Tweets #2

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*You guys like the first one of these I did! Send suggestions for my new Scomiche oneshot book! Love you guys • Bree

These tweets will be from Sophia's birth to Isabella's birth 😊

- These are going to be from Mitch's account 💚 They are in no typical order!

• Liam and Hudson want to go get their toes done. Like how adorable? 💅🏻

• I still can't believe that @scotthoying and I are having a baby girl in a few months! 💞

• I can't see my feet anymore! At least I have an amazing hubby that will rub them for me 😚

• I had a meltdown after dropping off Liam at kindergarten today. He is growing up so much 😭

• Liam loves telling his classmates that @scotthoying and I are singers. 🎤🎤

• At the hospital waiting to meet or baby girl! Scott has been making all of us laugh. 😂

• @scotthoying and I's princess is here 👶🏼💖💋

• Sophia is such a beautiful baby girl. @scotthoying are truly blessed. 💞

• Liam and Hudson just met Sophia, and they absolutely love her! 😍👦🏻👦🏼👶🏼

• It's so quiet in my house, everybody is asleep, except me 💤

• Liam and Hudson keep showing Sophia their Christmas presents and she keeps falling asleep 😂

• I have been so broke out this pregnancy! 😖

• Scott is so excited to have another baby girl 🎀

• Scott gives the best back rubs ever ☺️

• Sophia doesn't understand why my belly is moving and she is terrified. 😂 #FutureBigSis #SheDoesntGetIt

• Isabella has been kicking my ribs ALL DAY! She must hate me 😒😫

• I have been having contractions for a few hours and my back hurts. #IThinkItsTime

• Scott and I are at the hospital and Miss Isabella Hope is coming 😇

Happy birthday Isabella, I love you so much baby girl 💖👶🏻

• Isabella has a HEAD FULL of brown hair! Now all that heart burn makes sense! ❤️🔥

• Isabella had a poop explosion and it's all over @scotthoying 😂👏🏻💩

Scott has spoiled me for my birthday! I'm such a lucky man. 😭

Sophia has been potty training for two weeks! We are so proud of her! 😇

Scott is so cute when he sleeps 😌💤

August 4th is the day I married the man of my dreams. I love you so much, @scotthoying ❤️

- These are going to be from Scott's account 💙 They are in no typical order!

• Mitch is using his belly as a food holder 😂

• Hudson keeps wanting to cuddle with me and it's so cute 💋

• I may or may not have cried when Liam went into his classroom #HesInKindergarten 😭

• Liam and Hudson can't wait for Sophia to be here! 👬

• Sophia is such a gorgeous baby girl! 😭

• Mitch high on pain medicine is the funniest thing I have seen! 😂

• Hudson doesn't feel well 🙁

• Sophia loves to sleep, and so does Mitchy ☺️

• I love to spoil my Mitchy, he deserves it ❤️

• I love holding Mitch in my arms. He is so perfect I love him. ☺️

• Mitchy hasn't been feeling well tonight. 😞

• Mitch has been having a lot contractions 😳

• I think it's time to go to the hospital, Mitch's water broke. 😁

• We are at he hospital! Isabella will be here soon! 💖

• Isabella Hope is here! #HappyBirthdayIsabella 👶🏻

• Isabella has so much hair! No wonder Mitch had SO much heartburn 👶🏻🔥

• Isabella looks a lot like my Mama 😍

• Sophia keeps giving Isabella kisses! She is doing really well! #ProudBigSis 🎀

• I spoiled Mitch for his birthday and I love doing it 😗

• Sophia keeps wanting Isabella to play with her. It's so cute 😭

Isabella and Mitch's birthdays are a day apart, like how cute?

• Liam just changed a diaper! (With the help of Daddy) He is going to be such a great dad when he's older! 👍🏻

• Isabella smiled at me today and I started to cry. #SheIsSoCute

• Sophia is finally learning how to share her toys! 😂

• I'm so happy to have @mitchgrassi as my husband. Happy anniversary babe, I love you so much❣

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