Grandparents Meet Hudson!

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*You guys requested this! I hope you guys enjoy! Love you guys! ~Bree

Mitch, Scott, Hudson and Liam are at the hospital. Mitch is recovering from his c-section and they have to stay for four days. The first night with Hudson was pretty uneventful and Hudson has been doing well. The second night, Hudson wanted to eat a lot, so Scott and Mitch are pretty tired. But they are happy to spend the day of Liam.

Liam is playing with his cars on the floor while the nurse comes in the check on Mitch and baby Hudson. "Liam, move away from the nurse so she won't fall, okay?" Scott says. "Okay Papa!" Liam says as he moves his cars to the other side of the room.

"Liam! Mom Mom, Nana, Poppy and Grampy are coming!" Mitch says with a big smile. "Yay! Are they spending the night at our house?" Liam asks. "Yes they are! You are going back home with them tonight. Sound like fun?" Scott says. "Yay!" Liam says with a toothy grin.

Scott checks his iPhone, and his mom Connie texted him. "All the grandparents are here! I'll be right back! Stay here with Daddy and Hudson." Scott says as he kisses Liam's forehead and placing him on Mitch's bed. "I'll be right back Mitchy. Do you need anything?" Scott ask Mitch and he kisses him softly. "Can you please get me coffee from Starbucks? I have been a very good boy without it my whole pregnancy." Mitch says as he pouts his lips.

"Of course, love. Liam, would you like a muffin?" Scott asks. "Yes Papa!" Liam says as he smiles at Scott. "Okay, I'll be right back!" Scott says leaving the room. Twenty minutes later, Scott, Connie, Rick, Nel and Mike come in. Liam gives them a teethy grin. Mitch is holding Hudson in his arms.

Hudson is wrapped in a quilted blanket Kirstie had made for him. Scott hands Mitch his coffee. "Thank you, baby cakes." Mitch says as he kisses Scott. "You're welcome, baby." Scott says as he kisses Hudson's head softly.

"Oh my goodness!" Connie says in a whisper as she walks over to Mitch. Nel walks over and smiles. "He is beautiful!" Nel says as she looks at a sleeping Hudson, then hugs Liam. Connie kisses and hugs Liam. "Do you love your baby brother?" Connie asks and Liam nods. "Come here little man!" Mike says. Liam runs over to Mike and hugs him tight. "I love you bud!" Mike says. Liam hugs Rick. "Hey little dude!" Rick says as he high fives Liam.

"He looks just like his Daddy!" Rick says with a chuckle. Scott nods in agreement as he smiles at his dad. Nel and Connie each hold Hudson and take a lot of pictures of him. "How much did he weigh?" Nel asks Mitch. "Seven pounds twelve ounces. Twenty two inches." Mitch says proudly.

"Big boy!" Connie says as he kisses Hudson's cheek and he begins to coo. "How are you feeling, Mitch?" Rick asks Mitch. "I feel really good Mr. Rick, thank you very much for asking." Mitch says with a smile.

Rick and Mike hold Hudson while Nel and Connie talk to Liam. "Liam, did you have fun at Auntie Kirstie's house?" Connie asks as she plays with Liam's hair. "Yes Nana! Her dog is so much fun!" Liam says with a grin. Mitch finds a picture of Olaf to show Connie on his iPhone. "Aw! What a pretty dog! He is nice?" Connie asks and Liam nods. "Liam! Are you happy to have a baby brother?" Nel asks Liam.

"Yes! I wuv him so much!" Liam says with a big smile. Rick hands Scott, Hudson and Hudson begins to fuss. "Aw what's wrong, little man?" Scott says. "I think he's hungry." Mitch says as he calls the nurse's station. The nurse brings in a warm bottle and Scott begins to feed a hungry Hudson. "He has been eating a ton! He has been sleeping well too." Mitch says.

"That's really good! When are you guys coming home?" Nel asks. "Hopefully tomorrow sometime. I can't wait to be home." Scott says with a chuckle. "Me too! I hate being in hospitals." Mitch says. "Well, Nel and I are going to clean the house for you guys when we leave here." Connie says and Nel nods with a grin. "You two do not have to clean our house! Mom, you should be relaxing not cleaning." Scott says as he burps Hudson.

"Scott, it's fine sweety. You and Mitch both need to rest and spend time with these two precious boys you guys two have." Nel says with a smile. "If I want to clean I am going to clean, Scott Richard! I love to clean you know that." Connie says and Mitch laughs. Liam plays with his cars and Mike sits with him on floor. After an hour, Connie, Rick, Nel, and Mike decide it's time to go and take Liam home.

Rick picks up Liam while Mike grabs all of the toys. "Liam, I want you to be on your best behavior, okay?" Mitch says as he kisses Liam's cheek. "Yes Daddy! I will!" Liam says as he hugs Mitch and kisses Hudson's cheek. "Liam, Daddy, Hudson and I should be home tomorrow, okay? I want you to have fun with Mom Mom, Nana, Grampy and Poppy! They are so excited to spend time with you." Scott says as he hugs Liam tightly and kisses his cheek.

"I can't wait for Huddy to come home!" Liam says. Connie, Nel, Mike and Rick kiss and hug Scott and Mitch. "Scott, Mitch, if you guys need anything, just call us okay?" Rick says. Mitch and Scott nod and thank their parents for watching Liam.

The next day Hudson, Scott and Mitch come home from the hospital :)

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