Painting With Daddy

978 34 11

**This oneshot will be Hudson and Mitch's one on one time day! :) enjoy! Bree**

Mitch is all dressed and ready to go out with Hudson. Liam has a little cold and doesn't feel well. You feel okay, Li Li?" Mitch asks Liam as he feels Liam's warm forehead. Liam nods and Mitch kisses Liam's cheek. Scott comes in with Sophia in his arms. "Hey Scotty." Mitch says, smiling at Scott and kisses him. "Hey babe. Hudson is still asleep I just checked on him." Scott says with a grin.

Mitch walks out of the master bedroom to get Hudson up and ready. "Papa, can we play Mario Kart and stay in bed?" Liam asks Scott, after he sneezes twice. "Sure bud! Daddy and Huddy will be going out to do stuff, so we are going to hang out with Sophie." Scott says sitting on the king size bed with Liam with Sophia in his lap.

Mitch walks into Hudson's bedroom and sees Hudson is all stretched out in his toddler bed. "Hey Hudson. It's time to wake up, baby boy. We are going to have fun today!" Mitch says rubbing Hudson's back. "Is Li Li coming?" Hudson asks. "No bud, Liam doesn't feel well, so he is going to stay home with Papa and Sophie." Mitch says to Hudson.

"Okay Daddy!" Hudson says running to Scott and Mitch's bedroom. Liam just fell back asleep. "Hey bud! Good morning. Li Li doesn't feel well." Scott says in a whisper as he picking up Hudson. "I'm going out with Daddy!" Hudson says. Scott shushes Hudson to keep quiet, because Liam is sleeping. Yeah! That sounds like fun! Be a good boy for Daddy, okay?" Scott says in a whisper as he kisses Hudson's cheek.

Hudson nods and hugs Scott. "Papa loves you." Scott says tickling Hudson. "I wuv you too!" Hudson says with a giggle. Mitch comes in with Hudson's outfit in his hand. "Let's get dressed buddy, so we can go." Mitch says quietly. Hudson runs over to Mitch and Mitch dresses him. "Are you going to be okay with Liam baby?" Mitch asks Scott and Scott nods.

"Yeah babe, we will be fine. I just want him to rest. I will give Sophia a bath in a little bit." Scott says to Mitch. Mitch walks over to Liam and kisses his cheek. "Call me if he gets any worse, okay?" Mitch says as he kisses Scott. "I will babe, I love you." Scott says softly. I love you too. I love you Sophie. Such a pretty girl." Mitch says kissing Sophia's cheek and she babbles at him.

Scott smiles, looking at Liam who is fast asleep next to him and at Sophia, who is in his lap. Mitch waves goodbye to Scott and heads out the door with Hudson. "Would you like to go to that painting place we went to before?" Mitch asks Hudson as they walk towards the car. "Yes Daddy! I wanna paint!" Hudson says hopping up and down.

Mitch picks Hudson up and buckles him into his carseat. "Let's get a bagel first and then we can go paint!" Mitch says as he begins to drive. "Daddy! Sing!" Hudson says with a grin. Mitch smiles back. "What song bud?" Mitch asks Hudson. "Sunshine!" Hudson says smiling.

Mitch begins to sing the song "You Are My Sunshine": "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away." Mitch sings. "Wuv you Daddy!" Hudson says giggling. "I love you too, Huddy!" Mitch says to Hudson.

After a ten minute drive, Mitch and Hudson are at the pottery painting place. Mitch helps Hudson out of his carseat and holds Hudson as they head into the place. "Daddy! Piglet! Piglet!" Hudson says pointing to the pig. "You want to paint him, bud?" Mitch asks Hudson and he nods. Mitch picks out a plate for himself to paint.

"What color would you like to paint your pig, Huddy?" Mitch asks Hudson, as he begins to paint his plate. "I wanna paint him blue!" Hudson says with a grin. As Mitch and Hudson paint, they talk about random things a two year old like to talk about. "Huddy watch, you can mix two colors to make another color!" Mitch says mixing the red and blue paint together. "Purple!" Hudson says as he dips his paint brush into the purple paint. Mitch paints his plate with everybody's names on it.

"What does blue and yellow make, Daddy?" Hudson asks Mitch. "Let's see bud. Let's mix them together." Mitch says as he helps Hudson mix the paint. "Green!" Hudson says smiling. "Good boy!" Mitch says.

Mitch and Hudson finish their paintings. "My piggy is shiny!" Hudson says giggling. "The piggy is! The piggy is very pretty! We need to go to the store to get Li Li medicine." Mitch says, helping Hudson carrying his pig. "Li Li doesn't feel well!" Hudson says with a frown.

"Yeah Li Li does not feel well. Papa said we need to find medicine for him and a loaf bread." Mitch says as he puts his phone in his purse. "I had fun Daddy! Wuv you!" Hudson says happily. "I love you too, baby boy. I am so glad you had fun today." Mitch says kissing Hudson.

Mitch and Hudson head to the store to get Liam medicine and bread. They went home and snuggled with Scott, Liam and Sophia! :)

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