Getting A Manicure With Daddy

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**I was thinking of doing these for a while! Where either Mitch or Scott takes one of the kids out to do something fun! I'm not going to do Sophia because she is a small baby still. This one will be Mitch and Liam! Enjoy! ~ Bree 💋

Today is Liam's one on one time day with Mitch! Liam was really excited to spend time with just Daddy. Mitch puts some makeup on and gets dressed. "Scotty, if you need anything just call me, okay?" Mitch says to Scott. "I will baby. I'm sure Sophia will sleep the whole time you are gone. Hudson will be probably take a nap soon too." Scott says as he fixed Sophia's hair bow.

Mitch, Scott and Sophia come downstairs and Liam and Hudson are playing with their blocks. "Li Li, are you ready to go bud?" Mitch asks Liam. "Yes Daddy!" Liam says smiling. He runs up to Scott, giving him a hug and a kiss. "Have fun with Daddy, okay? Be a good boy. We will have our one on one time next week. Think of what you want to do. I love you, have fun!" Scott says to Liam smiling as he kisses his cheek. "Okay Papa! I love you too!" Liam says kissing Sophia's head, and walks over and hugs Hudson.

Hudson walks over to Mitch. "Hudson, be a good boy for Papa okay? I love you!" Mitch says kissing Hudson's cheek. "Wuv you too Daddy!" Mitch walks over to Scott and Sophia. "Love you baby girl." Mitch says kissing Sophia. Mitch kisses Scott twice. "I love you baby, call me if you need anything." Mitch says. "I love you too. Be careful." Scott says to Mitch.

Mitch and Liam head to the car and buckle up. "What do you want to do buddy? We can do anything you want to do." Mitch tells Liam as he buckles himself in. "I wanna get my nails painted Daddy! Just like you do!" Liam says with a giggle. Mitch and Scott always encouraged creativity to their kids, and they never let them not play or do something because it wasn't for "a boy" to do or "too girly"

"Okay bud! Then we can go out to lunch!" Mitch says as he begins to drive to the nail place. Liam and Mitch jam to the Frozen soundtrack during the fifteen minute drive there. Once there, Mitch helps Liam out of the car and they walk in. Liam smiles looking at all the different colors of nail polish as they walk in.

"Look at all the pretty colors bud! Which one would you like on your nails?" Mitch asks, smiling at Liam. "I like these two Daddy! Liam picked a bright neon pink and bright blue, Liam's two favorite colors. "They are very pretty buddy! Which one should Daddy do?" Mitch asks Liam. Liam looks at the colors carefully.

"I like the sparkly gold Daddy!" Liam says smiling. "That one was what I was going to pick!" Mitch says giggling. Mitch and Liam head to their seats, they sat next to each other. Liam giggles as the lady begins paints his nails. Mitch smiles at Liam who is having a blast. "You are a cutie pie! What's your name?" The nail lady asks Liam. "My name is Liam!" Liam says charmingly.

"That's a nice name! How old are you?" The lady asks. "I'm five!" Liam says happily. Mitch takes a picture of Liam getting his nails done and posts it on Instagram, with the caption: "Liam wanted to get his nails done 😍 #myhandsomeboy #hes5

After their nails dry, Liam and Mitch head to the car. "Look how pretty my nails look! I love them Daddy!" Liam says smiling. Mitch smiles back, kissing Liam's cheek. "Let's go to that pizza place you always want to go in!" Mitch says as he starts to car up. "Li Li, what do you want to listen to?" Mitch asks. "Pentatonix!" Liam smiles big. Mitch smiles knowing his son enjoys his and Scott's band. Mitch puts on their newest album.

Ten minutes later, Mitch and Liam arrive at the pizza shop. Mitch and Liam play checkers at the table. "You got me!" Mitch says giggling. "King me, Daddy!" Liam says smirking, looking identical to his Papa Scott. "You are so good at checkers just like Papa." Mitch says fixing Liam's hair. Liam and Mitch get a small cheese pizza to eat together. Liam and Mitch talk about girls at school, clothes and music.

"Aw, are you going to ask Willow to go to the school dance with you? Papa knows how to ask. He asked me when we were in school." Mitch says smiling. Mitch remembers when Scott asked him to prom and smiles. Liam nods. "Daddy, how old were you when you met Papa?" Liam asks. "I was ten while Papa was eleven. We were in the play Charlie in the Chocolate Factory. Papa and I have to take you and Huddy to see it." Mitch says wiping his mouth. Liam and Mitch finish their pizza and order milkshakes to go.

Mitch and Liam get in the car and head home. Liam sips on his milkshake. "Did you have fun Liam?" Mitch asks Liam. "I did Daddy! I love you!" Liam says. "I love you too buddy!" Mitch finds a song to listen to on his iPod. "Daddy! I wanna listen to Kelly!" Liam says loudly. Mitch giggles "Okay buddy! Kelly Clarkson it is!" Mitch says putting Kelly Clarkson on the radio.

Mitch and Liam get back home. Scott, Sophia and Hudson are all sleeping together on the couch. Scott wakes up after hearing the front door shut. "Hey." Scott says half asleep. "Hey sweety. Have Sophia and Hudson been good?" Mitch asks Scott, then kissing him. Scott nods. "Look Papa! My nails are pretty!" Liam says showing Scott his nails. "They look very pretty buddy!" Scott says smiling. Scott kisses Sophia's forehead. Mitch picks up Hudson putting him in lap and kissing him. Liam climbs in between Scott and Mitch.

"Let's all take a nap!" Liam says smiling. "That sounds like an awesome idea bud. Let's all go upstairs, instead of the couch." Scott says getting up. Mitch follows behind. They all head upstairs and laid down for a family nap.

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