Coming Home From Tour

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*This is before Sophia and Isabella! I hope you enjoy! Love you guys! ~Bree🎀

Alex and Jake have been watching Liam and Hudson while Mitch and Scott have been on tour with Pentatonix. Most of the tour was out of the country, and Scott and Mitch did not want to take the kids overseas just yet. Mitch, Scott, Alex and Jake decided to surprise Liam and Hudson.

Scott and Mitch facetimed with Liam and Hudson last night, but didn't tell them they were coming home. Alex decides to take Hudson and Liam to the park, so Mitch and Scott can sneak in the house. "Are you ready, boys?" Alex asks as he helps Hudson put his shoes on. "Yes, Uncle Alex! Is Uncle Jake coming?" Liam asks as he ties his shoes. "No, Uncle Jake doesn't feel well, he didn't sleep well last night." Alex said lying and winking at Jake.

"Yeah, I didn't sleep well last night. I'm just going to relax with Wyatt. Have fun you guys!" Jake says. Alex comes over and Jake whispers "I'll text you when to come home, okay? Keep those two busy." Jake says with a giggle and kisses Alex. Alex smiles and heads out with the boys.

Jake calls Mitch, who is at the airport with Scott waiting for the boys to be out of the house. "Hey Mitchy! The boys just rolled out, they wanted me to come and I had to lie." Jake says and Mitch laughs "It's fine Jake! Have they figured something is up?" Mitch asks Jake.

"I don't think so! I told Alex to keep them occupied! Do whatever you need to do!" Jake says. "Well, we are going to get some Starbucks and we will be on our way home!" Mitch says.

Jake begins to clean the house and feed Wyatt  lunch. Scott and Mitch come in twenty minutes later. "Home sweet home!" Scott says. "Smells so fresh! Thank you, Jakey!" Mitch says to Jake. "You're welcome! How was you guy's flight?" Jake asks as he pets Wyatt. "Turbulence was awful, Mitchy squeezed my hand so much." Scott says jokingly. Mitch playfully smacks Scott and kisses him.

"That suitcase is full of things that the Pentaholics made or bought for the boys." Scott says pointing to the big suitcase. "Oh my goodness! The boys are going to love all the toys!" Jake says. Scott and Mitch take quick showers before Jake calls Alex to bring the boys back home.

Meanwhile, at Chick Fil A, Alex, Liam and Hudson are eating ice cream. "Are you guys ready to go home?" Alex asks as he cleans the table off. "Yeah! Uncle Jake is probably lonely." Liam says. Alex picks up Hudson and they head out.

Jake gets a text from Alex saying they were on their way home. "They are on their way!" Jake says with a grin. Scott and Mitch hide from the front door. Alex unlocks the door and the boys come in and take their shoes off. "Uncle Jake!" Hudson says. "Uncle Jake! Are you feeling better?" Liam asks. Jake nods. "Uncle Alex and I have a surprise for you guys!" Jake says as he walks over to the boys.

"A surprise!" Hudson says excited. "What surprise?" Liam asks. "Come in here! I'll show you!" Jake says and the boys follow behind. Scott and Mitch come out of their hiding spot. "DADDY! PAPA!" Liam says as he runs over to Mitch and Scott. Hudson runs over too and is very confused. "Hi baby! Are you surprised to see me and Papa?" Mitch says as he kisses Liam forehead. Liam nods as he cries. "Hi Papa!" Hudson says smiling.

"Hey bud! I missed you and Liam!" Scott says as he smiles at Hudson. Hudson and Liam switch parents and hug them. "Don't cry Liam! It's okay baby!" Scott says as he gently rubs Liam's back. "Daddy! Glasses!" Hudson says and Mitch giggles. "Yeah! I have my glasses on." Mitch says kissing Hudson's cheek. "No more tour?" Liam says as he sniffles. "Tour is over for this year, baby. Papa and I will be home now." Mitch says with a big grin.

Liam snuggles into Scott's chest. Jake and Alex smile and take pictures of the special moment. Mitch kisses both of the boys. "There's no need to cry, baby. Or is it happy tears?" Scott asks Liam and Liam nods. "Daddy and I are so happy to be back home with our two special little men!" Scott says as he smiles at Mitch. Wyatt walks over and Mitch picks him up, and gives him a kiss. "Did you boys have fun with Uncle Alex and Uncle Jake?" Mitch asks. "Yeah!" Hudson and Liam say in unison.

Jake and Alex both smile. "Uncle Avi, Uncle Kevin, Aunt Kirstie, Uncle Darien and Aunt Esther are coming over tomorrow!" Mitch says. "Yay!" Hudson and Liam say in unison.

Jake and Alex get ready to leave, the boys give them both big hugs. "We will be back tomorrow for lunch, okay?" Alex says to Liam. "Okay Uncle Alex!" Liam says with a big smile. "Be good boys for Daddy and Papa, okay?" Jake says to the boys and they both nod. Mitch and Scott thank Alex and Jake for watching the kids while they were gone on tour.

After Jake and Alex leave, Mitch, Scott, Liam, Hudson and Wyatt snuggle on the couch. "I missed you so much Daddy and Papa!" Liam says. "We missed you too baby, we are going to be home for a while, love." Mitch says. "Papa! Beard!" Hudson says and Scott giggles. "Yeah, I do have a beard!" Scott says as he smiles at Mitch. Thirty minutes later, both boys are fast asleep in their Daddy and Papa's arms.

Mitch and Scott kiss, relaxing on their couch which they haven't done in two months. Mitch and Scott smile at eachother, as they look down and see the two loves of their lives asleep and happy. Their family was whole again. :)

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