PTX Meets Liam For The First Time!

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**Flashback oneshot! This is going to be long! I hope you don't mind! Hope you guys enjoy! I'm tired of being stuck in the house! ☃💞 - Bree

Scott rocks and tries to comfort a fussy Liam. "It's okay Liam, it's okay." Scott says softly. Mitch slowly walks into the room from the bathroom. "Are you okay, love?" Scott asks Mitch quietly. "Yeah, I'm sore, but, I'm fine babe." Mitch says as he gets into his hospital bed. Mitch has one of Scott's old baggy t-shirts with a pair of black sweatpants, while Scott has gray sweatpants on with an old band t shirt. "He might be hungry, let me call the nurse's station." Mitch says as he calls the nurse's station.

The nurse comes in with a nice warm bottle, and a diaper for Liam. "Thank you so much!" Mitch says smiling. The nurse nods and says "You're welcome!" as she walks out of the room. "Scott, would you like to feed Liam? I fed him last time." Mitch says to Scott with a smile. Scott nods, picking up the bottle and begins to feed a fussy Liam. Liam quickly calms down and begins to drink the bottle. "Good job, Scott! You are a pro already." Mitch says as he takes a few pictures of Scott. Scott smiles at the compliment.

After a few minutes, Scott puts the bottle on the table next to him and begins to gently burp Liam. "Good boy Liam! You ate it all!" Scott says as he kisses Liam's forehead. "He has been eating very well." Mitch says as he texts Esther. Scott nods and Liam burps. "The band is coming by to visit in about an hour babe!" Mitch says smiling ear to ear. "Auntie Esther, Auntie Kirstie, Uncle Avi and Uncle Kevin are coming to see you Liam!" Scott says in a child like voice.

Scott walks over to where Mitch is. "You wanna hold him, babe? I'm gonna take a shower before the crew comes." Scott says. Mitch nods and Scott hands Mitch, Liam. Liam opens his eyes and looks at Mitch and Scott. "Hello sweet boy, I am so glad you got your tummy filled!" Mitch says rubbing Liam's chunky cheek. Scott kisses Liam's forehead and kisses Mitch. Scott heads in the small bathroom and showers.

Mitch opens his shirt and allows Liam to lay on his bare chest for skin to skin time. Mitch covers Liam with a blanket Avi had made for him, with his name on it in dark blue text with light gray musical instruments all over it. The blanket is a light blue color.

Twenty minutes later, Scott comes in a fresh pair of sweatpants and a fancier looking comfy t-shirt. Scott walks over and looks at Liam who is peacefully asleep on his Daddy's chest and rubs Liam's back. "What should Liam wear, babe?" Scott asks as he goes through the diaper bag. "I was thinking the shirt Esther had made for him." Mitch says as he sips his glass of water. Scott finds the onesie in the diaper bag and holds it up. It has the Pentatonix's logo on a black long sleeve onesie and says "Youngest Fan."

"Esther is going to cry, seeing him wearing the shirt she had made. It should fit him, but it might be a little big, which is fine." Mitch says moving Liam off his chest. Scott finds a pair of comfy pants to match and socks for Liam to wear. Mitch hands Scott, Liam and Scott places Liam on the bed to get him dressed.

Scott unwraps Liam out of the blanket and begins to take off the white onesie he had on. Liam begins to cry. "I am so nervous right now." Scott says quietly as he takes the onesie off of Liam. "It's okay, Scott. He is just fussy because we woke him up. Just take your time. You are doing great." Mitch says as he encourages Scott, which Scott appreciated.

Mitch and Scott have only been parents for about five hours now, and they are learning new things every second. Mitch's motherly instinct has already kicked into high gear, while Scott is trying to take everything in. Scott then begins to put the new onesie on and comfy pants on Liam. Liam stops crying and calms down.

"All done, baby boy. I'm so sorry I woke you up. I'll give you back to Daddy." Scott says kissing Liam's cheek and rubs Liam's back. "Awesome job, Papa! I told you, everything will be fine. You need to stop being so nervous, baby." Mitch says as he rubs Scott's chin and kisses his cheek. Scott smiles hands Liam back to Mitch. "Do you think he needs a hat?" Scott asks. "No, he's fine. He's going to be wrapped in a blanket most of the time. Plus, it's warm in here, so he's good love." Mitch says placing Liam back on his chest.

