asks as she smiles at Hudson. Hudson loosens up and talks. "I'm three." Hudson says quietly. "He is very sweet little boy. Liam is your brother, isn't he?" Mrs Green asks Hudson and Hudson nods. "Thank you very much. He usually is more talkative then this. Hudson, let's put your bookbag in your cubby." Scott says smiling.

Scott helps Hudson put his book bag in his cubby, while Mitch signs a few papers. "Daddy and I will be back in a few hours okay?" Scott says fixing Hudson's shirt. Hudson nods. Scott hugs and kisses Hudson. "You are going to have a lot of fun! Listen to Mrs. Green, okay?" Mitch says hugging Hudson tightly.

Mitch and Scott walk out of the classroom. They peek in, and see Hudson beginning to talk to a black haired little boy and a blonde haired little girl. "He will be just fine. He's just nervous." Scott says as he comforts Mitch. "I know he will be, he just looks sad, Scott." Mitch says with a worried tone. "I'm sure he will miss us, but he will have fun and make friends." Scott says smiling at Mitch.

Scott and Mitch head home, enjoying their day with Esther and Sophia. Three hours later, Mitch, Scott and Sophia head to pick up Hudson. Mitch and Scott walk in the classroom and see Hudson playing with a doll house. Hudson looks up and sees Scott and Mitch. "Daddy! Papa!" Hudson says as he runs over to Mitch and Scott.

"Hey bud! Did you have a fun day?" Scott asks Hudson and Hudson nods. Mrs. Green walks over to Mitch and Scott. "Hudson had a fun day today! Have a great day Hudson!" Mrs. Green says hugging Hudson. "You too, Mrs. Green!" Hudson says smiling and he gets his book bag out of his cubby.

"Sophie! Hi Sophie!" Hudson says kissing Sophia. "Sophia missed you!" Scott says, smiling at Hudson. Mitch signs Hudson out and leaves. "Let's go get a few groceries and then it will be time to get Liam." Mitch says as he holds Hudson's hand. They head to the car and head to the grocery store.

"You did an awesome job today Hudson! Papa and I are very proud of you!" Mitch says as he reads Hudson's progress report from the day. "What did you do today, Hudson?" Scott asks Hudson. "We colored, played and sang songs! We wrote our names and numbers! Hudson says. "Wow! That is so neat! Let me see your book bag, please."Mitch says to Hudson. Hudson hands Mitch his book bag. "Thank you baby." Mitch says as he looks at Hudson's work from the day.

After leaving the grocery store, they head to get Liam from school. Liam ran to the car. "Hi Daddy! Hi Papa!" Liam says buckling himself in. "Hey! Did you have a fun day?" Mitch asks Liam with a grin. "Yes Daddy! My teacher is super nice!" Liam says with a giggle. Liam hands Mitch paper work for the new school year. "I'm glad you had an awesome day Li Li!" Scott says to Liam.

Scott begins to drive home. Mitch looks at the paperwork and hears Liam and Hudson talking about their days. Sophia is asleep in her car seat. Mitch smiles at Scott. Scott smiles back and holds Mitch's hand.

They head home and enjoy time as a family Hudson and Liam had a great first day at school! :)

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