Sophia's 2nd Birthday!

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Mitch and Scott's first princess is turning two! Hope you guys enjoy! ❤️ love you guys! ~Bree

Scott just finished making breakfast, pancakes and a fruit salad. Mitch is feeding Isabella a bottle. "I'm going to wake the birthday girl up!" Scott says smiling at Mitch. Mitch smiles back, kissing Scott as he feeds Isabella.

Scott walks upstairs into Sophia's room, she is still peacefully sleeping. Scott begins to wake Sophia up. Sophia covers her face with her blanket. "Wake up, baby girl. It's your birthday!" Scott says smiling at a grumpy Sophia. She isn't a morning person. "Good morning, sleepy head." Scott says picking up Sophia and kissing her forehead. "Papa." Sophia says. "Hey princess. Let's go potty." Scott says taking Sophia to the bathroom, then takes her downstairs.

"There's the birthday girl! Mitch says smiling big at Sophia. Scott puts Sophia in her booster seat. "Look! Papa made your favorite!" Mitch says handing Sophia a plate of small cuts of pancakes with her favorite fruit, strawberries. "Fank you, Papa!" Sophia says. "You are very welcome! Happy birthday!" Scott says kissing Sophia's cheek.

Mitch and Scott's family was unable to fly in due to horrible weather in Texas. But, they managed to mail Sophia's gifts before hand and FaceTime for her birthday. Mitch and Scott's parents bought Sophia clothes, hair bows, dress up clothes, kids makeup and gift cards. "Wasn't that nice, Sophie? Mom Mom, Nana, Grampy and Poppy love you!" Mitch asks and Sophia nods. "When are they coming, Daddy?" Hudson asks. "During Christmas break, love. Are you excited?" Mitch asks. Both Hudson and Liam nod as they go upstairs to get dressed.

Scott comes down with Isabella dressed. She has a purple bow in her light brown hair, a purple polka dot shirt with black leggings.  "Let's get dressed, birthday girl!" Mitch says picking up Sophia. Hudson is wearing a green and black striped shirt with khakis and his glasses. Liam a floral shirt with black skinny jeans and a beanie.

Mitch begins to braid Sophia's hair. "Good girl Sophie, thank you for staying still." Mitch says. Sophia is wearing a custom shirt that Mitch bought for her. It has a cupcake on it with her name and the number two on it. Also she has sparkly leggings on. "Look how pretty you look! Beautiful princess!" Scott says smiling with Isabella in his arms. Mitch kisses Sophia. "I love you, sweet girl!" Mitch says as he hugs Sophia.

Scott begins letting all their friends in along with their kids. Scott talks to parents while keeping Isabella happy. The boys play with their friends who came. "Look how precious you look!" Jake says kissing Sophia. "I can't believe she is two!" Alex says smiling at Sophia. "I know! she is growing up fast! She is just about potty trained." Mitch says looking at Sophia fixing her hair bow.

"Happy birthday, Sophie!" Esther says tickling her. Mitch feeds Isabella and takes her upstairs to nap. "She is so pretty! Look at those eyelashes!" Kirstie says as Sophia hugs her. "I know, she has Mitch's eyes doesn't she?" Scott asks and Kristie agrees. "Sophie you don't have to be shy, baby. It's okay." Mitch says rubbing Sophia's back. "She talks so much, and it's so clear. She's just shy around a lot of people." Scott says.

Avi brings in the birthday cake that his fiancée Kate made just for her. It's Frozen and My Little Pony combined. It says Happy Second Birthday Sophia and it is cookies and cream. "Wow, Sophie! Look at your cake, love bug!" Scott says picking up Sophia. Sophia's smile is from ear to ear as she looks at her birthday cake "Aw! It's so perfect, Kate! Thank you so much!" Mitch says hugging Kate.

"You're welcome, Mitch!" Kate says with a smile. "What do you say, Sophie?" Scott asks Sophia. "Fank you Aunt Kate and Uncle Avi." Sophia says softly. "Aw, you're welcome sweet girl. Happy birthday!" Kate says smiling at Sophia.

"You're welcome, Sophia." Avi says as he bends down to Sophia's level. Sophia hugs him. "I told you Uncle Avi wasn't scary, baby girl." Mitch says giggling. "She isn't terrified of Avi! Oh my goodness, it's a miracle!" Esther says as she laughs hard and most of the band does too. "Am I scary?" Avi asks Sophia and she nods no.

Esther holds Isabella, as Mitch and Scott help Sophia open her gifts. Hudson and Liam help, by cleaning the wrapping paper off of the floor. Sophia received baby dolls, Playdoh, gift cards, clothes, Frozen things and My Little Pony. Mitch and Scott bought her anything with her favorite Winnie the Pooh character on it, Piglet. Sophia holds her new blanket with Piglet all over it.

"Do you love your new blankey?" Scott asks and Sophia nods. "Fank you Daddy and Papa!" Sophia says. "You're welcome, princess!" Mitch says giving Sophia a bunch of kisses. Everybody sings happy birthday to Sophia. Scott and Mitch help Sophia blow her candle. Everybody begins to eat cake.

"I like this cake, Daddy!" Liam says. "Me too!" Hudson says. Scott feeds Isabella a piece of cake and she loves it. "Is it good, Sophie?" Mitch asks and Sophia nods. "Auntie Kate makes awesome cakes!" Hudson says. Liam nods in agreement. "Are you having a great birthday, baby girl?" Mitch ask Sophia and she nods. Mitch and Scott kiss her cheeks.

Sophia hugs her new baby doll that Alex and Jake bought her. "Let's tell everybody thank you for coming, baby girl." Scott says picking up Sophia and thanking all the guests for coming.

Sophia had a wonderful second birthday! :)

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