Park Day

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**Another park oneshot! Hope you enjoy!~Bree 🤘🏻**

Scott puts Isabella into her car seat, making sure she is comfortable. "There you go baby girl." Scott says as he kisses Isabella and covers her up with her pale gray blanket. This is the very first family outing since Isabella was born almost three weeks ago. Hudson and Liam run out to the car and get in their seats. Mitch walks out holding Sophia's hand.

"You ready to go guys?" Mitch asks the kids. Liam and Hudson say "Yeah!" as they buckle themselves in. Scott buckles Sophia in, while Mitch checks Isabella before getting into the passenger seat. Scott gets in the front seat and buckles himself in. "You have everything we need, babe?" Scott says as he holds Mitch's hand. "Yes we do baby." Mitch says with a smile. Scott begins the ten minute drive to the park.

"Daddy!" Liam calls for Mitch. "Yes love?" Mitch says as he looks at Liam. "When is Uncle Alex and Uncle Jake's wedding?" Liam asks Mitch. "September 15th, in a few weeks!" Mitch says smiling. Liam and Hudson are going to be ring bearers in the wedding. "Remember Daddy and I are in the wedding too!" Scott says as he smiles at Mitch. Mitch and Scott are groomsmen. Mitch is one for Jake and Scott is one for Alex. "Daddy! Issy needs a pretty dress too!" Hudson says. Mitch and Scott giggle at eachother. "She will have one soon sweety! I don't want to buy one and then it won't fit." Mitch says as he checks on Isabella, who is still asleep.

After ten minutes, the Grassi-Hoying family is at the park. Liam and Hudson unbuckle themselves out of their car seats and get out of the car. "Hudson and Liam! Stay near the car please." Mitch says. Hudson and Liam nod and they stand next to Mitch.

Mitch is trying to figure out the new baby wrap that Esther bought for them for Isabella. "Scott, can you help me, please?" Mitch says as he gets frustrated. "Sure baby. Sophia, stay right next to me, okay?" Scott says. "Okay Papa!" Sophia says cheerfully. Scott figures out the wrap and puts in on Mitch.

"Can you hand me Isabella?" Mitch asks. Scott nods and he carefully unbuckles the sleepy newborn and places her in the wrap. Mitch adjusts her and kisses her forehead. "There you go baby girl. All nice and comfy." Mitch says softy to Isabella.

Scott holds Sophia's hand, while Liam and Hudson walk next to him and Mitch. "You guys can go ahead and play." Mitch says with a grin. Liam and Hudson run to the playground and begin to climb it. "You feel okay, Mitchy?" Scott asks Mitch softly. Mitch nods at Scott as he smiles.

"Sophia, would you like to play?" Scott asks Sophia and Sophia shrugs her shoulder. "Aw, I think she is scared, Scott. Sophie, it's okay sweet girl!" Mitch says to Sophia. Sophia walks over to Mitch and kisses Mitch. "I love you princess." Mitch says as he fixes Sophia's hair bow.

Scott helps Sophia walk on the playground. Sophia walks over to the slide. "Sit on your butt Sophia." Scott says to Sophia. Mitch walks over to the playground to take pictures. Sophia goes down the slide smiling. "Weee!" Sophia says as she giggles loudly. "Was that fun, baby girl?" Mitch asks and Sophia happily nods.

Liam is on the swing set, swinging high and Hudson is climbing on the jungle gym. "Daddy! Look, I'm swinging high!" Liam says loudly. "You sure are! Don't go too high now bud!" Mitch says as he checks Isabella in her carrier and she is still asleep.

Hudson falls off the jungle gym and runs over to Mitch crying. "What happened Huddy?" Mitch asks Hudson tenderly. "I fell down Daddy!" Hudson says as he cries loudly. Mitch kisses Hudson's knee to help make Hudson feel better. "It's okay baby boy. Does it hurt to move it?" Mitch asks and Hudson nods no. "You have to be careful on the jungle gym. You are okay Huddy, how about you sit with me for a while?" Mitch says and Hudson agrees. Scott puts Sophia on the swing and pushes her. Liam jumps off his swing. "Liam! Don't do that, you are going to get hurt bud!" Scott says sternly to Liam.

Sophia giggles as Scott pushes her on the swing. "Huddy, would you like me to push you on the swing?" Mitch asks. Hudson nods, running over to the swing set. Mitch begins to push Hudson on the swing. "Hold on tight Huddy!" Scott says to Hudson. Liam swings on his stomach and giggles. "Weee!" Hudson says.

Liam tries to do cartwheels. "You wanna do gymnastics, Li Li?" Scott asks. Liam shrugs his shoulder. Liam loves soccer, but has always liked watching gymnastics in tv. Scott kisses Isabella's head gently. "She looks comfy in there!" Scott says to Mitch. "She totally is, she loves it." Mitch says as he smiles at Scott. Hudson and Liam went on the monkey bars again. Scott picks up Sophia and rubs her back. "Are you sleepy, Sophie?" Mitch asks. Sophia nods. "Papa, wuv you. Daddy wuv you." Sophia says as she yawns again. "Aw, I love you too Sophia." Mitch says. "I love you too, baby girl!" Scott says.

"Daddy I'm hungry!" Hudson says. "Me too!" Liam says. "Okay, let's wipe our hands off, and then we can go get something to eat. Sophie is getting sleepy." Mitch says as he begins to wipe the boys hands off with baby wipes. Scott rubs Sophia's back as she drifts off to sleep in his arms.

Park day was successful :)

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