Liam's Broken Arm

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**Hope you guys enjoy! ~Bree💋❣

Liam and Hudson are jumping on the trampoline outside. Liam jumps way too high and falls off. "Ow!" Liam says and he begins to scream and cry, holding on to his right arm. Hudson carefully climbs off the trampoline and runs inside the house. Mitch and Scott are finishing up their Superfruit video in the living room. "Daddy! Papa! Liam fell off the trampoline!" Hudson says. Mitch and Scott run outside to be by Liam's side.

"Daddy! Papa! Ow ow!" Liam says as he continues to cry. "It's okay baby, it's okay baby boy. We are going to the hospital, okay?" Mitch says as he soothes Liam. "Scott, can you get the girls and Hudson in the car, please?" Mitch says. Scott nods as he runs inside the house. Scott gets the girls dressed and gets the kids in the car. Mitch helps Liam get into the car, and helps stabilize his arm.

"It's okay Liam, we are going to fix your arm up, okay?" Scott says as he begins the drive to the hospital. Mitch texts Esther and Kirstie to see if any of them are available to pick up the girls and Hudson. "I'm sorry Li Li that you fell." Hudson says as he rubs Liam's leg. "It's okay Huddy." Liam says with a smile at his brother.

Scott takes Liam into the emergency room, while Mitch waits for Kirstie to pick up the girls and Hudson. After the girls and Hudson leave with Kirstie, Mitch finds Scott and Liam in Liam's room. "Look Liam, it's Daddy." Scott says with a smile. "Hey baby." Mitch says as he kisses Liam's forehead. "He is waiting to get an X-ray done. Right bud?" Scott asks Liam as he rubs his back. Liam nods as he sniffles. "I'm really scared Daddy and Papa." Liam says as he begins to cry. "It's okay, Liam. It's okay. Papa are I are going to be right here." Mitch ways in a whisper and rubs Liam's back. Liam sits in Mitch's lap, feeling comfort from his Daddy.

After waiting thirty minutes, a nurse comes in. The nurse takes Liam to get his x-ray done. "We will be here when you come back, okay?" Scott says to Liam. Liam nods and he and the nurse head into the x-ray room. Mitch begins to cry. Scott rubs Mitch's back and whispers soothing things into his ear. "Baby, it's okay. Liam is fine. I don't want him seeing you cry, then he will get upset." Scott says as he gently kisses Mitch's forehead. "You know I get emotional babe, I just hate knowing he is in pain. None of our kids have ever broken a bone before." Mitch says as he sniffles.

"That's pretty good, being parents for seven years with no broken bones." Scott says as he giggles, trying to make Mitch smile and laugh. Scott fixes Mitch's hair and kisses his cheek. Kirstie texts Mitch to let him know the girls are both taking naps and Hudson was playing. "Isabella and Sophia are both taking naps and Hudson is playing a board game with Kirstie." Mitch says as he replies to Kirstie's text. "That's good. You feel okay?" Scott asks Mitch.

Mitch nods and hugs Scott tightly. "Everything will be okay, babe." Scott says, whispering in Mitch's ear. The nurse and Liam come back after ten minutes. Liam has a teddy bear in his left hand. "Aw, who gave you that?" Mitch asks Liam with a big smile. "The nurse! She said I was a good boy." Liam says.

"Did you tell the nurse thank you?" Scott asks Liam and Liam nods. Mitch, Scott and Liam watch TV while they await  the x-ray results. After thirty minutes, the doctor comes in with the x-ray results. Liam's arm is broken, but he does not need surgery to fix the broken bone. He just needs to wear a cast for six weeks. "I am so glad you do not need surgery, sweety." Mitch says as he kisses Liam's cheek.

"I wanna go home." Liam says as he yawns. "I know you do, bud. We will be home soon." Scott says as he rubs Liam's back. Mitch looks at all the color casts Liam could pick from. "What color cast do you want, Li Li? Look at all the pretty colors." Mitch says as he holds up the catalog with all the cast colors. "I like that one." Liam says, pointing to the turquoise color. "Great choice!" The nurse says with a smile at Liam. The nurse and the doctor put the cast on Liam's right arm.

"There you go, Mister Liam! Here a paper with instructions on what to do and not to do with the cast. I hope you feel better soon, Mister Liam." The doctor says to Liam as he shakes Liam's left hand. Liam giggles and high fives the doctor. "Thank you so much." Mitch says as he shakes the doctor's hand. Scott does this as well. "Thank you! Are you ready to go home, bud?" Scott asks Liam and Liam nods. Mitch smiles and holds Liam's left hand.

Scott helps Liam into the car. "At least it isn't my left hand!" Liam says with a tiny giggle. Liam is left handed, just like his Daddy. "Is it going to hurt when I get my cast off Daddy?" Liam asks Mitch. "It shouldn't bud. You feel okay?" Mitch asks Liam and Liam nods. Scott gives Liam a juice box. "Thank you. Papa!" Liam says to scott. "You're welcome bud." Scott says as he begins to drive home.

"Liam, Papa and I are so proud of you. For doing such a great job at the doctors." Mitch says with a smile. Liam smiles back at Mitch. "I love you Daddy and Papa." Liam says. "I love you too Liam!" Scott says. "I love you baby boy." Mitch says with a smile.

Liam falls asleep in the car. Mitch smiles at Scott. Scott smiles back and he drives home. Scott carefully picks up Liam and takes him to bed.

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