Scary Hospital Trip

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*Sawyer wants to come early! Oh no! This was mentioned on the oneshot "Instagram Captions 5!" I hope you guys enjoy! Love you guys! • Bree 💖

Mitch has been feeling intense contractions for about an hour. He is only thirty three weeks pregnant. Mitch heads downstairs to tell Scott about the contractions he has been having.

"Scott.." Mitch says softly.

"Hm? What's wrong, babe?" Scott says as he walks over to Mitch.

"I have been having contractions for the past hour and I'm starting to get worried." Mitch says as he rubs his baby bump.

"Do you think we should go to the hospital to get you checked out?" Scott asks and Mitch nods.

"It's just worrying me because I'm only thirty three weeks. It's too early for Sawyer to be born." Mitch says as he breathes through another contraction.

"Let me call Genevieve to watch the kids for us. Just sit and relax, babe." Scott says as he kisses Mitch.

Scott walks into the kitchen and calls Genevieve.

"She's coming in thirty minutes. Just breathe, babe." Scott says as he rubs Mitch's back.

Once Genevieve arrives to watch the kids, Mitch and Scott head to the hospital. Fifteen minutes later, Mitch and Scott make it to the hospital.

Mitch is in a hospital gown and is in the bed, all hooked up to monitors. Mitch is in preterm labor, meaning his body is in labor earlier then it should be.

Mitch has an IV in his arm to give him fluids. Mitch's blood pressure is good and so is Sawyer. Sawyer is kicking a lot and moving around. Mitch begins to cry.

"Don't cry, Mitchy. Everything is okay. You need to try and relax." Scott says tenderly.

Mitch tries to relax in the bed, as Sawyer kicks.

"He is kicking a lot." Mitch says smiling at Scott.

"Aw, good. See, he is doing just fine, baby. We just need your body to stop having contractions, so he can stay in there for a few more weeks." Scott says as he sits in the chair next to Mitch's bed.

"Scott, go home and be with the kids, Genevieve has to leave in a few hours to go to work. I'll be fine." Mitch says as he checks his Twitter on his iPhone.

"Mitchy, I'm not going to leave you here all by yourself. I want to stay with you. I just texted Nicole and she can stay the night if needed." Scott says as he gently kisses Mitch's hand.

The nurse walks in to check on Mitch and baby Sawyer.

"Your little one wants to come early! We will do everything we can to stop these contractions so we won't have to deliver. Is this the first time you have had preterm labor Mr. Grassi-Hoying?" The nurse asks and Mitch nods.

"Is this your first child?" The nurse asks Mitch.

"No, this is our fifth child." Mitch say as he smiles at Scott.

"Congratulations! I have four littles ones myself. How old are the other children?" The nurse asks as she puts a new bag of fluids on Mitch's IV pole.

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