Texas Snow Day

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**Whos affected by the blizzard? I am! This is a cute oneshot I thought of when I was shoveling snow. Hope you enjoy! ~Bree

The Grassi's and Hoying's are all snowed in together at the Hoying house. Liam, Ady, Asa, Landon, Zack, Hudson and Sophia are looking out the window at the snow. Isabella is eating rice cereal that Mitch is feeding her. Scott, his brother in laws, Mitch's brother in law, Mike and Rick are getting ready to shovel out. "Baby, I'll come out and help." Mitch says as he cleans Isabella's face off. "No no baby, stay here with our sisters and moms with the kids." Scott says as he kisses Mitch.

"Stay warm baby, okay? Don't hurt yourself." Mitch says as he softly rubs Scott's cheeks. Scott nods and heads outside. "Nana, I wanna go outside!" Liam says to Connie. "Not yet guys! We have to wait until they shovel us out, okay? Then we can go outside and play." Connie says rubbing Liam's back. Liam, Asa, Hudson, Zack and Ady played Hungry Hungry Hippos, while Sophia and Landon sat and watched. Isabella sits with Mitch on the couch watching Netflix.

After almost two hours, the kids finally can go outside and play. "Guys! Be careful, okay?" Mitch says as he helps the kids down the steps. Nel comes out with Sophia, and Connie comes out with Isabella. "Look at the snow, Sophie! Isn't it pretty?" Nel says walking down the steps carefully with Sophia in her arms. Sophia looks at the snow and smiles brightly. "Issy, look at the snow!" Connie says as she walks out with Isabella.

Zack, Landon, Asa, Liam and Hudson run in the snow while Ady takes her time. "Boys! Do not run, okay? There's ice right there." Mitch says sternly. Mitch looks at Isabella. "Look baby girl! It's your first snow day! Sophie's too!" Mitch says with a smile at his two little girls. "Let's build a snowman!" Zack says.

"Papa! Can you help us make a snowman?" Hudson asks. Scott nods as he walks over along with Mitch's brother in law, Jared. Connie and Nel help Sophia and Isabella in the snow. Isabella falls in the snow and Mitch picks her up. "Uh oh! It's cold!" Mitch says wiping off Isabella's clothes and face.

Mitch takes pictures of the girls, playing in the snow. "Cold!" Sophie says as she pick up the snow. Connie and Nel giggle loudly. "It is cold, isn't it?" Mitch says as he kisses Sophia. Isabella begins to fuss in Mitch's arms. "Mitch, I'll take Isabella in sweety. She probably wants to take a nap." Connie says as she calms Isabella down. "Somebody is getting sleepy, I know. Shh shh, it's okay Isabella." Connie says softly into Isabella's ear.

"Aw, thank you Connie! And yes, it is her nap time." Mitch says as he kisses Isabella's cheek. Connie takes Isabella inside and stays in with her. "Where's Nana?" Landon asks Mitch. "She went in, Landon. Isabella is taking a nap." Mitch says. Landon and Hudson begin to have a snowball fight.

"Mom Mom! Look at our snowman so far!" Liam says. "Wow! That's so awesome!" Nel says. "Are you guys having fun?" Rick asks while he shovels the snow. "Yeah!" All the kids say in unison. Sophie begins to eat the snow. "Is it yummy?" Scott says giggling at Sophia and Sophia nods. "Guys, if you want to eat the snow, make sure it isn't yellow, okay?" Mitch's sister Jessa says. Mitch takes pictures of all the kids with the snowman. "How come we don't get snow at home, Daddy?" Liam asks. "It's because California's weather is different then Texas's weather, bud." Mitch says.

Scott puts the final piece of the snowman on. "What do you guys wanna name the snowman?" Scott asks. "Olaf!" Ady says. "Yeah! Olaf!" Landon says. "Olaf needs eyes, a nose and a smile!" Liam says. Mitch brings the supplies to finish Olaf the snowman.

After almost two hours of playing, all the kids come in the house. Mitch makes hot chocolate. "Let's take a break from playing in the snow, okay?" Scott says. All the kids nod begin to take their snow gear off. Jessa, Mitch, Connie and Nel help the kids change their clothes. After finishing their hot chocolate all the kids took a much needed nap.

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