Date Night 2.0

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**Another date night oneshot! I hope you enjoy! Have any suggestions? Let me know! Thank you for 5000+ reads! Means a lot! Love you guys! ~Bree📷

Mitch and Scott are going on their first date night since Isabella was born. Scott is getting ready while Mitch is in the shower. Kirstie and Jeremy are coming over to watch the kids for them. Hudson walks in the bathroom Scott is in. "Hey, baby boy." Scott says spiking Hudson's white blonde hair. "Papa, when is Auntie Kirstie and Uncle Jeremy coming?" Hudson asks. "In about thirty minutes. Are you excited to spend time with them?" Scott asks Hudson and Hudson nods happily, as he runs back downstairs.

Scott heads downstairs to be with the kids. Scott checks on Isabella who is in her pack 'n play, playing with her bear stuffed animal and is getting sleepy. Sophia and Liam are playing with blocks on the floor. "Papa! You look fancy!" Liam says smiling. "Thank you, Liam!" Scott says smiling back at Liam. Mitch is in the bathroom finishing up getting ready for the date with Scott. Scott stays with the kids downstairs to wait for Kirstie and Jeremy.

"Stop Wy! Stop!" Sophia says as she smacking Wyatt. "Hey, hey, Sophie, don't hit Wyatt. That wasn't very nice." Scott says scolding Sophia. "Piglet! Wy took him!" Sophia says as she begins to have a tantrum, stomping her feet and crying loudly. "Sophie, it's okay baby. Look Piglet is okay! He just needs to be washed. I'll wash him, okay?" Scott says soothingly to Sophia.

Sophia begins to stop crying. "Give Wyatt a hug, okay? Tell him you are sorry." Scott says. Sophia hugs Wyatt and gives him a kiss. "Good girl." Scott says as he hugs Sophia. He runs to the washing machine and puts Piglet in. Mitch comes downstairs. "Wow! You look stunning, love!" Scott says smiling at his husband. Mitch blushes and smiles back. "Thank you, babe. You look very handsome." Mitch says as he and Scott kiss. "Is Sophie okay? I heard her crying." Mitch asks with concern. "Yeah, Wyatt grabbed Piglet from her. He's in the washing machine now." Scott says.

Mitch walks in the living room and begins to feed a Isabella a bottle. Sophia sits with Mitch, still upset about her Piglet. "Sophia, look at Daddy." Mitch asks Sophia and Sophia looks at Mitch with sad puppy eyes. "Piglet is going to be okay, I promise you. Papa is getting him all cleaned up for you." Mitch says, kissing Sophia's forehead. Liam and Hudson are playing the board game Trouble on the floor. Mitch hears a knock at the door. "Auntie Kirstie and Uncle Jeremy are here!" Mitch says walking to the door with Isabella on his hip.

Kirstie, Mitch and Scott hug each other and Jeremy smiles. "Isabella just ate, so she will probably stay up for another hour. Sophia is a little grumpy and mad at Wyatt, so make sure she doesn't smack him anymore. Oh, her Piglet is now in the dryer, so once she sees him she will be a very happy girl. The boys can stay up tonight if they want, but by ten they are usually done and tired." Mitch tells Kirstie and Jeremy.

"Liam, Hudson, Sophia do you guys want to paint?" Jeremy asks the kids. Liam and Hudson nods, while Sophia pouts. "Aw, Sophie you can hang out with me and Issy." Kirstie says picking up Sophia, playing with her light brown hair. "Don't go wild you two!" Jeremy says giggling at Scott and Mitch. "Oh, we won't!" Scott says laughing. "Just text me when you guys are on your way home. Don't rush, and have fun. The kids will be fine and are going to have a blast." Kirstie says smiling and kisses Mitch's cheek.

