Isabella Gets Glasses

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*Mitch and Scott's baby girl is getting glasses! I hope you guys enjoy this one! Love you guys! Bree 💞

Scott and Mitch are at the eye doctor with Isabella, while Candice and Nicole are watching Liam, Hudson, Sophia and baby Sawyer.

Scott and Mitch have been noticing that Isabella has been bumping into everything when she walks, blinking a lot and squinting her eyes at things that are far away.

"I am so nervous." Mitch says as he kisses Isabella's forehead.

"Why Mitchy?" Scott asks Mitch softy.

"What if there is something else wrong with Isabella, Scott?" Mitch says as he begins to panic.

"Deep breaths Mitchy, deep breaths. Good job, baby." Scott says as he coaches Mitch to breathe normally again.

"Thank you, baby." Mitch says as he kisses Scott.

"No problem. You need to stop worrying. Everything will be fine. Isabella is doing the same things Hudson did when he didn't have glasses." Scott says as he kisses Mitch's cheek.

Dr. Norman's assistant calls Mitch, Scott and Isabella into the room.

"Hi! I'm Dr. Norman! It is very nice to meet you guys! My son is a huge fan of Pentatonix! And you must be Isabella! I heard you are having trouble seeing. Let me use my light and look at your eyes." Dr. Norman says as she grabs her light and other eye tools.

Mitch holds Isabella in his lap as Dr. Norman looks at Isabella's eyes. Dr. Norman looks at the back of Isabella's eyes. Isabella begins to fuss due to the bright light.

"Good girl, Isabella! I am all done! It's okay! She is a sweetheart! How old is she?" Dr. Norman asks.

"Sixteen months. She just became a big sister to a baby brother, didn't you, Issy?" Scott asks Isabella.

"Mhm!" Isabella says shaking her head yes.

"How exciting, Isabella! Okay, let's see if Isabella will follow the car." Dr. Norman says as she moves the car back and forth in front of Isabella's eyes.

Isabella moves her eyes normally back and forth but gets frustrated when Dr. Norman moved her chair back.

"Her eyes look normal! I don't see anything abnormal in her corneas and her nerves back there. Does she squint at things close to her or far away?" Dr. Norman asks as she smiles at Isabella.

"She squints when things are far away. And I think she gets frustrated. Also, she wipes her eyes a lot." Mitch says.

"She also blinks a ton! She blinks like twenty times a minute." Scott says.

"I believe that Isabella is nearsighted, meaning she can't see things clearly that are far away. She tracks things that are close very well! But, when I moved back I saw her struggling and getting upset. She rubs her eyes and blinks a lot to try and see clearer. Her prescription is right here. A lot of little ones are getting glasses now due to parents seeing the signs of vision problems earlier. The glasses will help correct her nearsightedness and not let her eyes get any worse. She will probably be like her big brother and still needs glasses when she gets older, which is fine. I am glad you guys brought her in, some parents wait until the kid can talk more so they can read the letters. Isabella probably would have had behavioral issues because of her not seeing well. For example, getting frustrated a lot and having a tantrum about not seeing." Dr. Norman says to Mitch and Scott.

"Yeah, she's starting to get frustrated and cry. When we are far away and talking to her, she seems like she can't find us until we move closer to her." Mitch says to Dr. Norman.

"Okay Miss. Isabella, let me put your new glasses on. I would buy two or three pairs of glasses, you know with little ones, they can break things easily. She may not like the feeling of the glasses around her ears, but I don't think she will throw them off." Dr. Norman says.

Dr. Norman puts the glasses on Isabella's face. Isabella begins to look around the room and smiles brightly. Scott and Mitch look on as they see Isabella see the world much clearly.

"Somebody looks happy! Look at your Daddy and Papa!" Dr. Norman says to Isabella.

"Hi, sweety! You look so happy!" Mitch says as he begins to tear up.

Dr. Norman let's Isabella off her lap and let's her walk around.

Isabella walks around the room with ease, and doesn't bump into anything.

"She is walking so much better now! Come here! Come to Papa!" Scott says and Isabella runs over to Scott.

Scott picks her up and smothers her cheeks with kisses. Scott and Mitch pick a pair of white, pink and light blue glasses for Isabella.

"Thank you so much Dr. Norman for everything." Mitch says as she shakes Dr. Norman's hand.

Scott and Mitch give Dr. Norman an autograph for her son.

"It's my pleasure! It's so nice to meet you guys and Isabella. My son is going to love this autograph!" Dr. Norman says with a smile.

"You're welcome! Thank you so much for helping Isabella." Scott says as he rubs Isabella's back.

"You're welcome! I'll see the rest of the kids in a few months!" Dr. Norman says.

"Do you want to tell Dr. Norman thank you?" Mitch asks Isabella.

"Fank you." Isabella says softly.

"Aw, you're welcome sweety." Dr. Norman says to Isabella.

"Bye bye." Isabella says quietly. Scott and Mitch walk out of the office and ask to the car.

"Are you sleepy?" Scott asks Isabella and she nods.

"We are going home baby girl, you can take a nap, sweety." Mitch says as he gets into the passenger seat.

Scott puts Isabella in her car seat. "Bwankey." Isabella says as she yawns.

"Here it is, sweety. Get some sleep." Scott says as he kisses Isabella's cheek.

Scott gets in the drivers seat and smiles at Mitch. "She is so tired." Mitch says.

"I know, she did so well today. She's already asleep." Scott says as he kisses Mitch.

"Can we go to Starbucks, please?" Mitch says and Scott nods.

"Of course sweety." Scott says as he kisses Mitch's cheek.

Scott drives to Starbucks and then drives home. Isabella loves her new glasses :)

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