Going To The Zoo

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*I hope you guys enjoy this oneshot! I love the zoo! There will probably in two parts! Love you guys! ~Bree💙

Mitch and Scott have decided to take all four kids to the zoo! Mitch has Isabella already up and almost ready to go. "Look how long your hair is getting, Issy Wissy!" Mitch says as he puts Isabella's hair in a small braid. "Dada!" Isabella says as she chews on her teething toy.

Scott begins to make oatmeal for the older kids in the kitchen. Sophia walks downstairs with her Piglet. "Good morning, beautiful! Did you sleep good?" Mitch asks Sophia. Sophia nods, rubbing her eyes. "Let's go potty, and look! Papa is making oatmeal!" Mitch says as he puts Isabella in her pack 'n play, and then he heads to the bathroom with Sophia. "Awesome job Sophia! You are doing such an awesome job with potty training!" Mitch says as he lifts Sophia to the sink to wash her hands.

Hudson runs down the steps and hugs Scott. "Hey, little man! Good morning! Did you sleep good?" Scott asks. "Yes Papa! Good morning!" Hudson says and Scott kisses his head. Mitch and Sophia walk out of the bathroom. "Good morning, Huddy!" Mitch says as he hugs Hudson. "Good morning, Daddy!" Hudson says.

"You, Soph and Issy can play while Papa finishes making breakfast, okay?" Mitch says as he picks up Isabella out of the pack 'n play. Hudson, Sophia and Isabella play with blocks on the living room floor. Mitch walks into the kitchen to see Scott. "I love you!" Mitch says hugging Scott from behind. "I love you too!" Scott says as he kisses Mitch softly.

"I'm going to wake up Liam, so we can get ready to go." Mitch says as he kisses Scott's cheek softly. Mitch walks upstairs into Liam's bedroom, and sees Liam still fast asleep. Mitch smiles and begins to rub Liam's back. "Liam, it's time to wake up, baby." Mitch says quietly to Liam. Liam opens his eyes slowly and begins to stretch in his bed.

"Morning, Daddy." Liam says as he sits up in his bed. "Good morning, baby. How are your allergies?" Mitch asks Liam. "I am still  sneezing but the medicine Papa gave me
helped." Liam says to Mitch. "Good. In a few weeks the medicine should help get rid of the sneezing. Take some medicine today, Papa and I are going to take you guys to the zoo! " Mitch says with a smile. "Yay!" Liam says as he hugs Mitch.

"Don't tell Huddy or Sophie yet, they don't know. Papa is making oatmeal and then we are going to go, okay?" Mitch says to Liam. Liam make his bed, and they both head downstairs. "There's the sleepy head! Good morning, Liam!" Scott says hugging. "Morning, Papa." Liam says as he yawns. Mitch picks up Isabella. "Soph, Huddy, it's time to eat breakfast!" Mitch says as he walks to the dining room.

Hudson and Sophia run into the dining room. Scott hands the kids and Mitch their plates, and they all begin to eat. "Papa and I are going to take you guys to the zoo today!" Mitch says with a smile. "Yay! I wanna see the penguins!" Hudson says. "Elephants!" Sophia says. "Yes baby, elephants are there!" Scott says as he smiles at Mitch. Isabella giggles as Mitch feeds her baby food.

"After breakfast we are going to get dressed and then we can go!" Scott says. Mitch finishes feeding Isabella and takes Sophia to get dressed, while Scott goes with Hudson. "I wanna get dressed by myself!" Hudson says. "Okay! If you need help, just let me know." Scott says to Hudson. "Papa, does his match?" Liam says with his outfit in his hand. "It does! But, it's going to be hot bud, so find a pair of shorts." Scott says. Hudson gets dressed all by himself! But, his shirt is on backwards.

"You almost had it! Your shirt is just backwards." Scott says as he fixesHudson's shirt. "Thank you, Papa!" Hudson says. "You're welcome! Let's pack a snack bag." Scott says as he takes Hudson and Liam downstairs. Mitch is brushing Sophia's hair, while Scott packs all the kids a snack and drinks.

"Let's go!" Liam says running outside and Hudson follows behind. Scott picks up Sophia while Mitch has Isabella in his arms. "You have keys, snacks, diapers, extra change of clothes?" Mitch asks and Scott nods. "Thank you, Scott." Mitch says as he kisses Scott. "I need help!" Hudson says as he pouts. "You almost had it baby, you are just twisted." Mitch says as he fixed Hudson's booster seat. Scott checks Liam's seat and heads to the driver seat.

"Who's ready to go to the zoo?" Mitch asks the kids. "Me!" Sophia, Hudson and Liam say in unison. Scott drives the twenty five minute drive to the zoo. Mitch puts Isabella in her carrier while Scott puts the stroller together. Scott picks up Sophia and buckles her in. "Papa! Zoo!" Sophia says with a grin.

Liam and Hudson run away. "Boys! Do not run away from us. The zoo is very crowded and Papa and I do not want you guys getting lost." Mitch tells Hudson and Liam. They all begin to walk over to the animals. "Look guys! There are penguins!" Scott says.

"Hudson! Do not climb on that, okay?" Mitch says. "There are so many!" Liam says. The kids, Scott and Mitch listen to one of the workers talk about the penguins. Mitch holds Sophia so she can see the penguins better. "I wish we can pet them!" Liam says. "There's a petting zoo over there guys! We can pet the animals in there!" Scott says as he smiles at Liam.

They begin to walk to the petting zoo. "Rabbit!" Sophia says as she points to the rabbit. Mitch puts Sophia down and she walks up to the small brown rabbit. "Be gentle, Soph." Scott says with a smile and he takes pictures. Mitch picks up Isabella and let's her touch the rabbit too. Isabella giggles and smiles. Liam and Hudson walk up to a baby goat. The goat begins to lick Hudson's hand. "That tickles!" Hudson says with a giggle.

Liam hugs the baby goat. "Liam, be easy, the goat is a tiny baby." Mitch says softly. Sophia begins to run off. "Sophia! Stay over here!" Scott says as he runs after Sophia. "You do not run away from me or Daddy, okay?" Scott says as he kisses Sophia's cheek. Mitch takes pictures of all the kids with the rabbits, goats, sheep, donkeys and a pony. The kids had a blast at the petting zoo! Now it's time to see the bigger animals!

More animals and fun in part two! <3

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