Pregnant On Tour

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*This was requested a while back! This is Mitch pregnant with Liam here and PTX is on tour! I tried to add some fluff for you guys! I hope you guys enjoy! Love you guys! Bree💙

Mitch has been grumpy all day and Scott doesn't know why. Scott and the rest of the band try to figure out what's wrong. Mitch is ignoring everybody.

Mitch huffs as he walks away from Scott and the rest of the band, walking to the kitchen. Scott follows behind as he tries to to figure out what is wrong with Mitch.

"Mitch, talk to me." Scott says.

"What do you want, Scott? I'm pissed off and everybody wants to play twenty questions with me! Do I look happy? NO." Mitch says loudly.

"Calm down, Mitchy. Calm down." Scott says.

"I'm fucking trying to Scott. But, nobody wants to leave me alone! After I asked you and everybody else one hundred times!" Mitch says even louder.

"Mitchy, I'm just trying to figure out what's wrong. Nobody has done anything wrong! We are just making sure you are okay!" Scott says.

"How many times do I have to fucking say it Scott! I want to be left alone right now! The baby and I am fine!" Mitch yells.

Scott walks to the back of the bus while Mitch stays in the kitchen.

After calming down for a few hours and taking a very much needed nap, Mitch decides to look for Scott and to talk to him. Mitch feels extremely bad for going off on everybody earlier.

"Es, have you seen Scott?" Mitch says quietly.

"He is in the back room playing a video game. Are you okay, sweetheart? You haven't seem like yourself today." Esther says as she rubs Mitch's shoulders.

"I just have felt so stressed out. I love being on tour, I absolutely love it. It's just more stressful this time because I'm pregnant. My mind has been racing with all the things I need to do at home. I'm just a mess Esther, I'm so sorry for yelling at you and everybody else." Mitch says as he begins to cry.

"Aw, don't cry! Don't cry. It's okay. Don't worry! We understand this is very stressful. You have plenty of time to get everything ready for Liam! I promise you! And you have all of us, Alex, Jake, Darien, and Jeremy. It's all gonna work out. You need to rest more and just relax. All this stress is not good for you and Liam. You guys only have one more week of tour sweety, and then you can be home and begin to work on everything you need to do." Esther says hugging Mitch.

Esther then pats Mitch's belly and feels Liam kick.

"Thank you, Esther. I love you so much." Mitch says as he wipes the tears from his eyes.

"I love you too, sweety! If you need me to buy you any special food from the store, just let me know, I know you have been having cravings." Esther says giggling and Mitch giggles back.

"I definitely will! Let me talk to Scott." Mitch says.

"Okay sweety, I'm going to head to the store to get a few things, just let me know if you think of anything!" Esther says as she walks out of the tour bus.

Mitch walks over to the back of the bus where Mitch sees Scott playing Mario Kart.

"Scott?" Mitch says quietly. Scott pauses the game and looks up at Mitch.

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