Park Time With Papa

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**Hope you guys enjoy! Anybody plays sims 3? I am addicted lol ~ Bree 👻**

Scott cleans up the dishes from breakfast. Today is Scott and Hudson's one on one day together! Mitch comes down with Sophia in his arms. Sophia has a bright pink outfit on with a white hair bow in her light brown hay. Sophia smiles at Scott. "Hey baby girl! Somebody is feeling better!" Scott says as he kisses Sophia's cheek. "She is feeling a lot better! She just has a little cough." Mitch says as he places Sophia on the floor to play.

Liam runs down the steps crying. "What's wrong, baby boy?" Mitch asks Liam. "I hit my head!" Liam says crying to Mitch. "It's okay, baby." Mitch rubs Liam's back. Scott kisses Liam's cheek. "I love you, Liam." Scott says rubbing Liam's hair. "I love you too, Papa. I love you Daddy." Liam says. "I love you too, baby. We are going to have fun today, okay?" Mitch says. Liam nods as he wipes the tears off of his cheeks.

Hudson runs down the steps and he hugs Scott's leg. "Hey little man! Are you ready to go?" Scott asks Hudson. Hudson is only in his underwear and he nods. "You need clothes on silly boy!" Scott giggles.

Scott takes Hudson upstairs to put on some clothes. "What do you want to wear, Huddy?" Scott asks Hudson. "My Woody shirt!" Hudson says. Scott finds Hudson's Woody shirt and a pair of jean shorts. Scott and Hudson come back downstairs a few minutes later. Mitch is on the floor playing checkers with Liam while Sophia sits on Mitch's lap.

"We are getting ready to go, baby." Scott says to Mitch. "Okay, baby. Please be careful." Mitch says. Scott kisses Mitch twice. "I will, Mitchy. Be a good boy, Li Li." Scott says as he kisses Liam's cheek. "I will, Papa!" Liam says smiling at his Papa.

Scott tickles Sophia's stomach and she giggles. "Be good, baby girl." Scott says kissing Sophia. Sophia babbles back. Hudson hugs and kisses Mitch, Liam and Sophia. "Be a good boy Huddy! Have fun!" Mitch says smiling at his youngest son. Scott and Hudson head to the car.

Scott buckles Hudson in his car seat. "Where do you want to go, buddy? You can pick anywhere you want to go !" Scott says fixing Hudson's seat belts in his car seat. "I wanna go to the park! And buy a new teddy bear!" Hudson says. "Okay, let's go play at the park, then buy a new teddy bear, and then we will get lunch, okay?" Scott says.

Hudson nods and kisses Scott's cheek. Scott begins to drive, Hudson starts kicking and singing in the back. Scott puts on PTX Volume 3 for them to listen to. "What song, baby boy?" Scott asks. "On My Way Home!" Hudson yells. They sing "On My Way Home" together as Scott drives to the park.

Scott opens the door and unbuckles Hudson's seat belt, helping him out of the car. "Papa, I wanna swing!" Hudson says smiling at Scott. Scott smiles back. He picks up Hudson and puts him in the swing. Scott begins to push Hudson. "Wee! Higher Papa!" Hudson says giggling a loudly. Scott happily pushes the swing higher.

After a few minutes, Scott's takes Hudson out of the swing, and Hudson runs to the playground. Scott walks near the playground, watching Hudson to make sure he is okay.

Hudson runs on the playground, playing with the wheel and runs to the slide, Scott walks over the slide. "Peek a boo!" Scott says. Hudson jumps then laughs. "You scared me Papa!" Hudson says going down the slide. Hudson goes down the slide a few times. Hudson then runs to the monkey bars.

"Can you help me Papa? Pwease!" Hudson asks Scott. "Of course, buddy!" Scott says picking up Hudson. Scott holds Hudson as Hudson moves his hands to each handle bar. "I won't let you fall. Good job buddy! You are so strong!" Scott says praising Hudson.

After playing at the park for an hour, Scott and Hudson head to the store, to get Hudson's requested bear. "I wanna get Li Li and Sophie one too, Papa." Hudson says. "Aw, that is very sweet Hudson. Let's see what they have." Hudson and Scott look at all the stuffed animals. "Liam would wuv the penguin Papa!" Hudson says pointing to the penguin.

Scott smiles and picks the penguin up. Penguins are Liam's favorite animal. Hudson finds a pink pony and grabs it. "I wanna get Sophie this one Papa!" Hudson says, handing Scott the pony. "Okay buddy. Good choices! I think Liam and Sophia would love these. Let's find you one now okay?" Scott says to Hudson smiling and holding his hand.

Hudson looks around the whole store. He finds a light brown bear with the letter H on it. Hudson picks it up and hugs it. "I want this one, Papa." Hudson says smiling. Scott grins, and pays for the stuffed animals.

Hudson begins to yawn, it's almost his nap time. "Somebody is getting sleepy." Scott says. He picks up Hudson and heads to the car. "Did you have fun today, baby boy?" Scott asks Hudson. Hudson nods and Scott kisses his forehead. "Good. I had fun too." Scott says as he buckles Hudson in his car seat. "We are going home, baby boy." Scott says looking at Hudson who is already asleep with his teddy in his hand.

Scott smiles and drives home, quietly listening to music.

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