Scott gets a text from Kirstie asking what room and floor they were on. "They are coming, babe. What floor and room we on? I haven't left the room since we came up here." Scott says with a giggle. "Floor nine, room twenty." Mitch says as he laughs at Scott. "Papa is being so silly. Papa is such a nervous wreck, baby boy." Mitch says to Liam with a tiny giggle.

Scott hears a knock at the door and walks over and opens it. Kirstie jumps on Scott and hugs him. "Papa Scott!" Kirstie says as she kisses Scott's cheek. Kevin, Avi, and Esther laugh as they walk into the room. Kirstie runs over to Mitch. "Mitchy!" Kirstie says. "Hey Kk!" Mitch says quietly. Esther walks over to the bed. "Hey Mitch!" Esther says as she hugs Mitch. Esther and Kirstie look at Liam, who is smiling in his sleep.

"He is so precious!" Esther says as she rubs Liam's cheek. "He is adorable!" Kirstie says as she squeals. Avi and Kevin talk to Scott about boy stuff. "Congratulations Scott and Mitch!" Kevin says with the huge smile. "He loves the blanket you had made for him, Avi!" Mitch says. "Aw, I'm glad!" Avi says to Mitch. "Babe, show Esther the onesie Liam is wearing." Scott says. Mitch slowly lifts Liam off of his chest and shows Esther his onesie. "'Yay, it fits him! I need to take a picture of this!" Esther says as she takes a picture of Liam.

"Who do you guys think he looks like?" Scott asks everybody. "He has Mitch's hair that's for sure!" Avi says. "I think he looks like Scott, sorry Mitch!" Kirstie says as she laughs. Mitch smiles. "I know, he looks just like his Papa, which is fine with me." Mitch says with a giggle. The band begins to hold Liam and pass him around.

Kirstie kisses Liam's cheek as she rocks him. Liam opens his eyes and looks at her. "Hi, I'm Auntie Kirstie! You are so cute, Liam." Kirstie says as she hands Liam to Esther.

Esther smiles at Liam, as Liam yawns. "He has your skin tone Mitch!" Esther says as she takes a picture of Liam. "I know! He's all Scott, minus the hair and skin." Mitch says as he giggles at Scott. Scott smiles. "You are going to go on tour in a few months! Yeah!" Esther says as she holds Liam's hand. "Here's Uncle Avi, Liam." Esther says kissing Liam's cheek and handing him over to Avi. Liam opens his eyes and sees Avi smiling.

Liam looks at Avi confusingly. Mitch and Scott laugh. "Hi Liam. I'm Uncle Avi. My voice is deep, I know." Avi says as he giggles. Liam begins to fuss. "Shhh it's okay Liam, it's okay." Avi says in a whisper. "Here's his pacifier, Avi." Scott says as he hands Avi, Liam's pacifier. Avi puts the pacifier in Liam's mouth and Liam calms down. Avi hands Liam to Kevin to hold.

"Hi Liam. I'm Uncle Kevin! His eyes are so blue! Usually you can't tell a newborn's eye color." Kevin says as he fixes Liam's blanket. "His eyes might change, but I don't think they will." Mitch says as he snuggles with Scott in the hospital bed. Kirstie takes a picture to send it to Jeremy. "Here you go guys! We bought you two some gifts!" Esther says as she hands Mitch and Scott a bag. "Aw, Thank you!" Mitch says with a huge smile.

Mitch and Scott begin to open the gifts that the band brought with them. "Thank you so much guys!" Mitch says smiling at the gifts his best friends bought him and Scott. "This means a lot to the both of us. These gifts are amazing! Thank you!" Scott says. Mitch and Scott received gift cards to go to Babies R US, Starbucks and Chipotle.

"You're welcome guys! We figured we would treat you guys! You two definitely deserve it!" Esther says as she smiles at Mitch and Scott. Mitch takes a few pictures of the band with Liam. After the band left, Mitch and Scott enjoy their alone time with Liam! :)

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