Grandparents Meet Liam!

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*Throwback oneshot! Liam is almost a week old and his grandparents are flying in to meet him for the first time! Suggestions leave a comment 💋 love you guys! ~Bree

Scott changes Liam's diaper and Liam stops crying. "All done baby boy, all done. Let's find something cute to wear for when your grandparents come!" Scott says as he carries Liam upstairs. He changes Liam's outfit and puts him in his co-sleeper. Liam's outfit is a custom shirt that Mitch and Scott had made that says "Superfruit Baby" and black pants." Mitch has been taking a much needed nap, after not sleeping at all last night.

Scott decides to wake up Mitch, because their parent's plane is about to land. "Baby, baby." Scott says softly to Mitch as he rubs his back. Mitch groans. "Our parent's plane is about to land. I just wanted you to have enough time to do what you need to do to get ready." Scott says. Mitch gets up slowly out of bed, and he looks over at a peacefully sleeping Liam. Scott is in the bathroom brushing his teeth. Mitch walks into the bathroom and begins to put some foundation on.

"Baby, you don't need any makeup, you are beautiful already." Scott says smiling at Mitch and causing Mitch to blush. "You are so sweet baby, thank you. I'm sure our parents are going to want to take one million pictures of us and I want to look good." Mitch says as he kisses Scott. "And thank you for letting me take a nap, I really needed it." Mitch says as he powders his face with a kabuki brush. "You're welcome, Mitchy. Liam has been good, he pooped and peed for me and had a three ounce bottle." Scott says as he rubs Mitch's back. "That's good, love. You are such a wonderful Papa." Mitch says as he kisses Scott again.

After forty five minutes, Scott and Mitch's parents have arrived! Mitch's parents will be called Mom Mom and Poppy, while Scott's parents will be called Nana and Grampy. Mitch is holding Liam in his arms, wrapped in his Superfruit blanket made by a fan and Scott walks over to open the front door. "Hey grandparents!" Scott says as he hugs his parents and in-laws. Scott also helps Nel and Connie bring their bags in and takes them upstairs.

"What a crazy plane ride! So much turbulence!" Mike says as he carries his bag upstairs. Connie and Nel quickly walk over to Mitch and they both kiss him. "Hey Mom! Hey Connie! Liam is so excited to meet finally you guys." Mitch says softly. Connie and Nel look at their new grandson. "He is so beautiful!" Nel says softly. "Look at all that hair!" Connie says in awe. Scott, Mike and Rick come back down from upstairs.

"Who wants to hold him first?" Scott asks as he giggles. Mitch giggles too. "Let Mom Mom and Nana hold him first." Rick says. Connie lets Nel hold Liam first. "He is absolutely precious. Connie, he looks just like Scott!" Nel says with a big smile. "Aw, he sure does!" Connie says taking a picture of Nel and Liam together.

"Mom, the newborn clothes you and Nel bought fit him perfect. Thank you both so much for buying them." Scott says to Connie and Nel. "I told you! Not all babies are huge when they are born like you were!" Connie says as she begins to laugh. Mitch starts laughing hard at Scott. "Sorry I was huge baby!" Scott says sarcastically. "How much did Liam weigh again?" Nel asks Mitch. "Seven pounds seven ounces." Mitch says.

Nel kisses Liam's forehead and hands Liam over to Connie. "He is a very calm baby." Connie says kissing Liam's cheek. Mitch and Scott smile at their parents meeting their grandson for the first time. Liam opens his eyes and looks around the room. "Hi Liam! It's Nana! There's Mom Mom." Connie says softly as Liam looks at his grandmothers.

"Look at those bright blue eyes." Rick says as he watches Connie and Liam. Connie hands Liam over to Mike to hold. "How are you feeling Mitch?" Nel asks Mitch as she pants Mitch's leg. "I am good, sore sometimes, but other then that I feel fine." Mitch says. "You look amazing, Mitch!" Connie says with a smile. "Thank you Connie, it means a lot." Mitch says with a grin.

Mike holds and kisses Liam. "He's giving you a dirty look, Mike." Rick says with a laugh and Scott takes pictures. Mike hands Liam to Rick. "Hey bud, look how alert you are." Rick says to Liam quietly. "Scott, have you been helping Mitch? I know he's stubborn, but make sure he keeps it easy. You don't want his staples coming out." Rick says and Scott nods. "Yeah, we have been taking shifts at night, and I'm letting Mitch takes a lot of naps." Scott says to his dad and Mike. "That's wonderful Scott, but you need to rest yourself too." Mike says.

"Scott, Mitch, your sisters all worked together and made this for you guys." Nel says pulling out a collage full of pictures from Liam's birth. "Aww! This is so perfect! We are going have to text them and thank them later." Mitch says as he looks at the photo collage. The collage has Pentatonix song lyrics. "That is really cute, our sisters are so creative. This is definitely going in Liam's bedroom." Scott says. 

Liam begins to fuss. "Aw, it's okay bud. What's wrong, baby boy?" Rick says to Liam as he tries to calm his grandson down. "He is probably hungry, I'm going to make him a bottle." Scott says as he heads to the kitchen. "Here's Daddy, Liam. It's okay bud, don't cry." Rick says, handing Liam to Mitch. Mitch begins to sooth Liam and Liam begins to calm down at the warmth of his Daddy.

"Aw, he loves his Daddy." Nel says as she takes more pictures. Mitch smiles and kisses Liam. "Papa is making you a bottle right now, baby boy. He loves to cuddle with Scott and I. But we always put him in his co-sleeper to sleep. We don't want to start any bad habits." Mitch says as he rubs Liam's back.

Scott comes back into the living room with a warm bottle and hands the bottle to Mitch. Mitch begins to feed a hungry Liam. "You must have been hungry, baby boy." Scott says as he watched Mitch. "What would you guys like to eat? Scott and I can order you guys food." Mitch says to his parents and in-laws. Scott and Mitch order Chinese food and spend one on one time with their parents.

Mitch and Scott's parents spend the week with their new grandson :)

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