Flying To Texas!

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*The Grassi-Hoying's are flying to Texas to see their families! Send suggestions!  Thank you so much for 37K reads!! Means so much to me! Love you guys! ~Bree🍥

It is 6:30 at the Grassi-Hoying household! The family is getting ready to fly to Texas for a two week stay to see Mitch and Scott's parents during Spring Break Vacation.

"It's too early!" Liam says as he pouts his lower lip.

"I know it is, buddy. You can take a nap on the plane ride, okay?" Mitch says and Liam nods.

Hudson eats his cereal and Sophia eats her oatmeal. Scott comes down with Isabella in his arms.

"Liam, Hudson, you guys can wear comfy clothes, okay?" Scott says and the boys put their dishes in the dishwasher.

"Soph, let me change your clothes, baby." Mitch says as Sophia hands her bowl to Scott snd runs to Mitch.

"Thank you, Soph!" Scott says with a grin at Sophia.

Mitch helps Sophia put on her leggings and Frozen t-shirt. Liam and Hudson walk down the steps with sweatpants on and comfy t-shirts. Scott begins to take the suitcases to the car and puts them in the trunk.

Mitch and Scott buckle in Isabella and Sophia into their car seats.

"Are you guys excited to see your grandparents?" Scott asks the boys.

"Yeah!" Hudson says.

"Who am I sitting with Papa?" Liam asks Scott.

"Daddy is going to sit with the girls, and I am going to sit with you and Huddy. But Daddy has an extra seat next to him too." Scott says buckling himself in.

Mitch opens Snapchat and films a video.

"Who's excited to fly on an airplane?" Mitch asks.

"Me!" Sophia, Hudson, and Liam say in unison.

Mitch posts it and holds Scott's hand for the twenty minute drive to the airport.

After checking in and going through security, Mitch, Scott and the kids find their seats on the plane. Since they have small children, they are allowed to go on the plane first.

"Daddy! I want to sit with you!" Sophia says.

"Okay, baby. You can sit with me. Issy is going to sit on my lap, okay? Sophia, do you want to sit near the window?" Mitch asks and Sophia shakes her head no.

Mitch buckles in Sophia in the middle seat.

"Hudson, would you like to sit by the window?" Mitch asks and Hudson happily nods.

"Do any of you need to potty? Let's go now while nobody is on the plane." Scott asks the older ones. Hudson and Liam both nod.

"Soph, you don't need to potty? You should atleast try, okay?" Mitch says unbuckling Sophia out of her seat.

Scott takes all the kids to the bathroom and walks them back to their seats after they are done.

Mitch rebuckles Sophia and buckles Hudson in their seats.

LI don't wanna wear it!" Hudson says.

"You have to when the plane is taking off, it's for safety." Mitch says as he kisses Hudson.

Liam sits near the window and Scott sits on the end.

"Are you okay, babe?" Mitch asks and Scott nods.

Scott actually has leg room to stretch out, which is a rarity.

"Mitchy, whenever you are tired of holding Isabella just let me know. I can hold her for a while." Scott says and Mitch nods.

After thirty minutes, the plane begins to take off.

"Woah! Look how high we are going Papa!" Liam says smiling big as he looks out the window.

"I know! Isn't that cool? Huddy look out the window!" Scott says smiling.

"Yeah! The clouds look so soft like cotton balls!" Hudson says.

Mitch takes pictures of the kids to look back on in the future.

During the plane ride, Mitch plays on his iPad and Sophia snuggles next to him, quickly falling asleep.

Isabella is also asleep in his arms. Scott looks over and smiles at Mitch. Liam is playing a game on his tablet while Hudson is watching a movie on his.

Mitch hands Isabella to Scott and he relaxes more in his seat. Liam and Hudson soon fall asleep. As the plane lands, Mitch and Scott begin to wake the kids up.

"Liam, we are here buddy." Scott says and Liam yawns.

"Hudson, it is time to wake up sweety." Mitch says rubbing his back.

"Soph, it is time to wake up." Mitch says.

After a few minutes, they walk off the plane.

"Stay over here with us, Liam. Hudson, over here." Scott says.

"I'm hungry." Sophia says.

"Okay baby, we need to get our suitcases then we can get something to eat." Mitch says.

"Nana and Mom Mom are coming to pick us up soon!" Mitch says with a big smile.

After eating, Nana and Mom Mom picked them up from the airport! :)

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