Let's Learn Italian!

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*I feel bad because I forgot who requested this! Keep suggestions coming! I appreciate all the support! This was hard to write how to pronounce the words, Lol! Love you guys! • Bree*

Mitch has been wanting to teach Liam
and Hudson Italian. Sophia and Isabella are too young to understand or care to learn a new language.

Mitch has always been close to his Italian heritage and wants to teach his and Scott's children about it.

Mitch is sitting up in bed reading a book on how to teach young kids Italian. Scott is laying down next to Mitch.

"I'm almost done Scotty, you can go to sleep if you want, love." Mitch says as he rubs Scott's back.

"I wanna cuddle with my Mitchy." Scott says.

Mitch smiles as he puts the bookmark in his book and he turns the lamp off.

"Ti amo, Scotty." Mitch says as he kisses Scott's cheek.

"Babe, I don't know Italian." Scott says as he kisses Mitch's cheek.

"I said I love you, silly." Mitch whispers into Scott's chest.

"Ti amo, is that it?" Scott says and Mitch nods.

"Ti amo, Mitchy." Scott says.

Scott and Mitch soon drift off to sleep.

The next day, Mitch is cooking eggs and bacon for breakfast while Scott feeds Isabella her bottle.

"Daddy, I wanna learn Italian! Poppy used to talk to Nonno in Italian. It sounds cool!" Liam says.

"Me too!" Hudson says as he eats his egg sandwich.

"I know some Italian, but not everything Poppy knows. I'll teach you guys when sissys take a nap, okay?" Mitch says.

The boys both nod and smile at Mitch.

Scott and Mitch played games with the kids until it was time to put Sophia and Isabella down for their afternoon naps. Sophia begins to have a fit.

"I know, sweety. I know. It's time for a nap. I know. Shh, it's okay baby." Mitch says as he kisses Sophia's cheek.

Scott picks up Isabella after he changes her diaper.

"Night night, Sophie! Night night, Issy!" Liam says.

"Night night, sissys!" Hudson says.

While Isabella and Sophia napped, Mitch taught Scott, Hudson and Liam some Italian words.

"Okay, I'll teach you guys just everyday sayings that I know. If you want to know something else, we can call Poppy and ask. Sound good?" Mitch says and Liam and Hudson both nod.

Scott smiles and Snapchats a few moments.

"I love you in Italian is ti amo. Tee Ah-mo." Mitch says slowly.

"Ti am no." Hudson says.

"Ti like t-shirt, and amo. Say the letter A like ah." Mitch says.

"Ti amo!" Liam says.

"Good boy! Hudson, it's your turn love." Mitch says.

"Tee Ah-mo." Hudson says.

"Good boy, Huddy!" Mitch says.

"Ti amo, Papa!" Liam says and Scott smiles as he Snapchats the boys. ""

"Ti amo!" Hudson says with a smile.

"Okay, the next saying I am going to teach you guys is good morning. Good morning in Italian is buongiorno. Bwon-Jore-No." Mitch says.

"Bon gori no!" Hudson says.

"That was close bud!" Scott says.

"Bwon-Gor-No." Liam says with a smile.

"You two almost have it! It's Bwon-Jore-No. The G makes a J sound." Mitch says.

"I sound like a chef!" Liam says and Scott busts out laughing.

"Yeah, like the guys that make pizza!" Hudson says.

"You two are so cute! Okay. I'm going to teach you guys please, and thank you. Thank you is grazie. Gra-zee." Mitch says.

"Grazie!" Liam and Hudson say in unison.

"You guys are doing really well!" Mitch says.

"Little Italians we have. So cute." Scott says as he smiles at Mitch."

"Please in Italian is per favore Per fa-vore-aye." Mitch says.

"Per favor!" Hudson says.

"That's Spanish, love bug." Scott says.

"They sound the same!" Hudson says to Mitch and Scott.

"It does, doesn't it?" Mitch says.

"Okay, last word for today! Goodnight in Italian is buona notte. Bwo-Na Not-Tay." Mitch says with a smile.

"Bwo-Na Not-Tay!" Liam says.

"Awesome job, bud!" Mitch says.

"Bwo-now not-to!" Hudson says.

"You almost have it, baby. Bwo-Na Not-Tay." Mitch says with a smile.

"Bwo-Na Not-Tay." Hudson says.

"Great job, boys!" Scott says as he hugs to boys.

Mitch and Scott snapchatted the boys speaking Italian.

"Hud, Hud. Tell me how to say I love you!" Scott says with a smile.

"Ti Amo, Papa!" Hudson says.

"Aw. Ti amo to you, baby boy." Scott says as he kisses Hudson's cheek.

Scott, Mitch and the boys played until Sophia and Isabella woke up from their naps :)

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