Sick Papa & Daddy!

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*Scott and Mitch are down for the count! Who's saves the day? Hope you guys are enjoying these. Love you all! ~Bree🤘🏻

Mitch and Scott are laying in bed, still asleep. It is nine am, and Liam, Hudson and Sophia are up. Liam somehow gets Isabella out of her crib and they all head downstairs.

"Daddy and Papa are warm! I think we need to call Auntie Kirstie!" Hudson says.

Hudson walks upstairs quietly and grabs Mitch's iPhone. He walks downstairs and hands the iPhone to Liam.

"What's Daddy's password?" Hudson asks.

"I think it's 0-8-0-4." Liam says as he enter the password into Mitch's iPhone.

Mitch's lock screen is all the kids on stage, while his home screen is Scott and himself holding each other's hands.

Liam looks for Kirstie's number on the phone and Liam calls her. Kirstie is outside with her dogs and she hears her phone ringing.

"Hey, Mitchy!" Kirstie says.

"Auntie Kirstie!" Liam says with a giggle.

"Hi, Liam! Why do you have Daddy's phone?" Kirstie asks as she lets her dogs back in the house.

"Daddy and Papa are sleeping still and they are warm! And we are hungry. Can you come over, please?" Liam says.

"I'll be right over! Do not wake up Daddy or Papa, okay?" Kirstie says.

"Okay!" Liam says as he hangs up.

Kirstie comes over right away. Kirstie changes Isabella's diaper and cleans out Sophia's little potty that Sophia uses. Kirstie then begins to make breakfast for the kids.

"Thank you for breakfast, Auntie Kirstie!" Hudson says.

"You're welcome! We're Papa and Daddy not feeling well last night?" Kirstie asks as she cuts Sophia's scrambled eggs up.

"Daddy was sleeping early, and Papa kept coughing." Hudson says as he puts a big bite of food in his mouth.

"I am glad you guys called me. Papa and Daddy need to rest." Kirstie says as she wipes Isabella's mouth off.

Meanwhile upstairs, Mitch and Scott are still fast asleep. Mitch wakes up in a stuffy nose and a pounding headache. He searches for his iPhone and can't find it.

"Scott, what time is it?" Mitch says in a nasally voice.

Scott rolls over and coughs loudly.

"9:30. Holy shit! The kids! We gotta get up!" Scott says as he jumps out of bed, nearly twisting his ankle.

Mitch runs downstairs to see Kirstie playing a game with the kids on the floor.

"Daddy!" Sophia says.

"Hey guys! Kirstie, how did you get here?" Mitch says as he sneezes.

"Liam called me. He said you guys weren't feeling well. So I came over and changed Isabella, cleaned Sophia's little potty and fed the kids breakfast. They are all fine. You and Scott need to rest." Kirstie says as she puts her hand on Mitch's forehead.

Scott walks down the steps and has a coughing fit.

"You guys sound awful! I think you guys need to go to the doctors." Kirstie says.

"I didn't mean to sleep in this late." Scott says as he hugs Mitch from behind.

Scott and Mitch talk with the kids for a few minutes and go upstairs to take showers.

"Where's Daddy and Papa?" Sophia says with a frown.

"Aw, don't cry sweety! Papa and Daddy just need to go to the doctors they will be back soon, okay?" Kirstie says as she hugs Sophia.

Mitch and Scott come back downstairs.

"Do you want me to drive you guys?" Kirstie asks.

"No, K, we are good. We will be back in an hour or so." Scott says as he coughs.

"Babe, are you ready?" Scott says and Mitch nods.

"Guys, be good for Auntie Kirstie, okay? We will be right back." Mitch says as he hugs all the kids.

"Feel better, Daddy and Papa!" Liam says.

"Thank you, Liam. Love you guys!" Scott says as he hugs the kids.

Scott and Mitch head out to the doctors. Both of them have sinus infections and colds. They pick up their medicine from the pharmacy and head back home.

Isabella is sleeping while Sophia is fighting to take a nap. The boys are playing the SpongeBob game on the Wii.

"There's Daddy and Papa, baby! It's okay! She has been fussy." Kirstie says as she softly kisses Sophia's cheek.

"It's okay, Sophia. We are home now. I know, you are sleepy. Your molars are coming in aren't they princess? I know it hurts." Mitch says as he rubs Sophia's back.

"She has been fighting naps a lot lately." Scott says as he coughs and rubs Sophia's back.

"Aw, she's falling asleep." Kirstie says quietly.

Mitch puts Sophia on the couch to nap.

"The more I look at Sophia the more I see Mitch. It's so cute. And Isabella looks like you Scott!" Kirstie as as she covers Sophia up with a blanket.

"She really does look like Mitch. Identical around her eyes. Isabella looks a lot like Liam." Scott says as he feels Sophia forehead.

"She isn't warm. Her teeth are just coming in, the back ones." Scott says as he softly kisses Sophia's cheek.

"Hi, Papa! Hi, Daddy!" Hudson says with a smile.

"Hi, Hud. What are you and Liam doing?" Scott asks.

"Playing the SpongeBob game you got us!" Liam says as he runs in the living room.

"Liam, do not run okay? I don't want you to fall." Mitch says as he sneezes.

"Kirs, thank you for watching the kids for us. Scott and I are feeling a lot better." Mitch says and Scott nods in agreement.

"Aw, I'm glad! If you want me to watch the kids or anything just call me or Jeremy, okay?" Kirstie says.

Scott and Mitch nod and they both hug Kirstie.

"Liam, Huddy, be good for Papa and Daddy, okay? They still don't feel good. Call me if Papa and Daddy feel worse, okay?" Kirstie says as she hugs both of the boys and they nod.

Kirstie leaves and the boys begin to play the SpongeBob game again.

After a few days, Scott snd Mitch feel better and back to themselves. :)

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