The Grassi's Come And Visit!

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*Mike & Nel come to visit! They find out about little Sophia being on the way! The Hoying's will visit on the next part! Hope you guys enjoy! Bree🎀*

Scott is playing with Hudson and Liam on the living room floor. Mitch comes downstairs, wearing a baggy shirt, leggings and has makeup on. Mitch and Scott are expecting their third child, a little girl who is due in December.

Mitch walks in the living room and sees Liam and Scott attempting to do yoga. "Weeee!" Liam says loudly. Mitch picks up Hudson and kisses him. "Have you been going potty on the big boy potty?" Mitch asks his toddler little boy, who is being potty trained. "Yes, Daddy!" Hudson says, kissing Mitch. Mirch smiles as he puts Hudson on the couch.

"He went both number one and two on the potty while you were getting ready." Scott says proudly. "Good boy, Huddy!" Mitch says praising Hudson. "Daddy! Do yoga with me and Papa!" Liam says as Scott sits Liam next to him on the floor. "I can't buddy. Remember?" Mitch says smiling as he rubs his baby bump. Liam remembers and smiles brightly. He walks up and kisses Mitch's belly. "Get dressed, babe. Our surprise is coming soon." Mitch says giggling at Scott.

"Surpwrise?" Hudson says to Mitch. "Mom Mom and Poppy are coming over! They should be here in a few minutes!" Mitch says as Hudson and Liam smile and run over to the window to wait for Mom Mom and Poppy. Scott gets dressed and comes back downstairs. "Is the guest room all clean, babe?" Mitch asks Scott as he hugs him. "Yes baby, it is." Scott smiles kissing Mitch's cheek.

"Mom Mom!" Hudson screams out the window. Nel happily waves at her youngest grandson. Mitch opens the door for his parents with a smile . "Hi, Mom! Hi, Dad!" Mitch says as he hugs his parents. Scott comes over to the door, holding Wyatt in his arms. "Hello, Nel and Mike! I'll take your bags upstairs." Scott says as he takes his in-laws bags upstairs in their guest bedroom. "Hi, Liam! Hi, Hudson!" Nel says, hugging her grandsons.

Nel and Mike sit on the couch while Mitch gets them drinks from the kitchen. Wyatt meows at Nel. "Hello, Wyatt! I didn't forget about you sweet kitty." Nel says, petting Wyatt's head. Mike tickles Liam and Hudson and they laugh loudly. "That tickles, Poppy!" Liam says giggling loudly.

Mitch comes back with drinks for his parents. "Thank you, sweetheart!" Nel says to Mitch. "You're welcome, Mom!" Mitch says as he walks into the bathroom. "Liam! Hudson! Mom Mom and I brought you some presents!" Mike says as he hands Liam and Hudson a bag. Liam and Hudson smile at the presents.

"Thank you, Mom Mom and Poppy!" Liam says as he begins to open his gifts. "Fank you, Mom Mom and Poppy." Hudson says with a huge grin. "You're welcome, sweet boys!" Nel says, taking pictures of the boys. Mitch and Scott smile at their boys enjoying themselves. "You two did not have to get the boys anything, you give them so much already." Scott says to his in-laws. "Of course we are going to spoil our grandsons! Nel and I love them very much." Mike says smiling. Nel laughs and nods in agreement.

"Mom Mom! Can you open this?" Hudson says. "Huddy, what do you say?" Mitch says, correcting Hudson. "Pwease." Hudson says. "Good boy, Hudson. Thank you." Mitch says. "Sure, Huddy! Come here, let's figure how to open it." Nel says as Hudson sits in her lap. Liam and Hudson begin to play with their new toys.

"Mom, Dad, Scott and I have something to show you. Close your eyes." Mitch says smiling at Scott. Scott smiles back. Nel and Mike cover their eyes with their hands. Scott heads in the kitchen to grab the ultrasound picture of the baby. "Close your eyes, Mike!" Mitch says with a giggle. Scott comes in with the pictures from Mitch's latest ultrasound. "Okay! Open your eyes!" Scott says smiling at his in-laws.

Nel and Mike open their eyes. They see Mitch and Scott holding ultrasound pictures of a baby. "OH MY GOSH! Another grandbaby! Congratulations you guys!" Nel says as she cries. Nel hugs Mitch and Scott tightly. "Congratulations boys! I am so happy for you both!" Mike says hugging Scott and Mitch. "You don't even look pregnant Mitch! Oh my goodness!" Nel says wiping the tears off her cheeks. "Thank you very much!" Scott says to Mike and Nel.

"Look at the pictures again." Mitch says pointing to the top ultrasound picture. The ultrasound picture says "It's a girl!" on it. "A LITTLE GIRL! YES! Oh my gosh! Jessa and Ady are going to flip out!" Nel says jumping up and down and hugs Scott and Mitch again. "We told Jessa and Ady last night! Jessa was a mess." Scott says giggling. "Aw, she looks like princess already." Mike says smiling.

"Have you guys picked a name out for her?" Nel asks Mitch and Scott. "We finally have! After two weeks of arguing over a middle name." Scott says laughing at Mitch. Mitch playfully smacks Scott's arm. Liam and Hudson come down with a picture with the baby's name on it: Sophia Noelle.

"Sophia Noelle! What a beautiful name for a beautiful little girl! December cannot come fast enough!" Nel says hugging Liam and Hudson. "Are you boys excited for a baby sister?" Mike says to the boys. "I am! I can't wait for her to be here!" Liam says as he kisses Mitch's belly. "Me too!" Hudson says running up to Mitch and kissing his belly. Mitch smiles at the boys and then at his parents.

The rest of the week, Nel and Mike took Hudson and Liam out on mini trips so Scott and Mitch could relax. :)

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