Hudson Gets Glasses!

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**Any of you guys wear glasses? I do! Hope you guys enjoy! ~Bree**

Hudson has been telling Scott and Mitch he has been having trouble seeing. Mitch and Scott have decided to take Hudson to see the eye doctor. The eye doctor, Dr. Smith, confirmed that Hudson is nearsighted, meaning he could not see things far away. It finally made sense to Scott and Mitch, that this is why Hudson was squinting at the tv, and squinting when trying to see things that are somewhat far away.

Hudson begins to cry. "What's wrong, Huddy?" Scott says as he tries to comfort his middle child. "I'm a bad boy!" Hudson says as he hides his face in Scott's chest. "Huddy, you aren't a bad boy. Actually, you are a good boy, because you told Daddy and I you were having trouble seeing." Scott says, fixing Hudson's hair. "Huddy, don't cry baby boy. It's okay! Papa and I wear glasses too! But we wear contacts now. We will get you contacts when you are older." Mitch says softly.

Mitch kisses Hudson's head while Scott rubs his back. "Would you like to pick out a pair of glasses, Hudson?" Dr. Smith asks Hudson with a smile. Hudson looks at the glasses, then at Mitch. "Go ahead, sweet boy." Mitch says with a grin. Hudson slides off Scott's leg and walks over to the glasses. "Pick out what pair you would like Huddy. Any pair!" Scott says. Hudson picks a pair. They are dark blue and the frames are square. Dr. Smith helps Hudson put them on. "I need to put your own lenses in them Hudson, I'll be right back." Dr. Smith says smiling at Hudson as he leaves the room again.

"You look handsome in those glasses, Hudson!" Scott says. Hudson walks up to Mitch and Mitch picks him up. "Don't be upset, baby boy. You are going to look so handsome and cute with your glasses!" Mitch says as he rubs Hudson's blonde hair out of his eyes.

Dr. Smith comes back with Hudson's new glasses. "Here you go, Hudson!" Dr. Smith says as he puts Hudson's glasses on. Hudson begins to look around the room. Everything is clearer! Scott and Mitch smile brightly at each other. "Huddy, can you see me?" Mitch asks Hudson. Hudson looks at Mitch and nods. "I am so glad you can see better, Hudson!" Dr. Smith smiles. Hudson give Dr. Smith a high five.

"I would buy two or three pairs just incase Hudson breaks his glasses. Little ones do that often." Dr. Smith says. Scott and Mitch both agree. Scott, Mitch and Hudson leave the Dr. Smith's office. Scott pays for three pairs glasses and they leave to go home.

"I can see better Papa and Daddy!" Hudson says with a beaming smile. "I am so happy for that, Huddy!" Scott says. Scott picks Hudson up. "Daddy, you aren't fuzzy anymore!" Hudson says. Mitch smiles and tries not to cry. Mitch is thrilled his baby boy can see clearer and is absolutely happy. "Let's go home and show Sophia, Liam and Auntie Esther your new glasses!" Scott says buckling Hudson into his car seat. "Okay Papa!" Hudson says. Mitch smiles at Hudson. "Let me take a picture of you cutie pie!" Mitch says to Hudson. Hudson smiles big. The way he smiled made Hudson look just like Mitch.

"Would you like something to eat, Huddy?" Mitch asks Hudson. "I want chicken nuggets Daddy!" Hudson says with a giggle. "Okay sweet boy!" Mitch says. Mitch calls Esther to see if she or Liam wants anything. After that, Mitch posts a picture of Hudson on Instagram. "Hudson looking adorable with his new glasses! Love my baby boy! 😘😍💙🤓"

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