Checking Backs

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*Since we know Scott has scoliosis, will any of the Grassi-Hoying kids have it too? Mitch and Scott take the kids to a specialist to see! I don't know if any of these tests exist for scoliosis or not. Hope you guys enjoy this! Love you guys! • Bree💎

Mitch is worrying sick that the kids might have scoliosis, just like Scott. Mitch sees the pain Scott has had through out the years and has seen Scott wear a brace on his back when he was younger.

Mitch is just afraid that one of the kids will have to do what Scot did when he was younger. Isabella is nine months old, Sophia is two, Hudson is four and Liam is seven.

The doctor will do a few tests on the kids. The tests are to do an exam of the spine, a x-ray, and a blood test to see if any gene for scoliosis is there in the kid's blood.

The kids already did the blood work and the x-ray a few days before and the results should be ready for their doctor's appointment today.

Scott is laying on the floor while Mitch gets ready.

"Mitchy." Scott mumbles.

"Yes, love bug?" Mitch says as he does his makeup.

"Can you rub my back? Please." Scott says in a mumble.

Mitch walks over and begins to rub Scott's back.

"Right there, Mitchy. That's where it hurts." Scott says as he groans.

"Have you been wearing your back brace?" Mitch asks and Scott nods.

"You just got your back checked so, everything is fine. You don't have a curve anymore, which I am so happy about. But, I am terrified the kids will have this problem." Mitch says as he kisses Scott's back.

Mitch helps Scott up and they kiss.

"You are the best husband ever Mitchy. I don't think I tell you that enough." Scott says as he makes Mitch blush.

"And don't worry about the kids, baby. They would have had the signs by now, especially Liam, since he is seven. That's when my parents found out with me." Scott says as he kisses Mitch.

Scott walks into Liam's bedroom to make sure he is up.

"What's for breakfast!" Hudson says as he puts his glasses on.

"We are going to get bagels and then we are going to the doctor." Scott says.

Sophia walks up to Scott.

"Good morning, princess! Let me help you fix your shirt." Scott says as he fixes Sophia's shirt.

Mitch walks out with a giggling Isabella in his arms. They all head out and get into the car.

"You feel okay, Mitchy?" Scott asks Mitch and Mitch nods.

"Daddy? Are they going to poke us again?" Hudson asks Mitch.

"No, baby. No pokes this time." Mitch says as he smiles at Hudson.

After a fifteen minute drive, they are at the doctor's office. They are in the waiting room, patiently waiting.

"This place is so boring." Hudson says with a pout.

"Hudson, it is because this doctor sees mainly adults. This is the same doctor that Papa goes to for his back. I should have brought toys for you guys. Liam, sit up in the chair, please." Mitch says.

Liam and Sophia are watching a YouTube video on Scott's iPhone. Liam takes the iPhone away from Sophia and she smacks him.

"Sophia Noelle! You do not hit. And Liam, you either share or no more iPhone." Scott says sternly to Liam.

Liam ignores Scott and continues to watch the video. Scott takes the iPhone away.

"I was watching that!" Liam says as he begins to cry.

"Liam, Papa told you to either share with Sophia or no more iPhone. And you decided not to share." Mitch says sternly.

Ten minutes later, the nurse calls them in to check their weight and height.

Isabella is 2'3 and twenty pounds, Sophia is three feet tall and thirty pounds, Hudson is 3'5 and is thirty seven pounds, and Liam is 4'1 and is fifty pounds.

"We have tall kiddos I see!" Mitch says with a giggle. The nurse smiles and giggles too.

The kids walk into the small room.

"Guys, do not touch anything, okay?" Scott says.

Mitch bounces Isabella on his leg while the other three kids sit on the table. Dr. Morris walks in and smiles at the kids.

"Hello, Mr. Grassi-Hoying and Mr. Hoying. It is nice to see you both again!" Dr. Morris says.

"Hello guys! It is so good to finally meet all of you guys. Your Papa and Daddy have told me a lot about you all." Dr. Morris says with a grin.

Then, Dr. Morris begins to examine the kid's backs.

"She is sitting up really well! Nice and straight. Has she started to walk yet?" Dr. Morris asks Mitch and Scott about Isabella.

"She has learned how to use objects to help her stand. She hasn't tried to walk yet." Scott says with a giggle.

"She is advanced for her age. All the kids x-rays looked wonderful. All their spines look nice and straight as you can see." Dr. Morris says as he puts all of the kids x-rays on the board.

Scott and Mitch smile at eachother knowing the kids are okay.

"The pains they are feeling in their legs are growing pains, which is normal and common. Some kids have more pain then others. All of their blood work looked amazing as well. None of them have the gene that causes Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. I would still keep an eye of them as they grow, since Scott has scoliosis. Maybe every year or two for a basic checkup." Dr. Morris says as he finishes examining Hudson.

"Sophia. It's okay, baby. Dr. Morris is very nice." Mitch says soothingly.

"I believe all the kids will be tall, just like the both of you. The girls will probably be around 5'6 to 5'8. The boys probably will be six foot just like Scott." Dr. Morris says as he checks Liam's back.

The last to be checked by Dr. Morris is Sophia, who is crying.

"Don't cry sweety, it's okay!" Dr. Morris says.

"She hates any kind of doctor." Mitch says as Sophia crawls into Mitch's lap.

After a few minutes of talking, Mitch and Scott take the kids home.

"Our backs are straight!" Hudson says as he runs to the car.

"They sure are! But if your back isn't straight, it isn't your fault." Mitch says as he buckles Isabella in.

Scott picks up Sophia and buckles her in.

"I know, it's nap time. You can fall asleep in the car, okay?" Scott says as he kisses Sophia's cheek.

"The doctor was nice!" Liam says.

"He is, isn't he? He wants to make sure all of you are healthy." Mitch says with a smile.

Mitch and Scott are extremely happy that none of the kids have signs of scoliosis!

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