Grandparents Meet Isabella!

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*This was requested! I hope you guys enjoy! Suggestions are appreciated! Love you guys! ~ Bree 💜

"Soph, do you need to potty?" Scott asks Sophia and she shakes her head no. Isabella begins to cry in her pack 'n play. "Issy! Don't cry!" Hudson says. Scott walks over and picks up Isabella. "Somebody has a stinky diaper, huh?" Scott says as he changes Isabella diaper. Mitch comes down the steps with laundry.

"Mitchy, when did you feed Isabella?" Scott asks. "Twenty minutes ago, I heard her crying. Is she okay?" Mitch asks. "She just had a poopy diaper. She's good." Scott says with a giggle and he kisses Isabella's cheek.

Mitch smiles and kisses Scott. "Babe, I'll do the laundry. You need to rest." Scott says to Mitch. "Scott you don't separate the clothes or anything! It's fine Scott, I feel a lot better today." Mitch says with a smile. "Daddy! When's Mom Mom, Nana, Poppy and Grampy coming!" Liam says. "In twenty minutes, so you guys need to clean your bedrooms up, okay?" Mitch says to the boys.

The boys run upstairs while Scott changes Sophia's clothes. "I love your bow, baby! So pretty!" Mitch says as he brushes Sophia's hair. Scott answers the door, letting his parents and his in laws in. Mitch smiles brightly. "Hey! How was the flight?" Mitch asks. "It was good! No turbulence this time!" Nel says with a grin at Mitch and Sophia. "Hi Sophie! Look at your hair all nice and pretty!" Connie says and Sophia smiles.

Mike, Scott and Rick take the bags upstairs and the boys run down the steps. "Mom Mom! Nana!" Hudson and Liam say. "Hey guys!" Nel says as she hugs the boys tight. "Nana! Baby Issy!" Hudson says to Connie and smiles at Isabella, who is in her swing, sleeping peacefully. "Be easy Huddy. He is so excited that Isabella is here." Mitch says with a grin at his mom and mother-in-law.

"You guys have another baby sister now!" Connie says as she hugs Liam and Hudson. "Issy has the same color hair as me!" Liam says as he carefully kisses Isabella's cheek. Scott, Rick and Mike come back down the steps and head to the kitchen to get drinks. "She is absolutely gorgeous!" Nel says as she looks at Isabella. Mitch picks up Isabella and she begins to coo.

Mike and Rick come in and smile at Mitch. "Look at that head full of hair!" Rick says as he smiles at Mitch. "She sure does! She has brown hair just like her Daddy." Scott says as he kisses Mitch softy. Mitch passes Isabella to Nel and Connie. They take a ton of pictures and videos of Isabella. "Liam, are you being a big helper for Daddy and Papa?" Rick asks. "Yes Grampy! I gave Issy a bottle and I hand Daddy diapers!" Liam says proudly and Mitch nods. "He does really well with Isabella." Mitch says as he rubs Liam's back.

"She is so tiny!" Connie says as she squeals. "She sure is! Look at that little face, so delightful." Nel says as she looks at Isabella. "She was born right on her due date and she was Mitch's smallest baby. Six pounds, fourteen ounces and nineteen inches." Scott says with a grin. "Aw! She is a little peanut!" Connie says. "Who do you guys think she looks like?" Mitch asks as Sophia climbs on his lap. "I think she looks like Liam a little bit, she has Scott's facial features and your lips Mitch." Rick says as he holds Isabella in his arms

"I agree!" Nel says. "Daddy." Sophia says softly. "Yes baby?" Mitch says softly. "Potty." Sophia says. "Okay sweety! Papa can take you, okay?" Mitch says. Scott picks up Sophia and takes her to the bathroom to pee. "She's potty training? Mitchell! Why didn't you tell me! I could have bought her cute little underwear!" Nel says.

"We started two weeks ago. Scott and I weren't planning on starting until she turned two. But, I think she heard her brothers saying diapers are for babies. And she's like I am not a baby! Plus, she has been showing the signs. She has been doing really well with it!" Mitch says proudly. "That's wonderful Mitch! Sounds like she was ready! So proud of Sophia!" Connie says. Scott comes back with Sophia in his arms.

"She went all by herself!" Scott says as he sits Sophia on the couch next to Mitch. Mitch kisses Sophia and hugs her. "Good job, Soph! I'm proud of you!" Rick says proudly to Sophia. "You are such a big girl now, Sophia! Are you happy to be a big sister?" Mike asks and Sophia nods. "Wuv Issy!" Sophia says. Scott hands Sophia her sippy cup. "Fank you, Papa!" Sophia says. "You're welcome, baby girl." Scott says as he kisses Sophia.

Hudson runs in the living room crying. "What happened?" Mitch asks as Hudson crawls in his lap. Liam runs in behind Hudson. "We bumped into eachother while riding our scooters. It was by accident!" Liam says looking at Hudson to make sure he was okay. "It's okay Liam, accidents happen." Scott says. Mitch kisses Hudson and he stops crying.

"How about you guys relax for a while. It's too hot to be outside right now, anyway. Okay?" Mitch says. Liam and Hudson go into the kitchen to get drinks. "Something always going on!" Mitch says with a tiny chuckle. Sophia begins to rub her eyes. "Someone is getting sleepy." Connie says quietly. Mitch looks at Sophia, who is falling asleep.

"Baby, I'll take you upstairs to take your nap." Mitch says softly. Mitch picks up Sophia and kisses her cheek. All the grandparents and Scott kiss Sophia and Mitch takes her upstairs to take her nap. "He is so stubborn, I swear. He is not suppose to be lifting anything except Isabella" Scott says. "He is stubborn, trust me. But he knows when it's too much." Nel says.

Nel, Mike, Connie and Rick spend the next week with the Grassi-Hoying's! <3 :)

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