Instagram Captions #7

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*One of my popular types of oneshots! I hope you guys enjoy! Send suggestions! Love you guys Bree 🐧

• These are going to be from Mitch's account 💚 They are in no typical order!

*Picture of Liam posing, showing off his new Nikes*
- He is such a little model, I swear. He is also a tennis shoe fanatic. And plus, why does my 8 year old look older? Stop growing! 😩

*Picture of Sophia with her My Little Pony book bag*
- I can't believe we have a little preschooler! 😭 She is super excited! 💕

*Picture of Isabella and Sawyer cuddling with Scott*
- Papa cuddle time 😇

*Picture of Hudson in his baseball uniform*
- Look who he moved up to baseball! ⚾️ He is super excited! 😍

*Picture of Isabella kissing Sawyer's cheek*
- Isabella is always making sure that Sawyer is okay. 😘👧🏻💙👶🏼

*Picture of roses and a Starbucks coffee*
- Scott spoils me 😉 I love him so much💞

*Picture of Sophia holding up a sticker*
- Somebody had an AWESOME week at preschool! All green on her behavior chart! So proud of this girly! 👸🏼💚

*Picture of Scott kissing Mitch's neck*
- No words can describe the love I have for Scott 👬

*Picture of Wyatt laying on Mitch's chest*
- Wyatt wanted to snuggle while I work on songs! 👨🏻❣🐱

*Picture of Daisy and Mitch cuddling*
- Daisy went to the vet and she has a stomach bug! All she wants to do is cuddle with me or Scott. She is such a princess, I love this doggy 🐶

*Picture of Mitch, Scott, Daisy, Wyatt and all the kids in front of the Christmas tree. The kids, Mitch and Scott have matching pajamas on*
- This picture took fifteen minutes to take but I'm so happy we took it! Merry Christmas everyone! Hope everybody has a wonderful holiday! 😇🎄🎅🏻

*Picture of Sawyer with bubbles all over his head*
- Sawyer's favorite activity is bath time! 🐤🛀🏻👶🏼

*Picture of Liam, Hudson, Sophia and Isabella at the doctors office*
- Four healthy kiddos! And all of them are tall on their growth charts 😂

*Picture of Hudson and Mitch*
- Spending time with Huddy! He was so excited to spend time with me today! 👦🏼

*Picture of Scott and Mitch. Scott has his arms wrapped around Mitch's waist*
- Date night with this cutie 😚

*Picture of Mitch's legs in a bath tub. Mitch is taking a bubble bath*
- It's time to finally relax after a long day. 🛀🏻

*Picture of Liam taking a selfie with his iPhone 5s*
- Liam is already learning the selfie game! Scott and I allowed him to have his first cell phone. He has been doing excellent in school and his behavior has been 100% better! He only has emergency contacts on his phone and a few games. We want Liam to learn responsibility and we think he will with his iPhone. And who does he looks like when he takes his selfie? Just like his Papa.

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