Mitch and Scott kiss each of the kids goodbye and head out on their date. "Where would you like to go to eat, love?" Scott asks as he holds  Mitch's hand. "Can we go to Watergrill? I heard it's really good." Mitch asks Scott. "Of course, love." Scott says. Scott and Mitch kiss twice and Scott begins to drive to Watergrill. "I am so happy we are finally having a date night." Mitch says smiling. "Me too, I love spending time with my Mitchy." Scott says kissing Mitch's hand. Mitch smiles big, and takes a picture of Scott and his hand together. He posts it on Snapchat with the caption "😘💞❣"

They make it to Watergrill and sit at a table with beautiful lights and candles. "This is very romantic." Mitch says with a grin. Scott smiles back, admiring Mitch. Scott and Mitch begin to eat their dinner. Scott gets a hamburger, while Mitch gets a chicken salad. "Wanna bite, baby?" Mitch asks Scott. Scott nods and Mitch feeds him a bite. Scott smiles brightly at Mitch. "That's really good, baby." Scott says. "I know, I love it. Is your hamburger good?" Mitch asks Scott and Scott happily nods. "It's like heaven." Scott says with a chuckle.

After eating dinner at Watergrill, Scott and Mitch head to the mall. "Let me buy you something, babe." Scott says and Mitch  blushes. "You spoil me enough, Scott!" Mitch says playfully hitting Scott's arm. Scott kisses Mitch's neck. "Come on babe, I wanna get my Mitchy something." Scott says rubbing the lower part of Mitch's back. Mitch and Scott hold hands as they walk around the mall. Mitch and Scott get an ice cream cone to share. Scott licks it first and let Mitch have a lick.

"Thank you, baby." Mitch smiles at Scott. "You're welcome, babe." Scott says. Mitch checks his phone. Kirstie texted saying: "Isabella is asleep! Sophia is a happy girl now, with her Piglet and Jeremy is teaching the boys how to play Battleship." Mitch smiles and texts Kirstie back. "The kids are good." Mitch smiles at Scott, rubbing his cheek.

Scott and Mitch kiss twice. "You are so beautiful." Scott says. "Thank you, Scott." Mitch says blushing. Mitch and Scott walk around the mall some more. Scott buys a pair of pants and a shirt for Mitch. After an hour at the mall, they head home. They walk in and see Kirstie and Jeremy on the couch with a sleeping Sophia. Kirstie smiles. "The boys and Isabella are all asleep upstairs. Sophia wouldn't sleep in her bed, so we watched a movie and she fell asleep. I don't think she feels good." Kirstie says quietly.

"Thank you guys so much for watching the kids, Mitch and I appreciate it so much." Scott says picking up Sophia. "Aw, you're welcome! I hope you guys had a great date! If you guys ever want to have another one, just let us know!" Kirstie says smiling and hugs them both. "Yeah, Sophie feels warm to me. If she has a fever tomorrow I'm going to take her to the doctor." Mitch says rubbing Sophia's forehead.

Kirstie and Jeremy leave to go home. Sophia wakes up on her Papa's chest. She lifts her head up slowly. "Papa?" Sophia says quietly. "Hey sweet girl, you feel okay?" Scott says. "Ear hurts." Sophia says pulling on her ear. "Your ear hurts? Aw, poor baby girl. Let's go see Daddy, okay?" Scott says picking up Sophia. He gets a drink for himself and Sophia and walks upstairs. Mitch checks on all the kids, all of them are asleep, and have pajamas on.

"There's Daddy, Sophie. Babe, she's pulling on her left ear." Scott says putting Sophia on his and Mitch's king size bed. Scott gets changed and brushes his teeth. Sophia crawls over to Mitch. "Daddy, ear hurts!" Sophia says as she begins to cry. "Aw Sophie. It's okay. Let me get you some medicine okay?" Mitch says sweetly to Sophia. He quickly gets medicine and gives it to Sophia. Scott lays down and Sophia snuggles next to him.

Mitch and Scott happily kiss. "Love you, baby girl." Scott says to Sophia. "I'm calling the doctor in the morning. Goodnight baby, I had fun tonight." Mitch whispers to Scott. "Aw, I had fun too, baby. Goodnight sleep well." Scott says.

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