Hearing The Baby's Heartbeat

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**Mitch is pregnant with Isabella here! Hope you guys enjoy! ~Bree💞

Mitch, Scott and Sophia are going to Mitch's doctor's appointment. Hudson and Liam are in school. A few days ago, Mitch found out he was pregnant again! Mitch and Scott are heading to the appointment to check on the new baby. "Are you okay, Mitchy?" Scott asks Mitch and Mitch nods. "I just feel nauseated and nervous." Mitch says as he squeezes Scott's hand.

Mitch and Scott walk into the doctor's office. Mitch is sitting on the table while Scott has Sophia in his lap giggling. Scott bounces Sophia on his leg and she giggles some more. The doctor walks in and smiles at Sophia. "Aw, look how grown up Sophia is!" Dr. Cici says. "She sure is! She has gotten so big!" Scott says as he kisses Sophia's cheek.

"Mitch, your blood levels are perfect! Congratulations!" Dr. Cici says. Mitch and Dr. Cici talk about his symptoms and other things. "Let's do an ultrasound to see how far along you are, Mitch." Dr Cici says, as she gets the ultrasound machine set up. Mitch squeezes Scott's hand and Scott kisses Mitch's hand. Dr. Cici puts the gel on Mitch's small stomach.

"That's cold!" Mitch says with a giggle. Dr. Cici begins the ultrasound and she smiles right away. "There's the baby right there." Dr. Cici says as she points at the screen. "Aw! Look Scotty! Sophie, there's your baby brother or sister!" Mitch says with a smile. Scott smiles seeing his new child on the screen.

Dr. Cici turns the sound on, letting Scott and Mitch hear the baby's heart beat. "One hundred and sixty five beats per minute which is perfect. The baby is measuring at ten weeks! I'll take a few pictures of the baby for you guys. Congratulations!" Dr. Cici says proudly. Mitch and Scott begin to tear up and smile at each other.

"Thank you very much!" Scott says as he kisses Sophia's cheek. "How old are the boys now? Dr. Cici says as she cleans Mitch's stomach off. "Liam is six, and Hudson is three. Sophia will be turning one in a few weeks." Mitch says with a grin. "Aw, so cute! Come back in two weeks Mitch for your twelve week appointment. The baby looks great and measuring right on track. Your due date is July 25th." Dr. Cici says as she shakes Mitch and Scott's hands.

"Aw, this baby will be like a birthday present for you, Mitchy." Scott says smiling at Mitch. "Thank you very much, Dr. Cici! See you in two weeks! Say bye bye, Sophia!" Mitch says kissing Sophia. Sophia waves and Dr. Cici smiles. Mitch, Scott and Sophia head out to the car.

"Look how precious the baby looks, Scott!" Mitch says smiling at the ultrasound pictures. "The baby looks adorable! You are more far along then we thought." Scott says smiling at Mitch. Mitch and Scott kiss twice. "Well, I think I know when and where this baby was conceived at!" Mitch says with a tiny chuckle.

Scott begins to drive home. "Where?" Scott says giggling and confused. "In Fiji. Remember? After we went skinny dipping with Alex and Jake? We did it in a big pile of leaves because we were afraid to wake Alex and Jake up." Mitch says giggling. "Oh! I remember now! Yeah, we were drunk as hell and went crazy that night." Scott says.

Mitch smacks Scott's arm. "Don't talk about that in front of Sophia!" Mitch says giving Scott a dirty look. "Mitchy, she's not even one, she won't remember." Scott says as he laughs hard.  "Don't talk about it in front of Hudson and Liam, they will tell everybody!" Mitch says.

"Well if the baby's a girl we should name her Fiji." Scott says with a tiny giggle. "Absolutely not!" Mitch says as he laughs. As Scott continues to drive, Mitch puts one of his hands on his forehead. "You alright, baby?" Scott asks. "I feel so nauseous right now." Mitch says. "Do you want me to pull over, babe?" Scott asks as he rubs Mitch's leg. "No, I'll be fine in a minute. Maybe it's because I haven't ate anything today." Mitch says.

"What would you like to eat, love?" Scott says as he continues to rub Mitch's leg. "I want a sandwich from the place down the street from our house." Mitch says as he kisses Scott's hand. "Sure, love. Do you think Sophia wants anything?" Scott asks Mitch. "Yeah, let's get her a muffin. She loves those." Mitch says he smiles at Sophia. "Don't you, baby girl?" Mitch says as he tickles at Sophia. She smiles back at Mitch and laughs.

Mitch, Scott and Sophia come home with their lunch. Scott places Sophia in her high chair. "Here you go, baby girl!" Scott hands Sophia her muffin. Mitch and Scott begin to eat their lunch. "You feel okay, Mitchy?" Scott asks and Mitch nods. "Sophie, can I have a bite?" Scott asks Sophia and Sophia gives Scott a little piece.

"Thank you, baby girl!" Scott says as he kisses Sophia's cheek. "Thank you for lunch, Scott." Mitch says to Scott as he picks up Sophia. "You're welcome, babe!" Scott smiles as he kisses Mitch. Sophia yawns and puts her head on Mitch's shoulder.

"Sleepy girl." Scott says kissing Sophia's cheek. "Let's take you upstairs to nap, sweet girl." Mitch says as he takes Sophia up in her bedroom to nap. Mitch puts Sophia in her crib and she falls asleep quickly. Mitch walks downstairs and sees Scott on the couch laying down. "Come here, cutie pie." Scott says with a smirk.

Mitch walks over to Scott and lays down next to him. "You feel okay, baby?" Scott whispers into Mitch's ear. Mitch nods, placing his head on Scott's shoulder. Scott kisses Mitch's forehead. "Sleepy?" Scott asks Mitch and Mitch nods.

"Take a nap, love. I know you didn't sleep good last night." Scott says as he rubbed Mitch's back. "I love you so much." Mitch mumbles into Scott's shirt. "I love you too, Mitchy. Get some sleep, okay?" Scott says as he covers Mitch and himself up with the blanket that Kirstie bought them for Christmas. Mitch nods and falls asleep in Scott's arms. Scott takes a selfie with a sleeping Mitch on his lap, posting it on Instagram with the caption: "Snuggles with bae 😘👭".

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