Bedtime Fight

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*Liam doesn't want to go bed, and he and Mitch have a little fight! This one was suggested by ilse2512 so thank you! I hope you guys enjoy this one! Love you guys! Bree 💋

Scott is out doing work in the studio for Pentatonix while Mitch is at home with Liam. Mitch is seven months pregnant with his and Scott's second child, a baby boy they are going to name Hudson. Mitch has been trying to get Liam to bed for thirty minutes now, but Liam is refusing.

"Come on Liam, it's time for bed." Mitch says as he starts to get frustrated.

"I don't want to go to bed!" Liam says.

"Liam, you need to go bed, it is very late." Mitch says as he rubs his baby bump.

"No!" Liam says as he pouts.

"Liam Michael Richard, I said go to bed, NOW. I'm tired of playing this game with you, Liam." Mitch says sternly as he walks to the door way.

"Go away, Daddy! You don't wuv me! You wuv baby Huddy more!" Liam says as he slams his bedroom door.

Mitch walks out of Liam's bedroom and goes  into his bedroom. Mitch begins to cry.

Meanwhile in Liam's bedroom, Liam is crying in a ball in the corner of his bedroom.

"Daddy hates me." Liam says softly as he cries.

A few minutes later, Scott comes home from the Pentatonix meeting at the studio and walks upstairs.

Scott looks in Liam's bedroom and sees him crying in the corner. Scott then walks into his and Mitch's bedroom and sees Mitch crying.

"Mitchy, why are you and Liam crying?" Scott asks and Mitch cries some more. Scott walks over and hugs Mitch tightly.

"Because, he wouldn't listen to me and he wouldn't go to bed. I got mad and yelled at him. Liam thinks we love Hudson more then him. I'm such a horrible dad!" Mitch says as he cries into Scott's chest.

"No you aren't, Mitchy. You are an amazing Daddy. You are pregnant and very tired. It's okay, baby. Liam is three and we know all three year olds can get defiant sometimes. It's alright. Take deep breaths." Scott says as he coaches Mitch to breathe slower.

"Good job, Mitchy. Deep breaths." Scott says as he rubs Mitch's shoulders and kisses he cheek tenderly.

Mitch calms down and Scott rubs his back. "I love you, Mitchy." Scott says softly.

"I love you too, Scotty." Mitch says as he kisses Scott.

"Let's go talk to Liam. Poor little guy is in a ball crying." Scott says and Mitch nods.

Scott and Mitch walk into Liam's bedroom quietly. Liam is still crying in a ball in the corner. Mitch frowns at Scott.

"Hey Liam. Liam, come here." Mitch says softly. Liam turns around and he stays in the corner.

"Come here Liam, Daddy and I want to talk to you." Scott says as Liam walks over to Scott and Mitch.

"It's okay baby, we aren't going to yell, we are just going to talk." Mitch says softly.

Liam looks down at the floor. "Liam, look at me." Scott says and Liam looks up at Scott.

"Thank you. Liam, I know you think Daddy and I don't love you anymore and hate you because of the new baby coming in a few months. But, that is not true at all. Daddy and I love you very very much. We love you and baby Hudson the same. You are going to be an amazing big brother for Hudson and we are so proud of you with everything you have learned so far. You are our big boy." Scott says to Liam.

Liam sits there, taking in what Scott just said. Liam looks up at his Daddy and Papa.

"Liam, I am not mad at you. I'm not mad at you at all. I'm sorry I yelled at you. I feel awful for yelling at you. I just got upset because you weren't listening. I love you so so much." Mitch says quietly.

Liam walks over to Mitch and Mitch hugs him. Mitch hugs Liam tightly and he rubs Liam's back as Liam lays his head on Mitch's shoulder.

"I'm sworry Daddy and Papa." Liam says softly as he begins to cry again.

"I accept your apology Liam. It's okay, don't cry. Shh, shh, shh." Mitch says as he kisses Liam's cheek. Mitch rocks Liam, trying to calm him down.

Liam looks at Scott as he sits on Mitch's lap. Scott picks up Liam and sits him on his lap.

"I accept your apology as well, Liam. Daddy and I will always love you. Don't ever think we don't." Scott says and Liam hugs Scott.

Scott kisses Liam's forehead. Liam sniffles as Scott rocks him in his lap.

"It's okay buddy, it's okay. There's no need to be upset." Scott says as he wipes the tears off of Liam's cheeks.

"Do you want to lay down with Papa and I?" Mitch says and Liam nods.

"Okay bud, let's go to bed. Get Teddy, your blanket and pillow." Mitch says.

Liam grabs his things and walks into his parents bedroom. Mitch and Scott follow behind.

Scott, Liam and Mitch lay down in the king size bed together. Scott and Liam cuddle with Mitch as they watch TV. Liam rubs Mitch's baby bump and Hudson begins to kick.

"Baby Huddy is kicking!" Liam says as he lays his head on Mitch's baby bump.

"Aw, I feel him! He wanted to say hello to you, Liam. Huddy loves you." Mitch says as he plays with Liam's brown hair.

Scott puts his hand on Mitch's baby bump. "He is kicking hard in there! Go easy in there, Hudson." Scott says as he kisses Mitch's baby bump.

"Daddy, when is baby Huddy going to come out? " Liam asks as he kisses Mitch's baby bump.

"In June! It is April right now, so two more months! And aw, you are being so sweet to baby Huddy. Good boy Liam!" Mitch says as he praises Liam.

"Are you excited to have a baby brother, Liam?" Scott asks.

"Yeah! I can't wait!" Liam says proudly.

After watching another episode of Spongebob, Liam yawns. "I'm sleepy, Daddy and Papa." Liam says quietly.

"Okay baby, no more TV. Let's get some sleep." Mitch says as he turns the TV off.

"Goodnight Liam, I love you." Scott says as he kisses Liam's cheek.

"I wuv you, Papa." Liam says as he holds his teddy bear.

"Goodnight Liam, I love you so much. If you need something during the night, wake me or Papa up, okay?" Mitch says and Liam nods.

"I wuv you, Daddy." Liam says.

Liam closes his eyes and falls asleep. Mitch and Scott smile at each other as they watch Liam peacefully sleeping.

"I love you." Mitch says with a grin.

"I love you, too. Get some sleep, Mitchy." Scott says as he kisses Mitch.

Scott, Mitch and Liam all fall asleep peacefully together :)

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