Shopping For Baby Liam!

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*I have been a throwback mood lately! I hope you guys enjoy! Something cute! Bree💞

Mitch and Scott are walking around Babies R Us, scanning things they want for their upcoming baby shower. "Mitchy! What color dresser do you like?" Scott asks and Mitch's walks over. Mitch is seven months pregnant. Mitch has been having a wonderful pregnancy so far and baby Liam is growing right on track!

"I kinda want dark furniture because his walls are going to be a pale color." Mitch says as he holds Scott's hand. "Our parents said they will pay for the big stuff, like the furniture." Scott says. "I wish they wouldn't do that! But Nel and Connie insists on buying Liam's furniture." Mitch says with a giggle. "I love this set, Scott." Mitch says with a grin. "That's cute! And a good price for it!" Scott says as he scans it.

Scott and Mitch walk around the store some more. "Look how cute this giraffe is! Scott says looking at the tall giraffe stuffed animal. "Aw, that's really cute!" Mitch says with a big smile. "What else does Liam need, love?" Scott says as he kisses Mitch's cheek. "A lot of stuff, Scott. Silly goose." Mitch says as he laughs loudly. "We need to look at car seats, Scott." Mitch says, walking over to the car seats.

Scott follows Mitch and looks at the car seats. "Babe, this is the brand my sister suggested." Scott says and Mitch looks at the car seat. "Jessa said the same thing, she said these are the most safe. I love this pattern, Scott." Mitch says smiling at Scott. "I love it too!" Scott says as he scans it.

"Can the workers here tell we are first time parents?" Scott says with a chuckle. "Oh yeah, we don't know what to look at first. Esther wants to help us, so she is coming." Mitch says as he holds Scott's hand and kisses it. "Good, we need a girl to help us, I honestly don't know what to get." Scott says as he kisses Mitch's hand. Esther walks in the store and finds Scott and Mitch.

"There's my favorite daddies to be!" Esther says as she hugs Mitch and Scott. "We don't know what to look at!" Scott says as he laughs. "That's why I am here, noodle! Let's see what you guys have so far. Clothes, clothes, furniture set, clothes, bibs, clothes, car seat. What are you going to breastfeed Mitch? You need bottles, ding dong! Thank goodness I am here, all Liam would get is clothes!" Esther says as she laughs loudly.

"Our parents are buying the dresser, crib, and changing table." Mitch says to Esther. "Aw, that's so sweet! I bet they are so excited! Let's look at bottles, this kind is the best! When Liam is little he will use these, and then when he gets older he uses these." Esther says as she shows Mitch the bottles. Scott is playing on his iPhone."Scott Richard! You better be paying attention and help me!" Mitch says, snapping at Scott.

"You are right, Mitchy. I am sorry." Scott says shyly and puts his phone away. Mitch walks over to look at baby monitors. "It's just the hormones Scott, don't take it to heart. He is just really stressed out, looking at all this stuff. He will be fine, once you guys have everything on the registry you guys need and want." Esther says, whispering in Scott's ear. Scott nods and they both find Mitch.

After two hours, Mitch and Scott have everything they need or want on their registry for baby Liam! "Thank you so much Esther for helping us!" Mitch says as he hugs Esther. "Thank you, Esther! You are such an awesome Auntie already." Scott says with a smile and hugs Esther. "Aw! It's no problem! Kirstie and I can't wait to throw the baby shower!" Esther says with a big smile.

Esther, Mitch and Scott have dinner together, then they all head home. Scott opens the car door for Mitch and Mitch smiles. "Thank you, baby." Mitch says as he kisses Scott's cheek. "You're welcome, baby." Scott says as he begins to drive home. Once they are home, they relax on the couch and watch a movie.

Mitch looks at Scott and holds his hand, and kisses it. "I am sorry for snapping at you Scott. I feel bad for yelling at you earlier I shouldn't have done that." Mitch says quietly.

"Mitch, don't worry about it. I know you were stressed out. I shouldn't have been on my phone. You needed my help." Scott says as he rubs Mitch's leg. "I know, but I shouldn't have flipped out over something that small. I could tell your demeanor changed. I just feel bad. I'm really sorry." Mitch says as he begins to cry. "Mitchy, don't cry. Please don't cry. I am not mad at you Mitchy, I promise." Scott says as he hugs Mitch.

Scott wipes Mitch's tears and kisses Mitch softly. "You feel okay?" Scott asks Mitch and Mitch nods. "I want something sweet." Mitch says as he sighs. "We have cookies, love." Scott says with a smirk and Mitch's face lights up. "I am going to gain one hundred pounds during this pregnancy, I swear." Mitch says as he laughs. Mitch rubs his belly and Liam begins to kick.

"Mitchy, you only gained fifteen pounds and you have two months left. You are doing wonderful the doctor said." Scott says as he hands Mitch the cookies. "Thank you Scott, you are the best." Mitch says kissing Scott and letting him have a bite of a cookie. Scott smiles and rubs Mitch's belly, feeling Liam kick. After eating three cookies, Mitch and Scott head upstairs for bed.

"My back is killing me." Mitch says as he lays down. Scott lays down next to Mitch and begins to rub Mitch's back. "Thank you, baby." Mitch says softly. "You're welcome, Mitchy. I love you so much." Scott says as he softly kisses Mitch's neck. "I love you too. Mister Liam is going to kick me all night. He is in my ribs, ugh." Mitch says with a giggle. Scott giggles too, as he continues to rub Mitch's back.

"Scott?" Mitch says. "Yes baby?" Scott says softly. "You are going to be the best Papa ever." Mitch says happily. Scott smiles at Mitch, and gets excited, knowing in two more months, his and Mitch's baby boy is going to be here. "You are going to be the best Daddy ever." Scott says as he kisses Mitch's cheek.

They fall asleep cuddling with eachother :)

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