Grandparents Meet Sophia!

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*If you would like one of the grandparents meeting Hudson and Isabella let me know! I hope you guys enjoy! Love you guys ~Bree 💋

It has been almost a week since little Sophia Noelle Grassi-Hoying was born! Mitch has started to move around more, despite Scott wanting him to rest. Scott and Mitch's parents are flying in from Texas to meet their granddaughter and to see Liam and Hudson! Liam and Hudson are playing on the floor with their monster trucks, while Sophia is in her swing sleeping. Hudson puts a car in Sophia's swing with her.

"Aw, are you sharing with Sophia, Huddy?" Scott asks as he checks on Sophia. "Yes! She isn't playing with us!" Hudson says as he pouts and Scott chuckles. "It's because she is a tiny baby, Huddy. She will play in a few months." Scott says with a grin. Liam walks over and kisses Sophia. "Be easy, Liam. Easy." Scott says as he watches Liam kiss Sophia softly again.

Mitch walks in from the laundry room and grins at all the kids and Scott. "Is she okay?" Mitch asks Scott and Scott nods. "Nana, Grampy, Mom Mom and Poppy are coming to spend the week with us! Papa is going to pick them up at the airport!" Mitch says with a big smile. Scott nods and gets ready to go. Sophia begins to cry. "Uh oh! Sophie don't cry! It's okay!" Liam says softly to his sister.

Mitch heads to the kitchen to make her a bottle. "Daddy is making you food, Sophie! It's okay!" Hudson says holding Sophia's hand. Scott walks back downstairs and he smiles.

"You guys are awesome big brothers!" Scott says praising the boys. Mitch comes in with Sophia's bottle. Scott picks up Sophia and puts her in Mitch's arms. "Be careful, okay? I love you." Mitch says as he kisses Scott. "I love you too baby. Rest." Scott says as he softly kisses the kids and leaves to get his in-laws and parents. Mitch begins to feed a hungry Sophia and she begins to calm down.

Twenty minutes later, Scott, Rick, Connie, Nel, and Mike arrive! Connie and Nel walk in first, and the boys run up to them. "Mom Mom! Nana!" They say in unison. "Hey guys! Look how tall you two are!" Connie says as she kisses Liam and Hudson. "Baby Sophie!" Hudson says pointing to Mitch, who is holding Sophia. "Baby Sophie is here? Oh boy!" Nel says as she acts surprised and Mitch laughs.

"Look how precious she is!" Connie says as she walks over to Mitch, looking at her and Rick's first granddaughter. "She is beautiful!" Nel says looking at Sophia. Scott, Mike and Rick come in the house, taking in their luggage upstairs. The boys run to their grandpas and begin to play games, while the grandmothers talk to Mitch.

"My goodness she looks like you, Mitch!" Nel says as she holds Sophia's little band. "She definitely does! She has Scott's lips and ears. So sweet." Connie says as she rubs Sophia soft cheek. Scott walks over and kisses Mitch. "Is her jaundice gone?" Connie asks Mitch, as Scott makes drinks for his mom and mother-in-law in the kitchen. "Her levels were checked yesterday, and they came back normal. Also, she is almost back up to her birth weight." Mitch says proudly with a smile, looking at his and Scott's precious little girl in his arms.

"That's wonderful. Scott's oldest sister had jaundice. I'm so glad she didn't have to go to the hospital." Connie says. "Who wants to her hold her first?" Scott says with a giggle at his mom and mother-in-law. Nel lets Connie go first, since Sophia is her first granddaughter. Rick and Mike walk over and smile at Sophia. "She is beautiful, guys." Rick says as he hugs Scott.

"Thank you so much, Dad." Scott says.
"Thank you Rick, it means a lot!" Mitch says as he hugs Rick. "She has a head full of hair! Such a gorgeous color." Mike says. "I know! She gave me so much heartburn!" Mitch says with a chuckle at his dad while he hugged him.

"Hi beautiful baby girl. I'm Nana." Connie says as she holds Sophia. After a few minutes she passes Sophia to Nel. "I think she looks like Jessa." Scott says to Nel. "I can see that! She has your lips Scott, and your ears. Perfect mix of both of you!" Nel says as she kisses Sophia and Sophia coos.

Mitch and Scott look at each other, smiling, seeing their parents bond with their new granddaughter. "How is Hudson adjusting?" Rick asks as he holds Sophia. "He is doing excellent. Better then what Mitch and I expected." Scott says. "Aw, that's really good! He seems to be adjusting well. Liam too. They are wonderful little boys." Connie says with a grin.

"Liam loves little babies. He wants to hold Sophia all the time." Mitch says looking at Hudson and Liam playing in the playroom, making sure they are okay.  Hudson walks over to Mitch. "Hey baby, do you need to potty?" Mitch asks and Hudson shakes his head no.

"Hudson's hair is absolutely gorgeous! So soft and shiny!" Connie says. "Thank you Nana." Hudson says softly. "Do you love your baby sister?" Mike asks Hudson. "Yes!" Hudson says happily. Liam walks over and sits next to Mitch. "Liam, are you doing well in school?" Nel asks. "Yes, Mom Mom! I love school!" Liam says. Mitch kisses Liam and Hudson. Hudson climbs into Scott's lap and yawns.

"Are you sleepy, baby?" Scott asks Hudson softly and Hudson nods. "Aw, sleepy head." Nel says quietly. "Let's take a nice nap. Mom Mom, Poppy, Grampy and Nana will be here, okay?" Scott says to Hudson. Everybody kisses Hudson, and Scott carries him upstairs to take his nap. "He is such an amazing Papa." Connie says, looking at Rick and Mitch. Nel and Mike nod happily is agreement.

"He really is! He is AMAZING with the kids. He loves the kids so so much. He usually gets up with Sophia during the night. He does a lot and I am forever grateful I have him as my husband." Mitch says as he smiles at Connie and Rick. "We are so happy to have you in our family, Mitch! And the whole Grassi family too!" Connie says as she smiles proudly to Nel and Mike. Scott comes back down and sits next to Mitch.

"He is fast asleep." Scott says as he kisses Mitch. "How long does he nap for?" Nel asks curiously. "Depends on the day. Usually between one to two hours. If he doesn't feel well, it's three hours." Mitch says. Liam runs over and hugs Scott. "Hey little man." Scott says picking up Liam. Mitch cleans up Liam's face.

The kids had a fun week with their grandparents! :)

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