Going To The Zoo 2

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More zoo fun! I hope you guys enjoy! Send me suggestions for the PTX one shots! It will be appreciated! Love you guys! ~ Bree💚

Sophia takes a sip of juice from her sippy cup and holds Mitch's hand. "Does anybody need to use the bathroom before we start looking at all the animals?" Mitch asks and all the kids nod no. Scott puts Isabella in her carrier so she can see everything better. Sophia sits in the front part of the stroller snd Mitch buckles her in. "Papa! Daddy! Look! It's a eagle!" Hudson says. "Wow! The bald eagle is the national bird." Scott says.

"He's pretty!" Liam says. "He is, isn't he!" Mitch says as he smiles at the kids. Sophia walks over to the zebras. "Pony!" Sophia says. Scott and Mitch giggle and walk over. "That is a zebra, baby girl. But it does look like a pony!" Mitch says as he picks her up to see. "The zebras are chasing each other!" Liam says as he laughs. "Looks like they are having fun!" Scott says.

Scott, Mitch and the kids saw kangaroos, monkeys, gorillas, wolves, bears, polar bears, panda bears, turtles, sea lions, dolphins, hippos, cheetahs and much more. "Papa! Look!" Hudson says pointing to the Fennec Fox. "Aw Scott! Look it's your favorite animal!" Mitch says with a big smile.

The worker holds the fennec fox and let's the kids pet it. "Be easy, Sophia." Scott says. Scott pets the Fennec Fox. "This is one of the best days ever!" Scott says as he fake kisses the Fennec Fox.

"Let's walk over here to see the owls!" Mitch says. "Hoot! Hoot!" Sophia says. "Owls can turn their heads all the way around." Scott says. "Woah, that's cool!" Liam says as he takes a sip of his drink. Isabella falls asleep in the carrier, and Scott puts her in the stroller to sleep. Scott picks up Hudson so he can see the owl.

The worker picks up the owl and smiles. "You guys may touch him if you like! His name is Johnny." The workers says. "Hi Johnny!" Sophia says with a giggle. Hudson touches Johnny the owl and then Liam does.

"Wasn't that nice? We got to touch the owl! So cool!" Mitch says. Liam, Hudson and Sophia say thank you to the worker. "Look guys! It's the giraffes!" Scott says. Liam and Hudson run over to them. Mitch checks on Isabella, who is still asleep. The worker smiles and talks to them about the giraffes. "This giraffe is Geffrey! He is three years old! He loves attention and lettuce! You guys can feed him and his brother Jacob if you like!" The worker says as she pets Geffrey.

"Who wants to feed the giraffes?" Scott asks. "Me!" Liam says. "Me! Me!" Hudson says. "I do!" Sophia says. Liam goes first. "I'll help you reach bud." Scott says as he picks up Liam. Liam holds his piece of lettuce out and Geffrey grabs it. "Good boy Geffrey!" The worker says. Mitch checks the picture he took, making sure it wasn't blurry. "Papa is tall like a giraffe!" Hudson says and Mitch begins to bust out laughing.

The worker laughs with a smile. "Geffrey is eighteen feet tall, while his brother Jacob is sixteen feet tall." The worker says petting Jacob. "Papa is only six feet tall. You and Liam are probably going to be tall just like Papa." Mitch says as he smiles at Scott. The worker says handing Hudson the piece of lettuce to feed Jacob. Scott picks him up and Hudson hands Jacob the piece of lettuce. Jacob takes the lettuce and licks Hudson's hand. "That tickled!" Hudson says as he laughs.

"It's your turn Soph!" Mitch says and Sophia hides behind the stroller. "Soph, it's okay baby! Papa will be right there with you!" Mitch says as he walks Sophia over to Scott. Scott picks her up and kisses her cheek. The worker hands Sophia the piece of lettuce and Sophia holds it out for Geffrey. Geffrey gently grabs the lettuce from Sophia and Sophia begins to pet his head. "Good girl Soph! Being so sweet and soft." Mitch says.

"Thank you so much for letting the kids to do that!" Scott says as he shakes the worker's hand. "It's no problem!" The worker says with a big smile. Mitch checks on Isabella, who is still sleeping peacefully. "Sleepy girl." Mitch says as he covering Isabella up with her purple blanket. "Is Isabella okay?" Scott asks Mitch. "Yeah, she's taking a much needed nap." Mitch says as he kisses Scott.

Liam, Hudson and Sophia hold hands as they walk. Scott takes a picture and smiles. "Lions!" Hudson says. "Aw, looks like they are taking a nap! Look at them all cuddling." Mitch says. Sophia begins to tap on the glass. "Soph, don't do that. You don't want to wake them up sweety." Mitch says softly.

"Papa, do the animals get food and water?" Hudson asks. "Yes they do bud! The zoo help keep these animals safe. Sometimes in the wild these animals aren't as safe." Scott says to Hudson.

"Ele!" Sophia says as she points to the elephant. "Elephants! Yes, you are right baby!" Scott says as he puts Sophia on his shoulders. "Hold on to Papa, Soph!" Mitch says with concern. "I got her Mitchy, she's okay." Scott says reassuringly. "There's a baby elephant!" Hudson says as he points. "Aw! Look at that little baby!" Mitch says.

A worker with a elephant shirt on walks over and smiles. "Two baby elephants were born last week! The other one is in the elephant house sleeping. We are wanting names for them if you have any, write them on the paper. There is a boy and a girl elephant." The worker says with a smile.

"Rosy!" Sophia says. "That's a nice name, Soph!" Mitch says as he writes the name Rosy on the paper. "Do you guys have a boy name?" Scott asks the kids. "Rocko!" Liam says with a smile. "Rosy and Rocko it is!" Mitch says as he writes the names down. "Thank you for the suggestions! The names we will pick will be on the news next week!" The worker says as she smiles at the kids.

Scott and Mitch find a table to sit at, and they begin to eat their lunch. "Hey sleepy girl! Are you hungry?" Mitch asks Isabella and she babbles. Mitch puts Isabella in a booster seat and begins to feed her. Liam, Hudson and Sophia begin to eat their sandwiches Mitch packed. "Did you guys have fun today?" Scott asks and all the kids nod. "I am so glad you guys had fun! Papa and I had fun too!" Mitch says and Scott nods in agreement.

Sophia begins to wipe her eyes. "Somebody is getting sleepy." Scott says as he picks Sophia up. Liam and Hudson throw their trash away, and Mitch gives them hand sanitizer. "I had a lot of fun!" Hudson says. "Me too!" Liam says. "Aw, I am glad!" Mitch says. Mitch, Scott and the kids head home to have a family day <3 :)

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