Liam's First Girlfriend

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**Heres another short cute oneshot! Liam is 5, and Hudson is 2. Hope you enjoy! ~Bree💜

Liam gets off the school bus with his friend, Willow. Willow and Liam are in the same kindergarten class and hang out a lot! They are best friends! Liam and Willow walk in the door, greeted by Mitch.

"Hello Liam! Hi Willow! Are you guys hungry?" Mitch asks the kids. "Hi! Not right now Mr. Mitch, thank you for asking!" Willow says. "No thank you, Daddy!" Liam says as he sits with  Willow sit at the table and begin their homework. Hudson walks to the table, where Liam and Willow are. "Hi Huddy!" Liam says to his little brother. "Hi Huddy!" Willow says with a smile. Hudson smiles and runs into the living room to play with his toys.

After finishing their homework, Willow and Liam play with Liam's doll house together while Hudson plays with his blocks. Scott comes in after running  few errands. "Hey baby." Mitch says as he hugs Scott. They kiss. "How are you Mitchy?" Scott says as he fixes Mitch's hair. "I have been fine, just cleaning the house. Hudson just woke up from his nap twenty minutes ago, and Liam has his friend over.

"Which friend?" Scott asks as he washes his hands in the kitchen sink. "His friend Willow." Mitch says smiling. "Oh, Liam's girlfriend." Scott says laughing hard. "Scott! Liam says they are just friends, stop it! They can hear you!" Mitch whispers and playfully smacks Scott. "Mitchy, relax baby! He's five, he doesn't understand what that means yet." Scott playfully smacks Mitch back. "Willow seems like a sweet little girl, her parents are very nice too. I met them on their field trip last month." Mitch says as he grabs a drink from the refrigerator.

Liam walks in the kitchen and grabs two cups. He makes chocolate milk for himself and Willow. "Hi Papa!" Liam says hugging Scott. "Hey Liam, how was school today?" Scott asks. "Good!" Liam says with a smile. Liam heads back in the living room and hands Willow her cup. "Thank you Liam!" Willow says kissing Liam's cheek. "You're welcome Willow!" Liam says as he kisses Willow's cheek. They giggle and continue to play with the doll house.

Mitch couldn't believe his eyes. His five year old kissed a girl's cheek! "Scott! He just kissed her cheek!" Mitch says in a whisper. "Mitchy, he sees us kiss each other's cheeks all the time. It's no big deal!" Scott laughs at Mitch, who is flipping out.

Mitch can't believe Liam has his first little girlfriend. :)

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