Hudson Gets Stitches!

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**This one shot is before Isabella was born. Hope you enjoy! ~Bree💫**

Mitch is cleaning up Sophia's face off, Scott is folding clothes, while the boys play outside. Liam runs in the house. "Daddy! Papa! Hudson is hurt!" Liam says, peeking his head in.

Scott runs outside while Mitch places Sophia on the floor to play. "Liam, can you stay with Sophia, please?" Mitch asks Liam. Liam nods as he walks over to the living room to play with Sophia. Hudson fell off his bike and his head is bleeding.

"Papa! Papa!" Hudson cries loudly. "It's okay Huddy, it's okay. Mitchy, get me a towel." Scott says as he tries to calms Hudson down. Mitch runs back out with a towel in his hand. "Thank you Mitchy." Scott says as he applies pressure to Hudson's wound. "What happened baby boy?" Mitch says to Hudson. "I fell off my bike!" Hudson says sniffling.

"What did Papa and I tell you about wearing a helmet?" Mitch says as he looks Hudson's cut. "To wear it." Hudson says with tears going down his cheeks. "Don't cry, baby. It's okay. I think we need to take them to get stitches babe." Scott says looking at Mitch. "Okay, I'll get Sophia and Liam ready, so we can go." Mitch says heading in the house.

Mitch gets Sophia and Liam ready to go to the hospital. Scott carries Hudson to the car and they all head to the hospital. Mitch is a emotional wreck but tries not to show it, so Hudson, Liam and Sophia wouldn't get scared. Mitch hates it when his kids get hurt, but he knows it happens.

At the hospital, Hudson is sitting on Scott's lap. Liam and Sophia are watching a movie on the iPad on the floor. "Are you okay, Mitchy?" Scott whispers. "Yeah I'm just a nervous wreck." Mitch says as he squeezes Scott's hand.

"Baby, it's okay. Hudson is just fine. I'll hold him when he gets his stitches, okay? I don't want you all upset." Scott says kissing Mitch's cheek. "Liam and Huddy are being good boys! Sophia is being a good girl!" Mitch says smiling at the kids. The doctor walks in with everything he needs to begin closing Hudson's open cut on his head.

"Hi! You must be Hudson! I'm Dr. Miller! I am going to fix your boo boo on your head. May I take a look?" Dr. Miller says. Hudson nods and let's Dr. Miller look at his cut. "He only needs about five stitches! He does not have a concussion, which is a wonderful thing." Dr. Miller says to Scott and Mitch. "Dr, Miller is going to fix your boo boo okay?" Mitch says to Hudson and Hudson nods with a frown on his face. Dr. Miller begins to numb Hudson's cut and Hudson begins to cry. "It's okay Huddy." Scott says softly.

"Okay Hudson, I want you to stay nice and still for me okay?" Dr. Miller says to Hudson. "Daddy! Papa!" Hudson says as tears stain his cheeks. "We are right here, baby." Mitch says holding Hudson's hand. "I'm here Huddy. You are doing a great job!" Scott says as he rubs Hudson's leg. Dr. Miller begins to sew up Hudson's cut. Scott begins to quietly sing "Light In The Hallway" to Hudson. Hudson slowly stops crying.

After a few minutes, Dr. Miller finishes up the last stitch. "All done Mr. Hudson! Awesome job! Mr. Hoying and Mr. Grassi-Hoying, the stiches will dissolve in about a week. Also, I would like for Hudson to see his primary care doctor to make sure the cut is healing nicely." Dr. Miller says taking his gloves off. Mitch and Scott thank Dr. Miller. Dr. Miller writes Hudson a prescription for an antibiotic ointment to put on the cut, so it does not get infected.

"Good job Hudson! I am so proud of you!" Mitch says kissing Hudson's cheek. Hudson tries to touch his cut. "Don't touch it baby." Mitch says softly. "Li Li, Huddy, Sophie would you like to get a milkshake? You guys did great today!" Scott asks the kids. Liam and Hudson happily nod, while Sophia yawns. Mitch picks up a sleepy Sophia while Scott picks up Hudson. Liam carries the iPad as he follows Mitch and Scott to the car.

"Huddy, you can't see your stitches!" Liam tells Hudson as they buckle up. Mitch finishes buckling up a sleeping Sophia in her car seat. Scott finds Sophia's blanket. "Mitchy, here's her blanket." Scott says. Mitch smiles.
"Thank you baby." Mitch says whispering as he covers Sophia up, and kissing her cheek. Mitch and Scott get in the car and Scott begins to drive to the milkshake place.

"Huddy, Li Li, what kind of milkshakes do you guys want?" Scott asks the boys. "I want a strawberry one Papa!" Liam says smiling. "I want a vanilla one Papa!" Hudson says. "Mitchy, do you want anything?" Scott asks. "I want a sweet tea, love. Thank you!" Mitch says smiling and kisses Scott. Scott heads in to get the drinks while Mitch stays with the kids in the car.

"Daddy." Hudson says calling for Mitch. "Yes love?" Mitch says. "Are the stitches going to hurt?" Hudson asks. "They might bud, but if they do, tell me or Papa and we can give you medicine." Mitch says. "Daddy." Liam says calling for Mitch. "What's up sugarplum?" Mitch says. "I wanna go to the waterpark tomorrow!" Liam says. "We have to see how Huddy feels buddy. Okay?" Mitch says. "Okay Daddy!" Liam says smiling.

Scott comes back with the drinks in a carrier. "Thank you babe!" Mitch says. "Thank you Papa!" Liam and Hudson say. "You're welcome! Here are some napkins Liam." Scott says as he hands Liam napkins. Scott begins to drive home. "Are the milkshake good?" Mitch asks Liam and Hudson. They both nod. Mitch and Scott smile at each other.

After a week, Hudson stitches dissolved and he was back to himself! :)

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