Never Too Old To Cuddle!

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*My phone is back and working! I officially love the Apple Store! More writing! Who is excited? I hope you guys enjoy this! Love you guys! Bree 💋

Liam doesn't feel well! He threw up his whole entire dinner and is in the bathroom crying because his throat is burning badly.

Mitch is still wide awake, reading a book while Scott is fast asleep next to him. Sawyer is also still asleep in his co-sleeper that is next to Mitch's side of the bed.

Mitch hears gagging from the bathroom, and he slowly gets out of bed to investigate. Mitch walks into the bathroom and sees Liam.

"Liam? What's wrong, sweety?" Mitch asks as he walks over to Liam, who is kneeling with his head near the toilet.

"I don't feel good, Daddy." Liam says as he sniffles.

Mitch begins to rub Liam's forehead and Liam is very warm. Liam begins to throw up again. Mitch feels awful that his oldest child doesn't feel well.

"It's okay, sweety. I'm right here." Mitch says as he rubs circles into Liam's back.

Liam finishes throwing up and looks up at Mitch.

"My stomach hurts and my throat burns." Liam says looking at his Daddy and he throws up again.

"You feel better?" Mitch asks and Liam shrugs. Mitch gets up and looks for medicine.

"Daddy?" Liam says as he coughs.

"Yes, baby." Mitch says as he shuts the medicine cabinet.

"Can I sleep with you and Papa? Please?" Liam asks. Mitch nods happily and sits with Liam.

"Yes, baby you can. Let me clean you up, and then we can lay down." Mitch says as he flushes the toilet and begins to rub Liam's face with a cool washcloth.

"Thank you, Daddy." Liam says softly.

"You're welcome, sweety. Let's lay down." Mitch says.

Mitch manages to pick up the 4'4, fifty five pound, Liam up. Mitch kisses Liam's cheek tenderly and rubs his back. Liam lays his head on his Daddy's shoulder.

"It's okay baby, it's okay. No school for you tomorrow." Mitch says as he walks into his and Scott's bedroom and shuts the door quietly.

Mitch sits Liam on the edge of the bed.

"Papa is taking up all the room!" Liam says as he tries to push Scott out of the way.

Mitch giggles as he checks on Sawyer, who is still sleeping peacefully in his co-sleeper, sucking on his pacifier.

"I'm used to Papa hogging the bed." Mitch says as he gets Liam's blanket, pillow and his beloved teddy bear from Liam's bedroom.

Liam runs to the master bathroom and throws up again. Mitch comes back and walks into the master bathroom.

"It's okay baby. Daddy is here." Mitch says softly into Liam's ear.

Scott wakes up to see that the master bathroom light on. Scott gets up and sees Mitch with Liam.

"Hey bud. What's wrong?" Scott says as he squints his eyes due to the light being on.

"Liam has the stomach flu and a fever." Mitch says as he wipes Liam's face off with a cool washcloth.

Scott looks at the clock, it is 3:33am.

"No school for you, bud. Have you slept any?" Scott asks as he yawns.

"A little. My stomach woke me up hurting really bad, Papa." Liam says sadly.

"Take this, and this and lets lay down." Mitch says and Liam takes the medicine.

Mitch then, cleans up and heads to bed with Liam. Scott plays with Liam's hair and Liam giggles.

Sawyer begins to cry. "Mitchy, I got Sawyer, it's fine." Scott says as he walks over to the co-sleeper and picks up Sawyer.

"It's okay little man, it's okay." Scott says as he softly kisses Sawyer's cheek.

Scott then changes Sawyer's diaper and feeds Sawyer a bottle of warm milk.

Mitch lays down and Liam lays down next to him.

"How many times does Sawyer eat at night, Papa?" Liam asks as he lays his head on Mitch's chest.

"Two to three times a night. It depends on the night." Scott says as he begins to burp Sawyer.

Scott swaddles Sawyer and Scott places him back into his co-sleeper. Scott softly kisses Sawyer's cheek and lays back in bed.

"Papa! You hog the bed!" Liam says as he giggles and Scott giggles with him.

"I'm sorry, bud." Scott says with a chuckle and he covers himself back up.

Mitch rubs Liam's back and kisses his forehead.

"Liam, if you don't feel well or throw up again, just wake Papa or I up." Mitch says as he kisses Liam's cheek.

"Don't feel bad waking us up either, bud." Scott says as he kisses Liam's cheek.

"Daddy? Papa?" Liam says.

"Yes, baby?" Mitch asks softly.

"Can you and Papa sing me a song?" Liam asks.

Scott and Mitch nod. Scott and Mitch begin to sing "Where Are Ü Now."

Liam soon drifts off to sleep. Scott and Mitch smile at each other as they watch Liam sleep.

"You know he doesn't feel well, when he wants to cuddle with us." Scott says and Mitch nods.

"I'm cherishing this. Mr Independent wants his Daddy and Papa cuddles." Mitch says softly.

Mitch kisses Liam's forehead and fixes his pillow.

"Do you have enough room, babe?" Scott asks and Mitch nods.

"He used to sleep like this in my belly." Mitch says as he kisses Liam's forehead again.

"Oh yeah, and we couldn't see his face because of his hands covering his face all the time." Scott says with a tiny giggle as he rolls over to face Mitch.

Scott kisses Mitch softly. "I love you, babe." Scott says.

"I love you too, Scott." Mitch says as he kisses Scott again.

"Get some rest, we gotta get Hudson up soon." Mitch says.

"I know. But I think he wasn't feeling well yesterday either. He took a nap, which he doesn't do anymore." Scott says.

"Well, when we get him up, we can see if he is sick or not." Mitch says.

Scott quickly falls back asleep.

Mitch takes a selfie with Liam and Scott fast asleep next to him.  He posts the caption as: "Rough night with Liam, he feels awful with the stomach flu. I'm loving the cuddles with two of my boys though! And yes, Liam is Scott's twin. 💙💜"

A few days later Liam was back to feeling like himself :)

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